Paper Example on the Lesson Plan on Island of the Blue Dolphins Book

Published: 2022-12-26
Paper Example on the Lesson Plan on Island of the Blue Dolphins Book
Type of paper:  Course work
Categories:  Teaching Pedagogy American literature
Pages: 8
Wordcount: 2082 words
18 min read


The lesson plan for our book is to teach the student how to read and analyze the themes, genre and implicit strategies used in the novel. Our book is Island of the Blue Dolphins, write by the author Scott O'Dell. The book was aimed to improve the teaching skills for young readers. The use of authentic skills, graphic organizers, vocabulary knowledge, writing. For example, the graphic organizers of the book. This helps the five students in the group to have sufficient knowledge in writing the review of the book "Island of the Blue Dolphins."

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Language Writing Overview of the Novel

Island of the Blue Dolphins keeps Karana's mind widely exposed to life difficulties after the Aleut ship arrived at Ghalas-at. They were left alone in the desert after the other member of the community perished. She was there alone with her brother Ramo who was later eaten by wild dogs going Karana a lot in the Island to survive. A good of unknown members landed on the shores of the sea with the aim of hunting otter. With them was captain Orlov who was a Russian, her father introduced her to the weird Russian. Her father was the chief of Karana's village. Through the naming of their children, each one was assigned a name for a purpose. Magic chaos overruled the town if the second name of every individual in the city was used in vain, while on Karana side her name meant "the Girl with the long hair."

At the beginning of the novel, O'Dell not only revealed how Karana as a narrative voice, but also left some proof that Karana will someday go the Island and tell find someone who she can narrate her story to someone. Karana starts her stories openly by discussing the force of narrative play around her. It seems the village is not clogged in the world of knowledge by the time she describes the ship as a shell floating on the sea. The contrast shows how Karana's is confused by the concept of reality and perception. As we can see later in the chapter, it reveals how she is not concerned with his brother options after they were left alone on the Island. The entire novel concerns how Karana's use of rich metaphors in describing her feelings to the world.

The Basic of Island of the Blue Dolphins

The student will be able to know the basic of the book by Scott O'Dell. To understand this through this chronicle of a survival story of Karana in the desert of the Island makes her grow in and learn more about how life situations may be and affect the personal attributes. This is a survival and has a lot of teaching for the young growing people in society. Her character traits are embedded by difficulties and loneliness after her brother Ramo disappeared in the midst. Life becomes so hard, and she used her mind even to search for a place to build a house so as avoid wild dogs and blowing sea winds. Unfortunately, she was not submitted to diseases and epics since all goodness was on her side to tell the story in the latter coming days. Let's examine the fascinating characters.

Close Outline of How a Young Girls Grows

We already know that at the beginning of the story, Karana was just still 12 years old. She had even seen any ship there before, and she spent her days of life as the chief's daughter, also doing many tasks as other women did. The other women harvested, cooked, also made clothing, she resembled all that since responsibility followed her done her life. We realized that she had a responsibility role since she had to take care of her brother even the death of her father.

Deep Understanding of the Book Content

Karana learned and adapted the environment situations for her to survive. She later comes to know that the strangers who come by ship are very dangerous to human; they never even come for otter as they were thought from there before. As life on the Island becomes more complicated, she adapts to the environment that, the wild dog can take a breath so easy so she had to take care of herself. Food and shelter was still a big issue to solve here, so she had to find the safest place behind the rocks on the shoreline while fishing as a means of surviving. The novels show how she decides to kill as a means of escaping, she even chooses to kill every dog that killed her brother. Therefore, she fierce battle the dog and nursed it to become her closest best friend on the Island. We can see she can also kill sea elephants and dangerous devil-fish while on the Island.

Understanding of Themes Used in the Book

It is very crucial to draw and conclusions while highlighting essential issues reflected in the novel. This enables the students to learn more about the different perspective used in each chapter and genre rising from such. First, independence is a major theme from our novel "Island of the Blue Dolphins," where we see how Karana survive alone on the whole Island. This forces her to learn better ways of surviving since she was alone and independently. We understand how she learns how to make weapons of her own so as she can fight the wild animals. There was no shelter, foods, company and even clothes to thrill the cold with blowing from the sea. By doing this, she teaches the reader that it is essential to be self-driven and brave. Out of this, it is clear that brave can be built by been alone and left to survive thus adapting to the better ways of living.

