OBGYN Patients Face Challenges: Third-Party Interference Risks Unwarranted Therapy - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-11-27
OBGYN Patients Face Challenges: Third-Party Interference Risks Unwarranted Therapy - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Economics Law Anthropology Statistics Ecology
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 788 words
7 min read


There are several challenges that OBGYN patients encounter. Firstly, the problem of third-party interference is a growing concern. For instance, gynecologic patients, in most cases, will prefer not to reveal their sicknesses to other parties save for doctors. This is because the information touches on private matters (Hammoud et al., 2020). With third-party, interference, such patients may most likely accept worthless therapy and courses of action. For example, in a case where a third-party settles the bills, patients may perceive that if they do not utilize the opportunity, they are likely to lose the gains (Hammoud et al., 2020). Additionally, third party interference causes a lack of motivation to cut costs. For example, in situations where the insurance company clears the medical expenses, patients will not consider the price as an issue, hence increasing the cost of healthcare.

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Secondly, OBGYN patients are overloaded with paperwork. Illustratively, the storage of important information is difficult (Yates et al., 2020). As such, the paper medical documents may require a safer place for storage. Considering that patients will prefer to store such medical information as private as possible, they are usually not at peace to keep paperwork. Again, paperwork information is susceptible to constraint security (Yates et al., 2020). To illustrate, incidences of fire or occurrence of floods can quickly destroy crucial medical information.

The third grave issue experienced by OBGYN patients is getting information online. For example, there exists an unequal standard of medical knowledge from the internet (Yates et al., 2020). Worse still, even when the necessary details are found online, patients usually experience trouble in comprehending the data. