Paper Example - Excellent Leadership Communication

Published: 2023-01-24
Paper Example - Excellent Leadership Communication
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Communication skills Leadership style Leadership management
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 393 words
4 min read

Excellent leadership communication is vital in the improvement of each team player in their skills, aptitude, and attitude. A leader should be very knowledgeable of the mission and at the same time, sensitive to the individual needs of the team players. It is essential in assisting the members in developing to a self-actualization level where they can perform at their best. Through effective communication, a leader can guide all the members toward realizing set targets and achieving the desired change

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Baldoni proposed four types of leadership communication; expert, visionary, coach, and transformative (Baldoni, 2003). Effective leadership communication can take the coaching approach. The leader communicates in such a way that it can invoke change in one person at a go. The method is therefore tailored to individual transformational process (Wendy Carey, Donald J Philippon, Greta G Cummings, 2011). Under this approach, the leader improves his members as one of them. The idea is supported by the Bible, which proposes in Proverbs 27:17 that since iron sharpens iron, people should also sharpen each other.

The coaching leadership communication approach highly relies on expertise, which runs concurrently with vision. The leader is expected to be very knowledgeable of the subject matter that they are communicating. At the same time, the leader should have vision while passing information to others. Perfect vision enables the leader to balance the needs and results from subjects, thereby forging good working relationships (O'Neil, 2011).

The coaching style of leadership communication gives the leader an opportunity to capitalize on aspects that motivate individuals. This may involve communicating with the subject from the perspective of the favored area of expertise. The communication approach can help facilitate personal change, which fulfills the modern corporate demands (Crane, 2010).

The ultimate result of the coaching style of leadership communication is organizational development, which is brought by individual guidance to brilliance. It is about maximizing potential, summoning commitment to achieve individually and collectively (Robertson, 2016).


Baldoni, J. (2003). Great Communication Secrets of Great Leaders. New York: McGraw Hill Professional.

Crane, T. G. (2010). The heart of coaching. FTA press.

O'Neil, M. B. (2011). Executive Coaching with Backbone and Heart: A Systems Approach to Engaging. John Wiley & Sons.

Robertson, J. (2016). Coaching leadership: Building educational leadership capacity through partnership. New Zealand Council for Educational Research.

Wendy Carey, Donald J Philippon, Greta G Cummings. (2011). Coaching models for leadership development: an integrative review. Journal of Leadership Studies.

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