Education Essay Example: Parental Involvement Improves Schools

Published: 2022-10-10
Education Essay Example: Parental Involvement Improves Schools
Type of paper:  Research proposal
Categories:  Learning Research School Parenting
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1209 words
11 min read

The stakeholders of education have for a long time neglected the effect of parents in the performance of schools. Majority of countries concentrate on the contribution of teachers and the education curriculum and the facilities when evaluating the progress and results of learning institutions. In the current era, numerous education policy makers have realized the significance f parents and as such, they are making attempts to focus on the parental engagement (Park & Holloway, 2017). There are governments that already recognize and embrace the importance of community, families, organizations and investors in the welfare and the value of education institutions.

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There is however the need to focus on specific elements of communities and their corresponding influence on schooling processes. The driving force for this proposal is to focus on the contributing factors of parents in improving learning organizations.

The research project will therefore attempt to investigate the following:

  1. The effects of the engagement of parents on young individuals' education
  2. The significance of parents in enhancing school reforms

Literature Review

Definition of Parental Involvement

There are various descriptions to develop an understanding of parental involvement in prose. The main perspective is that the terminology depicts the parent's characters with respect to the children's learning institution or learning that can help in revealing their obligation. The involvement has increased tremendously in majority of schools.

Past Studies on Parental Involvement

Law makers have a positive perception engaging parents in promoting reforms. A research utilized early childhood longitudinal; study dataset. The long term impact of the parent's involvement on the learners and the institutional rank revealed positive relationships (Park & Holloway, 2017). The There are researches that show less effects of the involvement on the achievement of the learners. Several studies suggest that there is a relationship between schools based parental involvement and the learners' accomplishment. The assessment of the parent's interaction with schools at different levels however raises doubts of the suitability of the results to other case studies of schools.

A study on the Indonesian parents and the involvement in the children's learning activities revealed certain correlation. There are parents who exercise communication and parenting at home than they participate in schools (Yulianti, Denessen, & Droop, 2018). Socioeconomic background determines the engagement level of parents. Parents who dwell in the urban homes show more commitment to schooling than the rural individuals. Communication however, has n significant effect on the achievement of students in some educational fields. Parental guidance at home has more effects on the progress of children than at school.

Some models propose that the involvement of parents takes different directions and as such depends on individual behaviors situational aspects and opportunities to teach (Mendez & Swick, 2018). The parent engagement is subject to circumstances and demographic properties such as age, educational chances and available resources.

Parent participation may also depend on which specific parent contributes towards the activities of a school. Majority of researches have made assumptions of the involvement of the whole family in schooling processes. A study however, reveals that there exists a strong positive correlation between the parent's engagement in learning activities of their children and he corresponding performances (Hill, 2015). The investigation further showed similar degrees of positive relationships between the results of activities in learning institutions with the engagement of either male or female parents.


The methodology for use in the study has been selected to facilitate the gathering of information and make conclusions about the engagement and functions of parents in schooling activities of the learning institution.


The significance of the study is to explore the effect of the parental involvement in the performance f schooling activities. The study results shall then generate recommendations for effective analysis and evaluation of the significance of parents in education of their infants.

Research Design

The investigation therefore, intends to take an exploratory direction. The study shall adopt the mixed method where the study will evaluate the parental involvement both at school and at home using questionnaire and interviews. The questionnaires shall facilitate in the collection f primary data on from the parents of the infants attending the school. Interviews will then be conducted with the schools administrators and teachers.

The mixed method will be effective in collecting information from the parents to discover their involvement in schooling programs using survey questionnaires. Quantitative methods would also be essential in collecting the data on the academic scores f the children and comparing the outcomes with the respective roles and levels of parental participation.

For this study, the closed-up ended questions would be appropriate to collect the answers which reduce the field of study due the use of fixed reply. The analysis of the data would also be simple since the method would allow for direct comparison of the answers. Considering that the survey involves parents, the differences in ages would not be an issue since survey has the advantage of working across all ages. The use of close ended questionnaire survey could lead to biasness and as such, affecting the authenticity of the results.

The use of interview survey would also promote the accuracy of the outcomes. Interviews are effective ways f communication since the study process shall have the opportunity to regulate and direct any deviations of the discussions back to the research objectives.

This study shall conduct a face t face interviews with the administrators to investigate the level of parental involvement and the performance of the learners in various fields corresponding to the parental engagement.

Setting and Demographic

The study will occur in a semi-urban high school class room in the Southern United States School. The institution has an enrollment number of 1612 learners. These numbers of learners shall also be a representation of the parents. Being a semi-urban setting, the students have mixture of socio-economic status.


This study shall use the data from questionnaires issued to parents and the records of students' performance in a certain test. The students shall have letters as identities to hide their real identity. The students shall also be in categories depending on their socio-economic backgrounds.

Data Collection

The research project shall be conducted from the third nine weeks of the 2016-2017 academic years. The execution shall happen during the ranking period. The observation and assessment of the students will occur during the semester period of six weeks.

Research Limitations

Acting as a teacher in this study may be challenging. The students are familiar with their instructors and as such, they may respond in a different manner t the way in which they would react to their real teachers. Such actions are likely to affect the consistency of the answers from the learners.


Hill, N. E. (2015). Including fathers in the picture: A meta-analysis of parental involvement and students' academic achievement. Journal of Educational Psychology, 107(4), 919.

Mendez, J. L., & Swick, D. C. (2018). Guilford Parent Academy: A Collaborative Effort to Engage Parents in Children's Education. Education and Treatment of Children, 41(2), 249-268.

Park, S., & Holloway, S. D. (2017). The effects of school-based parental involvement on academic achievement at the child and elementary school level: A longitudinal study. The Journal of Educational Research, 110(1), 1-16.

Yulianti, K., Denessen, E., & Droop, M. (2018). The effects of parental involvement on children's education: a study in elementary schools in Indonesia. International Journal About Parents in Education, 10, 14-32.

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Education Essay Example: Parental Involvement Improves Schools. (2022, Oct 10). Retrieved from

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