Paper Sample on Learning Needs: Sleep Hygiene

Published: 2023-12-25
Paper Sample on Learning Needs: Sleep Hygiene
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Learning Health and Social Care Human
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 871 words
8 min read


Sleeping hygiene can be described as the numerous factors and habits such as environmental factors and other practices that might influence the quality as well as the duration of an individual’s sleep. Therefore, sleep hygiene is anything that impacts the overall quality of an individual’s hygiene. A person who can get enough or ample sleep is therefore considered to be having good sleep hygiene, while an individual that experiences disrupted sleep patterns and in severe cases insomnia on the contrary can be termed as to have poor sleep hygiene. It is therefore essential to note that both children, adolescents, and adults can have poor sleep hygiene as well as good sleep hygiene. Both poor and good sleep hygiene can impact individual overall health status. For instance, an individual who experiences good sleep hygiene can have substantial positive impacts on their overall sleep cycle which occur in two phases throughout the night; which are the rapid eye movement and non-rapid eye movement.

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Identification of Learning Need

Conferring to the World Health Organisation (2020), adolescents state is categorized and a phrase of discovery, a shift towards an individual's self-reliance, increased opportunities, and pivotal decisions that impact a person's reminder of life. Adolescent typically begins with puberty, and this includes ages ten to age 24 and; therefore, the high school group fall under the middle adolescent classification (Centers for Disease Control and prevention, 2020). It is important to note that the tasks of adolescents remain relatively rigid (Najafi et al., 2018. They must similarly understand their sexuality as well as learn on skills and attain educational qualifications that prepare them for adulthood while at the same time finding solutions to issues that affect their values and believes. When an adolescent is therefore not able to understand all these factors and achieve the development issue, they can affect their sleep cycle and therefore this becomes a learning gap that ought to be addressed.

Through the review of healthy people 2020 articles, I was able to learn about this community health need (Healthy People 2020, 2020). According to healthy people, 2020 people with unhealthy sleep hygrines especially high school students are able is on the rise in the united states (Healthy People 2020, 2020). Additionally, approximately 25 percent of the general population in the united states experience poor sleep hygiene. According to further analysis in healthy people, 2020 at least 15 adults out of a possible 20 reported experiencing sleep deprivation once in a week.

Learning Goal

The learning goal developed based on the learning need is to develop and adopt a strategic plan and interventions that will solve the issue of poor sleep hygiene for college students in the selected community. Research has shown that there is an upsurge in the cases of students in high school that suffer from poor sleep hygiene and the majority is due to lack of knowledge and failure to meet a concession between being students, social life as well as dealing with changes experience in adolescence stage (Centers for Disease Control and prevention, 2020). The disturbance by lack of autonomy and concessions in the student like makes the lack of sleep (Medic et al., 2017). Additionally, at this age the student is experienced to long screen hours, use of mobile devices for social interactions and this makes them less than five or six hours and hence disrupting their daily tasks and activities (Medic et al., 2017).


Thus, a behavioral objective can be described as a learning outcome stated in measurable terms and it offers a learner a guide to a learner’s experience and therefore forms the bases for evaluation (Centers for Disease Control and prevention, 2020).

Therefore, quality sleep can have a positive impact on the rapid eye movement which is a state of deep sleep and it is characterized by increased brain activity. While on the contrary lack of sleep or sleep deprivation can have adverse effects on individual health such as anxiety, lack of concentration, depression, obesity, blood pressure, diabetes as well as heart diseases (Centers for Disease Control and prevention, 2020). However, it is essential to note that there are gaps that exist in understanding the various sleep patterns and effects that they have on an individual. For this assignment, the community needs that I have identified is the poor sleep hygiene among high school students who fall in the mid-section of adolescents.


Healthy People 2020. (2020). "Sleep Health." Healthy People Government. Healthypeople.

Centers for Disease Control and prevention (CDC). (2020, August 20). Overview and Methods for the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System - United States, 2019. CDC.

Centers for Disease Control and prevention (CDC). (2020, September 10). Sleep in Middle and High School Students. CDC.

Centers for Disease Control and prevention (CDC). (2016, July 15). CDC - Sleep Hygiene Tips - Sleep and Sleep Disorders. CDC.

Medic, G., Wille, M., & Hemels, M. (2017, May 19). Short- and long-term health consequences of sleep disruption. NCBI.

World Health Organisation. (2020, March). Adolescent health. WHO.

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