Paper Sample on Video Games

Published: 2023-12-12
Paper Sample on Video Games
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Video games Finance
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 591 words
5 min read


The first condition is when both movie tickets and video games produced have the same target market. This implies that they will be both depending on similar consumers and hence being in the same market. Another condition is where a standard supplier supplies both the movie tickets and the video games, thus creating impulse buying.

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The first condition is when both movie tickets and video games produced have the same target market. This implies that they will be both depending on similar consumers and hence being in the same market. Another condition is where standard supplier supplies both movie tickets and video games, thus creating impulse buying.


Movie ticket prices are independent of the movie because different movies have different demands in the market. There are movie production companies that market their movies before its release to the point that everyone is on a lookout when the film is going to be available in theatres (Rubin, 2019). Also, it has been theatres that sometimes charge movies at different prices to signal quality. Moviegoers have this notion that cheaply priced movies are not useful or interesting (Rubin, 2019). Lastly, movie ticket pricing may be based on the length of the movie.

When movie tickets are priced differently for different movies, it benefits or harms both theaters and society. The theatres can maximize their profits by charging much-awaited movies high and charging lower the other movies with moderate market demand (Barbradozier, 2010). Different movie tickets also give both high and lower-income groups in the society have their chance to enjoy movies in the theatre. When the movie tickets are overpriced, the customers may choose other entertainment ways to avoid being exploited, bringing losses to theatres (Barbradozier, 2010).


The differences between the two settings that made Non-monetized fan fiction to be a norm in North America and monetized fan fiction being a norm in Japan is that in North America, the Intellectual Property Law have no tolerance to using characters without the original creator's consent and thus making the monetized fanfiction impractical and thus the North Americans adopting the norm of non-monetized fan faction. In Japan, the situation is slightly different as the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) allows copyrighted characters without the original creator's consent, thus making the fanfiction movie production much more comfortable and hence a norm Japan (Thu, 2019).


Research by Amazon highlighted that fanfiction encounters many problems with Intellectual property law in North America. This is caused by the fact that; fanfiction production involves using copyrighted characters without the consent of the original creator (Amazon, 2019). This has complicated the process of publishing it. Similarly, making the necessary licensing agreements to produce the fanfiction and sell it at a profit has proved hectic and thus rendering the whole business in North America nearly impossible and impractical.


Freedman, M., & Maxwell Freedman (51 Articles Published) Sleepy literature student with a penchant for anime. Sometimes contributes to Comic Book Resources and other times to a growing m. (2020, May 24). Doujinshi: How Fan Fiction Became the Lifeblood of the Manga Industry.

Amazon finds a way to monetize fan fiction. Nieman Lab. (2019).

Barbradozier. (2010, March 9). Why a cinema charges three different prices for its customers.

Rubin, R. (2019, August 21). Why Dynamic Pricing for Movie Tickets Could Be a Tough Sell.

Thu, A. 3rd 2014 12:20 am —M. M. (2019). Japanese Anime And Manga Fans Worried About How TPP Will Kill Important Fan Fiction. Techdirt.

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