Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) - Free Essay in Healthcare Policy

Published: 2022-02-24
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) - Free Essay in Healthcare Policy
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  United States Healthcare policy
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 649 words
6 min read

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) has a wide range of benefits to the American residents as far as its efficacy is concerned. The Act is entitled to provide Americans with the right to access quality, and affordable health care aimed at creating viable transformation in the health care system through containing the health care costs. Based on the aspect of quality, the PPACA has the drive to accomplish a quite fundamental transformation, especially that of health insurance in the U.S. via a well-shared responsibility. The Act is so efficient in such a way that the desired insurance market reforms shall ensure the elimination of various discriminatory practices (Findley, Wiener, Shen, Dwibedi, & Sambamoorthi, 2019). A relevant example regarding this is the pre-existing condition exclusion reforms. Accomplishing such changes with no expansion of medical coverage premiums implies that all of the Americans citizens and residents, ought to be a piece of the framework and must-have inclusion (Wu & Raghunathan, 2019). Assessment credits for people and families will guarantee that protection is reasonable for everybody. These three components are the fundamental connects to accomplish change.

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However, suitable the policy may seem to hold for the benefit of Americans, several critical areas of the Act would require various updates and improvements, for it sounds more effective and beneficial to the general public. The following Areas of the Act thus would deem more appropriate if well-updated to the current health care system policy:

Wipeout lifetime and outlandish yearly points of confinement on advantages

Prohibit rescissions of medical coverage approaches

Provide help for the individuals who are uninsured as a result of a prior condition

Require inclusion of preventive administrations and inoculations

Extend dependant inclusion up to the age of 26

Develop uniform inclusion records so customers can make one type to its logical counterpart examinations

when looking for medical coverage Cap insurance agency non-medicinal, managerial consumptions 2

Ensure shoppers approach a viable interests process and give the purchaser a spot to turn for help exploring the interests procedure and getting to their inclusion

Create a transitory re-protection program to help the integration for early retirees

Establish a web entrance to help Americans in recognizing inclusion alternatives

Facilitate authoritative disentanglement to bring down well-being framework costs.

The entire policy of PPACA would thus be a great advantage to the Americans, especially when Medicare becomes more concerned with the age limit. If the Age limit is taken a bit higher to the age of 26 years, the coverage would hence ensure that the jobless young people who have no financial power to cover themselves are covered under their parents. The amendment would, therefore, see most of the families perceive the policy as cost-friendly and of significant use to the entire family. Consequently, the system s going to have a high turn-up response also based on other attractive elements within the Act.

Precisely, this policy serves as a perfect landmark of the Americans' best health care Act that is determined to ensure that all the segmentation of America's population is well-taken care. The cover takes care of both the rich and the poor as its financial horizons are reasonable enough to let the poor afford, and the rich can access the same medical services they are used to at high costs, but now, at relatively lower prices. Averagely, the policy avails access to better healthcare to every American despite their financial status or geographical locations.


Findley, P. A., Wiener, R. C., Shen, C., Dwibedi, N., & Sambamoorthi, U. (2019). Health reform under the patient protection and Affordable Care Act: characteristics of exchange-based health insurance enrollees. Social Work in Health Care, 1-18.

Wu, T. Y., & Raghunathan, V. (2019). The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and Utilization of Preventive Health Care Services Among Asian Americans in Michigan during Pre-and Post-Affordable Care Act Implementation. Journal of community health, 1-9.

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Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) - Free Essay in Healthcare Policy. (2022, Feb 24). Retrieved from

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