Paper Example: Reasons for Pursuing Business Management

Published: 2023-11-04
Paper Example: Reasons for Pursuing Business Management
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Goal Business management Communication skills
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 548 words
5 min read


In recent times, the world has started witnessing a changing business environment that is highly competitive, resulting in an increased number of unemployed graduates. The rapid surge in the unemployment rate made me start thinking of starting my own business and becoming my boss. Thus, I decided to pursue a course in Business Management so that I get a chance to learn the necessary skills required to run a successful business. One of the skills I wanted to learn is business communication skills. Communication skills are a prerequisite skill that will give a businessman an upper hand when dealing with customers, stakeholders, and aliases.

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Additionally, I wanted to learn the entrepreneurial skills required to start and run a successful business. It is imperative for individuals aspiring to venture into a business to learn how to come up with creative solutions and strategies that will steer the business to the highest level. Moreover, I also wanted to learn project management skills that will prioritize resources to ensure my business’s maximum productivity.

The success of any business requires a solid understanding of marketing strategies, accounting, financial knowledge, and the ability to make sound investment decisions. Also, I am pursuing a course in Business Management to be able to understand what appeals to the audience and hence sharpen my marketing skills tailored to meet customer needs. Additionally, I wanted to learn the local and international financial market concepts, which will enable me to run my business smoothly. In line with financing, I also wanted to develop robust accounting and investment skills so that I could be better equipped to steer my business to the top in the future.

How My Goals Coincide With What an MBA Program Offers

The MBA program particularly appeals to my mission of becoming my boss since it offers extensive management training. I am particularly interested in the program because of my strong background in business management. Thus, an opportunity to pursue an MBA program will better position me to become an effective manager. After researching what makes a business successful, I discovered that strong and effective management skills are the ingredient for the success of any business (Doskocil et al.).

I have a vision of starting a business that will span the international market. Therefore, I find this program a prerequisite for me since it offers extensive international financing training. By pursuing an MBA, the opportunity will enable me to have a deeper understanding of the international practices applied in marketing and financing strategies, which will equip me with skills of identifying opportunities and threats for my business. Moreover, I will also learn the market environments, international standards, policies, and ethical practices that resonate with a particular region like the European Union.

How My Business Management Qualifications Benefits an MBA Program

I have managed to build my research and analytical skills while studying for my degree in business management. Furthermore, my undergraduate training became an instrumental tool in sharpening my systematic approach to evaluating information to come up with a meaningful conclusion. Therefore, I am well equipped to handle extensive research work associated with an MBA program.

Work Cited

Doskocil, Radek, and Branislav Lacko. “Risk management and knowledge management as critical success factors of sustainability projects.” Sustainability, vol.10, no. 5, 2018.

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