`The theme of questioning of gender roles in the novel, we can also see the subject of the examination of gender roles. This clarifies that there is a difference between the ability of either a man or a woman. She plays an essential part is deriving this by letting us know that it is not the man in the society who has the potential to play some traits. When left alone there in the shore of the Island, she makes a weapon on her own. According to their customs, it is a myth, and likely it shows division of gender which does not prove any biology. This questioning about the divisibility of labor is seen earlier on when she performs the tasks meant for men. Due to this massacre, they are required to fish and hunt, and this explains that they are also right beside other male's counterpart. The rules of patriarchy are still diminishing since she is forced to evolve under different circumstances.

Drawing the Relationship of the Book Through Vocabularies

There is a close relationship between animals and humans; this encourages the reader aware of the environment about the life of humans. Aleut hunters and Captain Orlov symbolize how greed might affect the spill over into killing a vast number of the sea otters thereby go on to kill countless of the male islanders. Hunting is stated as negative light which is related to the destruction of human-animal life ecosystem. She reveals that no more killing of animals and birds to survive since this explains a similarity of the living creatures.

Still, on themes, O'Dell always praises the features of responsibility, where Karana take it seriously even though she was still at 12 years of age. For the period she stays close to her brother Ramo she keeps her responsibility for her family and the entire tribe by keeping him out troubles. Also, we see her obligations responsibility to the surrounding environment a vice not for many in the tribe. We learn that she considers the difference and the right way to exterminate the otter people in return of spearheads and jewelry from the visitors with the ship. The sense of responsibility for Karana deepens since she is alone on the Island after her brother disappears. Again, she believes in herself by keeping her wellbeing and her pets, and there is also chances of responsibility in her even before she was abandoned.

Analyze Different Themes in the Book for the Students

Although Karana is there alone for the central part of the novel, all of her meets with the different outsiders is highly characterized by clashes between cultures. There was a fight with the Aleuts due to separate cultural conflicts which do not respect and give the required honor to the agreements made by the tribe. During the time Karana meets Tutok we are exposed to language barriers and cultural differences.

Perseverance and Endurance

There are perseverance and patience since hard life situations face Karana at the shores of the Island where she struggles with life. Before then, she had a lot of time for leisure, provision of basic needs, care from the family members but this changes immediately and she has to resist difficulties. Sometimes she is there worried if to give up in life and began to despair. But this all this she perseveres by remembering the value of the community she grew up in, including diligence and hard work.

Analysis of the Genre in the Novel

In a further study of the genre in the book, this reminds us of the other island adventure novels, such as Daniel Defoe's. Looking at the desert story of the Island, Robinsonade is characterized as one most popular genre. In reflection of our novel, is entirely into the type - O'Dell as the main character as "girl Robinson Crusoe. We can see Karana as a kind of an updated style of the typical hero of the Robinsonade. I want to know why?

Various Genre Fictions

The literary genius of Scott O'Dell won a lot of career award out of his publications including Island of the Blue Dolphins won the highest award of children books and also other several other books. He became one of the famous fairytale authors and mostly in the field of children's literature.

The Fiction the Student Should Understand About the Novel

This was O'Dell work of telling fictional stories mainly based on the real story. This genre of historical fiction is commonly emphasized by the use of a real account and a real person to motivate a fictional story. As you have seen that many young readers fall into this genre since it enables them to learn more about history and literature view at the same time. This helps them to read a classic book and also learn something new about history life. The author was a history nerd to the core. He seemed to love his area growing up, and most of his work is set there and widely use history to the code are to influence their plots. The novel is based on a true story of a young American woman, who is in the last tribe, which is stranded in a small island for the past many years.


On this coming-of-age story, another genre of bildungsroman and they are not as dramatic as someone getting stranded on an island for many years. All these novels only aim at benefiting the life of the young age and turning point of their life. The protagonist faces some challenges that give them a trial of growing up, and even transforming them forever. The coming age of Karana is seen in the different Island of the blue dolphins as the main character. She is exposed to internal struggles and fundamental challenges while at the Island for more than eighteen years of survival.

Fictional Themes

In each specific year, there is a rapid rise in a number of the children's book in the novel stores, and it is obvious to retrieve from the volume of the publications to reconsider some reason to become classic. And one of this work is seen in our novel by O'Dell. Although we can review on the desert island motif has been a major standard frictional theme since the author Shakespeare's Tempest and Defoe's Robinson Crusoe, where several challenges face him. Because he is very keen on writing about children friction, he must also consider creating a story which has a pacing of relatively fast. His specific focuses on the difficulties faced by Karana in the Island of the blue dolphins for more than eight lonely years and is not encountered by the other writer in the juvenile desert-island classic.

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Paper Example on the Lesson Plan on Island of the Blue Dolphins Book. (2022, Dec 26). Retrieved from

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