Paper on Unveiling Diabetes Education in Anguilla: A Comprehensive Analysis of Data Collection and Insights

Published: 2023-12-25
Paper on Unveiling Diabetes Education in Anguilla: A Comprehensive Analysis of Data Collection and Insights
Essay type:  Analytical essays
Categories:  Education Data analysis Diabetes
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 584 words
5 min read

How Information Was Identified and Extracted

Primary data, which included information on categories of Small Island of developing states and the statistics of the cost of diabetes in 2015, were read and re-read from the documents to identify information related to diabetes. On the other hand, secondary data, in the annual report from Anguilla's health authority, the health profile of Anguilla 2018 were recorded for analysis on the situation of diabetes in the state of Anguilla. Tertiary information was recorded from the classification of countries' income from the World Bank.

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Questionnaires Content

A questionnaire was prepared, having two sections, in which first, the respondent was required to choose either attending stakeholders' meetings or sharing the ideas by writing. Besides, the questionnaire focused on the critical concerns of diabetic patients and care providers. The questions were about the nature of diabetes education provided in different regions of Anguilla, diabetes education's strengths, and what to consider if we contact diabetes education on the island. Furthermore, the questions were simple, not ambiguous, to ensure the respondent understood without difficulties.

Questionnaire Distribution

The distribution of questionnaires was random to all organizations doing diabetic education in Anguilla. Moreover, the respondents were given two options either to attend stakeholder meetings or by writing. Besides, every questionnaire was delivered to the various organizations on time before the actual stakeholders' meeting.

Questionnaire Analysis

Questionnaires were received from the directors and the grid to collate the information provided in them. Transfer of data into the single grid, which is comprised of four sheets, is done. Since the questions are not straightforward, all the responses are read and grouped into meaningful categories. A simple coding system was designed to ease the analysis process. All the respondents' feedback, words, and common phrases that represent the theme of diabetes education in each response were labeled. Besides, the standard terms were skimmed and organized by the use of a hierarchical coding frame. After that recording, collate the grid. Calculations of averages and summations were entered to get the number of respondents to attend stakeholders' meetings and those for writing.

Moreover, the standard deviation for the ranked questions was determined from the grid (Ikart, 2019). Open items and responses were reviewed to categorize them into small categories. Moreover, the researcher made a list of respondents to attend the stakeholder's meeting, and those respondents who shared their ideas and gave their contacts were listed against their contacts. Afterward, they were called to share their views.

Content analysis of the responses was also organized to categorize and combine the results with behavioral implications for deeper insights. All adjective phrases used by respondents to describe their views in the questionnaire about diabetes education are recorded. Observation is made on how often each descriptive term is mentioned throughout the questionnaire by the different respondents. The results are represented alphabetically on a table with two columns. The first column indicates the name, and the second column is the number of times a word is mentioned. Summation of the number of times each term is said is done.

Further analysis is done by counting the exact words that participants used. Secondly, lumping those words into broader categories is done if they have the same meaning as a gist column. Besides, the sum is evaluated, and the value is analyzed further to conclude.


Ikart, E. M. (2019). Survey questionnaire survey pretesting method: An evaluation of survey questionnaire via expert reviews technique. Asian Journal of Social Science Studies, 4(2), 1.

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Paper on Unveiling Diabetes Education in Anguilla: A Comprehensive Analysis of Data Collection and Insights. (2023, Dec 25). Retrieved from

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