Civil War Essay Example - Opening Moves

Published: 2019-12-10
Civil War Essay Example - Opening Moves
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  History American Civil War
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1216 words
11 min read

Civil War in the United States is considered to be the first-ever total war in history. Apparently, the Civil War was characterized by battles that comprised over 100,000 troops, implying that various combatants were well-equipped with advanced weapons. The railroad system facilitated the movement and supply of weapons to different warriors involved in the war. It can be purported that different factors contributed to the escalation of battles across fighting parties.

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The source: 1301, experience history Volume 1, which has been authored by Lone Star College, under the title Opening Moves tries to account the chronological events that were synonymous with the Civil War. The Text was copyrighted in 2011 under the McGraw-Hill Companies publisher. The text gives details of what conspired before and during the actual war.

From the text, it is revealed that the North had a huge advantage when it comes to workforce and industrial capacity. The population of the North was 2.5 times more than the South, with even a higher number of white men who were legitimate to join the military. Another comparative advantage that the Northern region had over the South is that the North boasted of a larger merchant marine (Lone Star College 413). It also produced more iron as well as sophisticated firearms and textiles. The region was also characterized by a large base of industrial activities which was complemented by the existence of the long and advanced railroad that facilitated the movement of heavy military commodities. These factors made the North superior to the South, which in return made it hard for South to fight for their independence. Furthermore, the Souths inferiority to the North, regarding military resources, made the region not to invade the North but rather, to defend its territory. This was in contrary to the Northern region since it opted to invade and conquer the South. The Norths invasion of the South was meant to weaken the region's resistance (Lone Star College 413). Political leadership was also utilized as the way of sustaining the regions devotion towards the war. The roles of providing effective leadership were assumed by Jefferson Davis and Abraham Lincoln, who were presidents from the fighting governments.

From this text, it is reported that the Confederacy was invaded and destroyed by the North. At the end of 1865, the Union forces had conquered almost every part of the Confederacy. The overall influence of effective leadership was felt when Lincoln took an oath of the office to serve as the president

Another article on the Americas Civil War is The American Civil War was not a simple struggle between slaveholders and abolitionists, argues. This article is published by History Today journal and written by Tim Stanley. In his arguments, the author insinuates that the triggers of the war were beyond the struggles that existed between the slaveholders and the abolitionists.

In this text, the author acknowledges that it is over one and half century since the Civil War ensued. It is asserted that the British public sentiment had a preferential towards the slave-holding South at the expense of the North. Karl Marx tried to give an overview of the British perception towards the Civil War. He summarized the views of the British press on the battle between the South and the North as the war that was caused by tariff conflicts (Stanley 2). Various philosophers gave their similar opinions regarding Tariff conflicts as the main reason behind the South and the South and the North. Apparently, before the commencement of the war, it is alleged that the South and the North had a volatile relationship caused by conflicts over taxes. The South lamented that the huge taxes imposed by the Congress on the imported goods were being used to develop the industrial base in the North. This prompted the South to pull out of the Union, which outraged the North. From the text, it is revealed that economic and cultural supremacy struggles between the North and the South led to the emergence of the Civil War. It is purported that slavery was not the major issue since the Republican Party was not Abolitionist but rather, an anti-slavery party.

According to this text, it is claimed that battle economic and cultural struggles led to the emergence of war between the North and the South. The North, which was superior, invaded and destroyed the South, which in return led to a wide economic gap between the two regions. From the results of the war, it can be concluded that the economic greed and anti-Southern prejudice played an integral role in the emergence of the Civil War.

The article Strengths and Weakness: North versus South is also vital in research on the Civil War American. The article was copyrighted on 2015 and published in the U.S. History journal. The article is chosen as part of the research because it provides crucial information about factors that contributed towards the emergence of the Civil War.

In this text, it is highlighted that few days before the collapse of the Fort Sumter, Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee and Arkansas were the extra states that opted to join the Confederacy. This escalated the conflict between the South and the North. The Northern region proved to be superior to the Southern region (U.S. history 3). The Northern region had bragged of a large number of states as well as large populations than the south. However, it is purported that despite the large population of North; the South had almost an equal number of militants during the beginning of the war. The North also boasted of a large industrial base that gave it an edge, when it comes available machinery, weapons and other resources to facilitate the war.

The end results of the Civil War indicates that the Southerners were fighting to maintain their values and way of life, unlike the Northerners who were fighting to avoid the collapse of the union. It is apparent that Slavery was not a motivating factor of the war, a notion that changes the moment Abraham Lincoln announces the Emancipation Proclamation.

According to the research and reflection of the subject, I opt to choose the first source. This source accurately reflects what I have discovered about the Civil War America, which is a selected event for the research.

The research gives a vivid picture of the factors that led to the emergence of the Civil War. The Northerners and the Southerners had different motives, which led to the escalation of war between them. The results of the war indicate that the Northerners were the main perpetrators of the war. The North became outraged that the South was pulling out of the Union, which was unacceptable move, as far as the Northerners were concerned. The Northern region was using the crippling taxes imposed by the Congress to grow their industrial base. Availability of resources, advanced railroads, and large population made the North superior to the South. The adverse impact of the Civil War was enormous to both regions since led to economic and humanitarian crises.

Works Cited

LONE STAR COLLEGE. HIST 1301: EXPERIENCE HISTORY: VOLUME 1: The McGraw-Hill Companies, 2011. print.

Stanley, Tim. "The American Civil War was not a simple struggle between slaveholders and abolitionists, argues Tim Stanley." History Today (2011): 1-4. print.

U.S. History. "Strengths and Weakness; North versus South." U.S. History (2015): 1-4. print.

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