Paper Sample on Post COVID-19 Life

Published: 2024-01-01
Paper Sample on Post COVID-19 Life
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Covid 19
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 884 words
8 min read


I will be giving a post-COVID-19 life speech, discussing the pandemic's aftermath on the education system and work-life. In terms of education, I believe the pandemic exposed some deficiencies that have shut down schools and loss of hope for students, especially in the developing world. Sharma (2020) stated that the COVID-19 pandemic caused the closure of schools and th it deepened the already existing learning crisis as the world adopted remote education platforms. The work-life also experienced large changes such as the shift from traditional office places to home offices. Boland et al. (2020) reported that 62% of employed Americans worked from home due to the pandemic. With this speech, I intend to convince and persuade the audience that the pandemic is not the end of life. My proposal lies with the governments, especially those in developing countries, to mix virtual and traditional learning. Companies should consider working from the home concept, a new normal intertwined with the office culture's everyday work to provide a good work-life balance to the employees and increase productivity.

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It is not easy to convince people that a pandemic that claimed so many lives and crippled the economic world is survivable and that life will get back to normal, even excel. Considering this fact, I will employ the concept of ethos to support my propositions to the audience. Umeogu (2012) explained that in influencing an audience's beliefs and thoughts, ethos is crucial. It makes the speaker's credibility through his or her moral authority, knowledge, message comprehension, the intention of goodwill, and expertise (Umeogu, 2012). Suppose I were to stand before an audience to tell them that they can overcome the loss of their loved ones, a crippled economy, and the deteriorated hopeless future of their children's education. I would need more than just a proper dress code and confidence to convince them. Such an audience requires expert advice; hence if I were to appeal to them, I would need to showcase my expertise. I am a working student, and the pandemic hit me just as badly as every other student and working person. My studies became virtual overnight, and I could see the impact some of my classmates could not join because of the lack of internet or the right devices. I had to start working from home, and for the first time, I felt some relief being able to spend ample time with my family while completing my tasks. All I need is to show the audience that I am one with them and have seen endless possibilities of gaining back our lives.


Apart from showing my expertise, I need to sympathize with the audience so that they will know that I speak to them from the heart. I want my audience to feel that I understand their worries, and my speech intends to offer genuine solutions. Appealing to the emotions of an audience is critical in a persuasive speech. Higgins and Walker (2012) explained that imagery and metaphors, including photographic and artistic images, are useful in appealing to an audience. I would want the audience to see my policies come to life by envisioning a world where students can acquire education anywhere despite what is happening worldwide. The audience needs to feel that the only essentiality of a career is completing one's task, and it does not have to be in the office. There should be room for actual living amidst our jobs. For such envisionment, I would accompany my speech with a short film highlighting my propositions' reality.


My expertise and the short film would need one last thing to make my speech convincing. The audience needs to make sense of my speech, i.e., logic or reasoning. Lin (2019) explained that Logos allows an audience to make logical connections through evidence such as statistics. I will make my claims and suggestions using clear evidence from medical, economic, and education experts. The audience needs the reassurance of numbers and figures; hence, I will not hesitate to provide the statistics required.


In conclusion, making a speech of life after COVID-19 to encourage people that the education system and work-life can thrive despite the pandemic would require me to employ ethos, pathos, and logos strategies. I would use my situation, i.e., being a working student, as proof of expertise. I would also use evidence from the medical, education, and economic fields. A good persuasive tactic that appeals to the audience's emotions would be indulging a short film as part of my speech.


Boland, B., De Smet, A., Palter, R., & Sanghvi, A. (2020, June 8). Reimagining the office and work life after COVID-19. McKinsey & Company.

Higgins, C., & Wlaker, R. (2012). Ethos, logos, pathos: Strategies of persuasion in social/environmental reports. Accounting Forum, 36(3), 194-208.

Lin, W. (2019). Three modes of rhetorical persuasion. Sino-US English Teaching, 16(3),106-112.

Sharma, N. (2020, June 5). Torn safety nets: How COVID-19 has exposed huge inequalities in global education. World Economic Forum.

Umeogu, B. (2012). Source credibility: A philosophical analysis. Open Journal of Philosophy, 2(2), 112-115.

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