Paper on Nurse Coaching: Elevating Healthcare Through Empathy and Technical Excellence

Published: 2023-11-10
Paper on Nurse Coaching: Elevating Healthcare Through Empathy and Technical Excellence
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Nursing Healthcare
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 520 words
5 min read


Nurse coaching is deemed to efficient provision of required principles in correlation with emotion-spirit integration for the sole purpose of inducing wellness and well-being and facilitating client healing and growth. Accordingly, the article establishes considerable focus on displaying the imperative of nurse coaching in the profession of nursing. In this write-up, the summary of the assigned article and its impact on future practice achieves exceptional presentation.

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Assigned Article Summary

The article looks at nurse coaching. The author lays out the benefits and value of becoming a coach, demonstrating how coaching combines the best elements of nursing: bringing empathy, technical skills, and a holistic approach to improving health while enlisting the patient in achieving better health outcomes (Hosler & Rhodes, 2018). “Instead of leading clients and instructing them on what they need to do, you allow the process to unfold” (Hosler & Rhodes, 2018, p. 77). The nurse coach takes a holistic approach that combines physical, emotional, social, spiritual, and intellectual health to create better health outcomes for individuals and help hospitals reduce employee turnover and companies improve their wellness, resulting in lower healthcare costs (Hosler & Rhodes, 2018).

The resources provided describe the means for becoming a nurse coach, making a compelling case for why nurse coaching should be strongly considered either as a specialization for someone starting out or as a needed change in the mid-late career for a nurse (Hosler & Rhodes, 2018). The author tells her own story about becoming a nurse coach and demonstrates the many ways that coaching is actually about giving up the role of expert and taking on the part of the facilitator, resulting in better patient outcomes (Hosler & Rhodes, 2018).

Impact of Assigned Article Content on Future Practice

The assigned article has made an impact on my future professional nursing in numerous ways. The most impactful portion of this article was author Rose Hosler’s first-hand perspective of nurse coaching in an acute care setting. As Holder explained, I need to let go of my role as an expert to become a practical nurse coach (Hosler & Rhodes, 2018). Alternatively, to improve my role as a nurse coach, I need to listen more to create a therapeutic and supportive atmosphere for my patients. As a result, my patients will feel more empowered to achieve their goals. More specifically, I will ask open-ended questions that provide my patients with the ability to self-navigate their individualized care plan. I will incorporate a therapeutic space of self-reflection in my nursing practice to achieve better patient outcomes.


From the above write-up, the article under examination displays considerable insinuations concerning nurse coaching. The author displays nurse coaching as a holistic approach to improving healthcare status through an exceptional inclusion of technical skills and empathy. As a result of the imperative nature correlated with nurse coaching, the content in the article displays to impact the future practice in considerable ways such as in acute care settings. Besides, nurse coaching to enable the patients to self-navigation correlated with individual care plans.


Hosler, R., & Rhodes, A. (2018). Nurse coaching: Facilitating a paradigm of health and wellness. American Nurse Today, 76–78.

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Paper on Nurse Coaching: Elevating Healthcare Through Empathy and Technical Excellence. (2023, Nov 10). Retrieved from

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