Paper Sample on Exploring Intelligence: IQ, Multiple Intelligences, and Emotional Intelligence in Learning

Published: 2023-12-04
Paper Sample on Exploring Intelligence: IQ, Multiple Intelligences, and Emotional Intelligence in Learning
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Sociology Intelligence Emotional intelligence
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 963 words
9 min read

Comparing and Contrasting Intelligence (IQ), Multiple Intelligence (MI), and Emotional Intelligence (EQ)

Multiple intelligences involve comprehending that people learn only by utilizing various types of intelligences. The diversity of characterizing individuals leads to a more sensible and practical approach to addressing unique learners, thus the use of multiple intelligences.

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The MI theory includes seven bits of intelligence that are quite distinct, which are linguistic intelligence (words), musical intelligence, and logical-mathematical intelligence (numbers or logic). Also, spatial intelligence (pictures), bodily-kinesthetic intelligence (physical experience), intrapersonal sense of self intelligence (self-reflection), and interpersonal intelligence, are also known as social intelligence (McFarlane, 2011). Linguistic intelligence is the sensitivity to written or spoken language, and the capacity to learn as well as use languages. Examples of people with such intelligence include lawyers, speakers, and writers (McFarlane, 2011).

Musical intelligence is the skill in composition, performance, and appreciation of melodic patterns. Logical-mathematical intelligence includes the ability to analyze problems logically, investigate issues scientifically, and be able to carry out mathematical operations. The potential to use patterns of vast spaces and recognize more confined areas is what describes spatial intelligence. Intrapersonal and interpersonal intelligence has to do with understanding the intentions, desires, and motives of others as well as those of oneself.

In contrast to this, emotional intelligence (EQ) only shows how well we handle ourselves in our relationships with others which are characterized by the domains of self-awareness, which is knowing what one is feeling and why. Self-management refers to the effective handling of distressing emotions, the empathy that means knowing what another person is feeling, and being able to merge all these in professional relationships (Think, 2012).

Intelligence occurs naturally to all of us, in that we can easily walk, recognize people around us, laugh, read a paper, make a phone call, count the change, watch a movie, use a computer, and play a game (Think, 2012). All these things done daily are not extraordinary to us. However, when compared to animals, like rats and ants, humans are considered highly intelligent. Intelligence is also described as a property of all human beings, how individuals carry out a task following their goals and the dimension in which human beings differ.

Sample MI Assessment

The assessment taken was accurate. My learning performance will be well supported mainly through kinesthetic, interpersonal, and linguistic bits of intelligence – which happen to be my strengths, according to (Armstrong, 2016). Interpersonal intelligence will help me benefit in interactions with other learners, and working in groups will not be a problem as I do well in communication with others.

As a kinesthetic learner, movement, and exercise in learning will help me grow through hands-on methods, manipulatives, and different projects used in a learning environment. Incorporating body movement into my study will also help me retain information better. Linguistic intelligence will help me make the most out of the written and verbal world. With roundtable discussions, classroom debates, and more sharing of ideas, I am open to opportunities to present in front of my peers.

These multiple intelligences in the workforce will enhance my self-esteem as I interact with other employees in the workplace. Also, the ability to concentrate and deliver at work will be high due to body movement intelligence. Linguistic intelligence will manifest in becoming accurate and efficient in professional literature daily. Besides, I will be able to produce clear summative report communication and writing with management, for colleagues, key clients, and staff (Armstrong, 2016).

Finally, interpersonal intelligence manifests in creating, working, and leading within teams. I will be able to exert leadership by example and provide inspiration as well as motivation to others. Responding accurately and understanding the needs of others at all organizational levels will also manifest.

A Sample EQ Assessment

The results of this assessment have a high probability of being real. The lessons learned about myself can support my learning performance, first, through communicating effectively. Without fear, I have learned that I should be able to communicate complex needs and feelings to my peers, friends, family, as well as critical clients (Potential, 2020). Managing stress is another way to support my learning performance. In identifying situations that generally create pressure and anxiety for me, it is likely for my learning performance to improve.

Knowing my level of emotional intelligence now might be seen manifest in my career in that, I will be able to navigate the social complexities found in the workplace. My relationships in the workplace are also likely to be healthier through effective communication, where expressing feelings will be thorough, and will find no problem in understanding those of others. There will be great conscientiousness in the tendency to be hardworking, diligent, and controlling impulses. I'll have the confidence in the ability to cope with the demands that come with the job. Social skills will assist me in avoiding office drama and petty office politics. In the workplace, empathy will manifest as it allows me to understand different dynamics between colleagues and supervisors. It allows me to see things from the other person's point of view and pay attention to how I respond to others (HelpGuide, 2013).


Big Think. (2012, April 23). Daniel Goleman Introduces Emotional Intelligence | Big Think [Video]. YouTube.

McFarlane, D.A. (2011). Multiple Intelligences: The Most Effective Platform for Global 21st Century Educational and Instructional Methodologies.

Armstrong, T. (2016, September 5). Multiple Intelligences for Adult Literacy and Education Assessment: Find your strengths.

lInstitute for Health and Human Potential. (2020). Test Your Emotional Intelligence with Our Free EQ Quiz.

HelpGuide. (2013). Improving Emotional Intelligence (EQ).

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Paper Sample on Exploring Intelligence: IQ, Multiple Intelligences, and Emotional Intelligence in Learning. (2023, Dec 04). Retrieved from

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