Essay Sample on Optimal Logistics: Planning, Transport & Storage for Businesses

Published: 2023-08-14
Essay Sample on Optimal Logistics: Planning, Transport & Storage for Businesses
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Business Supply chain management
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1028 words
9 min read


Logistics is the procedure of planning, transporting as well as storage of products from their point of origin up to the point of their consumption. Additionally, the goal of logistics in an organization is to meet the clients’ requirements in a timely manner and also in a cost-effective way. In today’s contemporary society, the choice of the right logistics system is imperative for business organizations in safeguarding the flow of their products and in managing the cost of transportation. Today, the adoption of an effective contemporary transportation management system that can allow logistic service providers to manage the movement of products from one point to the other is remarkably imperative in facilitating smooth operations of ventures in attaining and retailing products in the market.

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Explanation of Contemporary Transportation Management

In today’s contemporary business environment, transportation management systems are largely digitalized and they are executed through the use of internet and GPS systems. Additionally, such interconnectivity mediums permit the logistics service providers to be in a position to remotely manage the movement of various products from manufacturers to their designated retailers or consumers. Additionally, there are several advantages to using the stated contemporary transportation management systems. First, transportation management services reduce expenses as they facilitate the consolidation of products in a single unit/container for easy and cheaper transportation to different destinations. The second advantage is that the use of contemporary transportation management systems permits logistics service providers to track deliveries of their products in real-time.

Discussion of How Rates are Determined

In logistics, there are several factors that are considered to determine the rates to be imposed on a client in moving goods from one location to the other. The stated factors include the mode of transport to be used, the weight and size of the luggage as well as the distance to be covered when moving the products. Other factors that determine the rates on logistic services include the point of pickup or delivery as well as the types of goods being shipped. The higher the occurrence levels of the stated factors, the higher the rates of transportation remitted to the logistic services provider.

Modal and Carrier Selection Process

The modal or carrier selection process for the plastic bottles by the logistics company will follow a three-step process. The first process will be to analyze the carriers’ abilities to transport the desired quantities of the products to their designated location. Additionally, the second step will be to review the carriers’ mode of transport for the products as well as the duration of time they can take to deliver the completed products. The third step in the selection process will be to analyze the costs of transportation by the carriers for the stated products from their point of pickup to the site of delivery.

Discussion of Various Transportation Documents

There are four primary transportation documents that the logistics company will need to move the plastic bottles from Albany, Georgia. The first document will be the export license that will indicate the logistics company is permitted to move the stated goods across State and National borders. The second document will be the insurance certificate to protect the goods while in transit while the other document will be the inspection certificate. The latter document will prove that the items under transit do not pose any security issues to the public or environment while under transit. The last document will be the export packing list, which will detail the particulars of the goods being transport across borders.

Identification of a Transportation Bid Collaboration System

There are various online transport bid collaboration systems that are available in the market today. Among such systems is the Capstone Logistics Transportation Bid Management System, which is an efficient computer program that enhances the effectiveness of the logistic functions for transportation service providers (Capstone Logistics, LLC., n.d.). Additionally, the logistics system can be accessed through visiting the Capstone Logistics Corporation website and interested individuals can purchase its operating license from the corporation. Today, the effective utilization of the Transportation Bid Collaboration System can improve the effectiveness of a manufacturer’s supply chain in moving his/her completed products to their designated retailer or consumer.

Discussion of the Benefits that the Transportation Bid Collaboration System on the Internet

There are several merits that can be secured from using the Capstone Logistics Transportation Bid Management System. Among such benefits is improved efficiency in moving goods to different locations. In this case, the bid collaboration system removes the need to use tedious and manual spreadsheet data management methodologies when procuring products’ capacities and setting rates (Capstone Logistics, LLC., and n.d.). The second merit of the system is that it creates budget visibility whereby the system’s users can improve their operating capital and available budget in real-time to meet their desired logistics needs.


In conclusion, today, the adoption of an effective contemporary transportation management system that can allow logistic service providers to manage the movement of products from one point to the other is remarkably imperative. Additionally, that is in facilitating smooth operations of ventures in attaining and retailing products in the market. In transportation, logistics rates are computed through reviewing the mode of transport to be used, the weight and size of the luggage as well as the distance to be covered when moving the products. Additionally, the steps of the modal and carrier selection process that should be followed when selecting a logistics service include analyzing the carriers’ abilities to transport the desired quantities of the products. The second step is reviewing the carriers’ mode of transport and the duration of time they can take to deliver the completed products. The last step is analyzing the costs of transportation by the carriers. Some of the transportation documents that may be needed by a corporation when moving goods from one place to the other include the export license, insurance certificate, and export packing list among others. Ultimately, the Capstone Logistics program is an effective Transportation Bid Management System that can be employed in the organization by a logistics service to arrange its transportation needs.


Capstone Logistics, LLC. (n.d.). Supply Chain Management & Freight Transportation Services | Capstone Logistics, LLC.

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Essay Sample on Optimal Logistics: Planning, Transport & Storage for Businesses. (2023, Aug 14). Retrieved from

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