Paper Example on Combating Cardiovascular Changes in Aging: A Proposal for Prevention and Management

Published: 2023-10-11
Paper Example on Combating Cardiovascular Changes in Aging: A Proposal for Prevention and Management
Essay type:  Proposal essays
Categories:  Health and Social Care Population
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 833 words
7 min read


Aging is a complex physiological process that involves the gradual decline of body systems over time (Zhang et al., 2018). Moreover, the cardiovascular system is among the most vital parts of the human body responsible for the circulation of blood, water, and nutrients to all body parts (Zhang et al., 2018). Additionally, degeneration of the heart and blood vessels results in health crises like heart failure, thus no blood circulation. Nearly half of the patients diagnosed with the heart condition are the elderly population, and out of this, close to 90% results in death (slater et al., 2019). The statistics are very worrying, and a lot needs to be done to control this disease.

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This paper will look at cardiovascular changes associated with aging, the predisposing factors, and further propose ways that can be put into practice to reduce the prevalence and deaths occurring from this condition. With the increasing prevalence of heart diseases, this topic is very essential. Additionally, it will be able to bring behavioral change thus reducing the prevalence of the condition.

Plan of Action

Several literature materials will be looked at to get an in-depth explanation on the cardiovascular changes that come with age. Explore on each one of them and determine some of the ways to address them. As one continues to age, many physiological changes occur in their heart in terms of size and the thickness of the walls within the heart and the arteries (Alama, 2017). There is increased lipofuscin deposit in the heart and blood vessels, and the heart muscles cells operation reduces with time due to the thickening of the walls (Alama, 2017). Moreover, the valves inside the heart that either prevent or allow the blood to flow in and out of the heart chambers thickens and with time becomes tauter; thus, this inflexibility leads to reduced heart activity and might cause heart failure (Alama, 2017). Another physiological disorder associated with the elderly is heart mumble that usually occurs due to valve stiffness.

Desired Outcomes

This research will be able to identify these factors and enlighten the public to bring about change in lifestyle. Age is a predisposing factor in cardiovascular changes, and this can be attributed to reduced physical activities, and the body organs weaken with time (slater et al., 2019). Furthermore, aging is an inevitable process that cannot be prevented but can be derailed by carrying out various activities. Additionally, other predisposing conditions are majorly associated with old age, for instance, diabetes, obesity, and arthritis (Zhang et al., 2018). However, this condition can be prevented by altering daily activities that one engages in.

Preventive and Curative Methods

Over time it has been proven that the best ways to prevent this condition from happening are to avoid activities that predispose one to heart failure with old age (slater et al., 2019). Some of these factors that should be avoided include smoking, eating food with a lot of fat, or avoiding foodstuff that contains excess sodium (slater et al., 2019). Also, people should keenly observe their weight as this greatly predisposes one to cardiovascular conditions. Nonetheless, different ways are used by physicians to diagnose and control this condition. Electrocardiogram, chest X-ray, Holter monitor, BNP blood test have been used to study and diagnose heart failure (slater et al., 2019). Even though there is no cure for heart failure, various proposals have been proposed to reduce its effects such as a change in lifestyle, incorporation of vasodilators, diuretics, digitalis glycosides used in strengthening heart contractions and sometimes the condition may require surgical procedures to rectify the condition (slater et al., 2019.


In conclusion, heart disease is one of the major killers of the elderly population in society, and it is essential that the elderly practice healthy living to curb this challenge. Moreover, effective ways of controlling and managing this disorder control blood pressure as this may predispose one to this condition. Also, exercising frequently, practicing healthy eating habits, living a stress-free life, managing weight at reasonable level, and limiting alcohol consumption are ways to prevent it. Furthermore, managing the condition can be expensive for many households; therefore, many preventive measures should be put in place to enable individuals to live a fulfilling and healthy life and prevent them from getting conditions like this. Healthy activities should be encouraged even in the younger population since as much as these conditions are more prone to the elderly, and studies have shown that the younger population is not being spared either.


Alama, M. N. (2017). Aging-Related Changes of the Cardiovascular System. Journal of Health and Environmental Research, 3(2), 27.

Slater, M., Bielecki, J., Alba, A. C., Abrahamyan, L., Tomlinson, G., Mak, S., & Krahn, M. (2019). Comparative effectiveness of the different care components provided in heart failure clinics—protocol for a systematic review and network meta-analysis. Systematic reviews, 8(1), 1-8.

hang, Y., Chen, Y., & Ma, L. (2018). Depression and cardiovascular disease in the elderly: Current understanding. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience, 47, 1-5.

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Paper Example on Combating Cardiovascular Changes in Aging: A Proposal for Prevention and Management. (2023, Oct 11). Retrieved from

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