Paper on Facilitating Productive Decision-Making Under Pressure and the Importance of Team Dynamics

Published: 2023-11-05
Paper on Facilitating Productive Decision-Making Under Pressure and the Importance of Team Dynamics
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Company Business
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 740 words
7 min read


Whether an individual is in charge of a company or makes an important decision about what occurs in his or her department, the possibility of being overwhelmed by the accompanying responsibility senses is high. Decisions made or to be made central to businesses and those affecting it. Decisions made under enormous pressure have of significant effect on both individuals and companies. Therefore, it requires business heads of any individual who may be caught under pressure to embrace a process that leads to making the most viable alternative to any of the problems faced (The University of Massachusetts, 2020).

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Discussion: The Decision-Making Process Under Pressure

The identification of the problem and the listing of the possible alternatives or options come first. This step is the most important in the overall process of decision-making since a decision is made from fixed choice selection. A group process of solving problems is vital when the pressure hits the organization's management team and the rest of the staff. Options listed have the potential to offer solutions to the problems encountered under the situation of pressure and should be handled with sensitivity (Maddock, 2014). A time scale needs to be set while deciding on the person to be responsible for the decision.

Gathering relevant information comes before making a decision. A wrong choice may be made when out-of-date information gets gathered. Information, therefore, should always be accurate for better decisions. Risks involved in the process are weighed depending on the benefits incurred in making the right decisions or the consequences of wrong decisions. Weighing and deciding on individual-based values is essential to minimize future conflicts. It requires the obtainment of consensus to determine the values mostly given weight. They need to be understood by all the involved as they have a strong influence on the final alternative.

Other steps that follow embody: comparing various options and considering specific benefits against negatives from each, reaching the best choice/ making the decision. The monitoring and evaluation of the chosen alternatives' effectiveness permit a decision to be revisited if a wrong appears.

How SWIM Had To Make Decisions When Information Was Insufficient

The SWIM lacked sufficient information about the severity of the snowstorm predicted to hit Boston, a venue for its pre-planned conference. It also required the exact number of turnover by guests due to the fear and related risks caused by the storm. The SWIM had a choice to make about the likelihood of the event's cancelation, the loss of attendees, and money in addition to how decisions impacted attendees. The SWIM had to consider the time taken to plan the meeting, the risks of canceling the conference entirely in addition to other issues that would emerge, such as requesting funds by guests and confidence loss to host a similar meeting.

The organization, therefore, had to get all stakeholders to decide on the most relevant and essential information and set a precise scale of time for making decisions. Gathering more accurate information would be of great help.

Discussing Team Dynamics and Facilitating Productive Discussion Under Duress When There Is a Lack of a Decision-Maker

A team having group dynamics has built trust among its members. Disruption from successful decision-making, in addition to performances, is associated with the group's poor dynamics (DeakinCo, 2017). Team dynamics have an impact on creativity, effectiveness, and productivity (Tannenbam, 2012). Under pressure, facilitating a productive decision becomes difficult, especially when there lacks a leader who guides the decision-making process. Members are not united in achieving their set goals. Ineffective communication is characterized by a lack of constant updates that often come from a leader and the assumption that all members have similar information, negatively affecting productivity and success. Poor team dynamics have people with behaviors that disrupt the flow of work, resulting in wrong options and poor or little decision-making.


DeakinCo, (2017). 6 Strategies for managing and improving team dynamics. Retrieved on: 6/8/2020.

Maddock, M., (2014). Making tough decisions under pressure. Retrieved on: 6/8/2020.

Tannenbam, S., (2012). Teams are changing: Are research and practice evolving fast enough? Retrieved on: 6/8/2020.

The University of Massachusetts, (2020). Decision-making process. Retrieved on 6/8/2020.

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Paper on Facilitating Productive Decision-Making Under Pressure and the Importance of Team Dynamics. (2023, Nov 05). Retrieved from

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