Free Essay Describing the Content-Aware Search System

Published: 2022-11-04
Free Essay Describing the Content-Aware Search System
Type of paper:  Research paper
Categories:  Data analysis Research Information systems
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1582 words
14 min read

The Content-Aware Similarity Search is a project designed to investigate research issues in classification, management for the type of document, searching and clustering. The system uses efficient filtering and indexing features that are domain specific. The area of searching is conducted where there is an existing system done by the text entered. This is because the current system lacks semantic verification. The data, in this case, becomes more accurate thus making the searching to be useful when it comes to the semantic comparisons meant to be used during searching (Xiao & Wang, 2006 P. 308). The existing system, however, has disadvantages such as the lack of semantic search methods and the inefficiency of high quality similarity search. The purpose of this research paper is to describe the feature of the CASS system, and how it acts as a validation document in the University. This paper will also highlight the challenges faced in classification, clustering and the management for the rich text data types.

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The CASS is essential when it comes to retrieving fast information during searching. Usually, the system provides the users with two types of access.

  • The Admin (The professor)
  • The User (The Students)

The role of the Admins is to upload several documents that the system will correspond the metadata automatically. In this case, the Porter Stemming method is used during the metadata generation. Immediately the admin has accessed the system by entering the password and username; they then upload the files. The system then automatically generates the metadata that corresponds with time uploaded. The users, on the other hand, can search any data filled in their queries (Xiao & Wang, 2006 P. 314). The system then makes a comparison when requested by the stored metadata on the data to enable anyone to access the information. The first step is to create an account by giving proper logins that will be used for identification. When the user presses the search button, the optimal result discovery then finds answers. The system also provides the user with the option of downloading any file.

As a result, the system also can make a comparison of both the user's and admin's request with the metadata stored on the network to enable anyone to use the system. CASS also uses the front-end for the storage of files as well as corresponding to the Metadata. While it uses the Windows Operating System, it enables to Admin to have control of all documents (Xiao & Wang, 2006 P. 315). All they have to do is to log in and access the files. Automatically the system gives out responding metadata by uploading it. Mostly the results produced by the system uses several procedures such as SCAMA algorithm, thresholding, sorting, pruning, and Cosine similarity.

The User Interface

Usually, the CASS uses the local area network to allow any institution to use the system whenever the Internet is available. The user Interface requires to be well organized and neat to interact with the system. In the process, the Input design determines the type of input used for the specific project. The Input design also gives preferences as to whether the user will interact with the computer but through an efficient way. The appendix later attaches a sample of screenshots to allow the CASS to use various user Interfaces while inputting data or values to the systems (Thomas, 2015 p. 81). The majority of them are;

The Pub-login Aspx allows the admin and the user to access the login page which gives them the password and username for authentification. Once the system authenticates them, they are given the user search page preference that allows them to search their queries.

The Account-Creation.aspx which gives the user a registration page to sign up. During this time, users usually type the details of their passwords and name for the scheme (Thomas, 2015 p. 83).

The Adm-upload.aspx gives the Admin the permission of uploading files to the system

The User-Search.aspx; a page for the users to allow them to search their queries. The user also has the threshold which will enable them to download any information (Thomas, 2015 p. 85).

The output Design

To let the process of communication to the user more accessible, the output design has to be available. When the output design is active, the output performance and clarity will be improved. Due to specific reasons, a few Output User Interfaces are usually designed for CASS. For instance, the View_ files. Aspx allows the admin to delete or view the uploaded files (Gardner, 2010 p. 38). The admin can also see any file regarding the file name or date uploaded. The admin also has the permission to consider everyone that logged in the system. The use, on the other hand, has the option of observing the various stages as per what the users requested. They do this by providing a threshold which is valued by the system to deliver accurate information and remove those that are below the threshold value (Gardner, 2010 p. 48). The user also uses the Rescent_Search.aspx to view any activity that took place during searching.

The Database Design

In this process, the creation of the information domain is changed to the data structures which implement the software for information and data storage. During the process of analysis, the Role-based Process diagram is used to ensure the flow process is understood in each procedure. In the analysis process, and the maximum level in each section of the Role Based method, the data storages for the system is identified. After the identification procedure, the data storage enters the next process of making a proper identification of the proper entity derived for the data storage (Lightstone, Teorey, & Nadeau, 2007 p. 5). The result shows all the relationships between the objects.

The primary keys, total participation, powerful entities, and partial cardinality and participation are then identified in the ER diagram. Finally, the process converts the relationships and body to a corresponding table structure. Here tables can be generated for the ER based picture on the cardinality either on the participation and relation side of the related entities (Lightstone, Teorey, & Nadeau, 2007 p. 10). The idea of these steps is to normalize the table by eliminating the redundancy of the data. Most figures in the system, in this case, are usually in the third standard form. Therefore CASS ends up developing four tables.

The Implementation of the System

The standards of coding in CASS are usually the same as the mining project. It usually has several types of testing techniques applied in the system. In the design of the project, the Unit Testing is used in every single field by using various values that are known to accept each other to ensure that the values are stored in the server system. For this testing, the White Box Testing design makes it possible because of the generation of the modules of classes, the functions, and the subroutines (Xiao, 2007 p. 215). Such tests case under the statements of subroutines and services are usually executed with the aim of finding the errors. In this case, all the conditional loop and branching statements are tested and the errors corrected during the box testing procedure.

For the Black Box testing, the technique is used to test possible generated cases. The cases in this instance are applied for every sub-routines and functions of the class but under the input test cases (Xiao, 2007 p. 222). In CASS, a few errors are discovered after the test cases are compared with the results and errors corrected. During the integration Testing content, the low classes/components are applied and integrated into the test cases. Here the same test cases are used for the interface testing, which identifies the interface of the found errors and the object (Xiao, 2007 p. 229). The connection between the objects, in this case, is tested. Again, these errors are rectified during the testing procedures. The validation testing in each testing input is then validated whenever the field validator is required to ensure that it works appropriately if the values are efficient for the standard format. If not so, warning and error messages will be generated.


The CASS is a system designed to assist the system generators faster through the search systems through several categories. The system also compares the based data that needs matching on the similarities by searching the required large dataset instead of the exact search. As a result, the system allows the admin to upload any file without the generation of the metadata easily. The users, on the other hand, get a first-hand experience through indexing. As a result, there is a guarantee that the users can get better experiences to form the systems. In most cases, this product is used in organizations such as offices, universities, and any other department that has a domain which deals with the text-based-data to maintain the searching effectiveness and efficiency.


Gardner, A. (2010). Methodologies for designing User/Computer Interfaces (UCIs). Designing End-User Interfaces,37-50. doi:10.1016/b978-0-08-034120-0.50008-4

Lightstone, S., Teorey, T., & Nadeau, T. (2007). Introduction to physical database design. Physical Database Design, 1-13. doi:10.1016/b978-012369389-1/50001-2

Thomas, J. J. (2015). Computers for A User Interface Management System. User Interface Management Systems, 81-85. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-70041-5_9

Xiao, J. (2007). A Similarity-aware Web Content Caching Scheme and Agentbased Web Document Pre-fetching. E-Service Intelligence Studies in Computational Intelligence, 213-232. doi:10.1007/978-3-540-37017-8_9

Xiao, J., & Wang, J. (2006). A Similarity-Aware Multiagent-Based Web Content Management Scheme. Advances in Machine Learning and Cybernetics Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 305-314. doi:10.1007/11739685_32

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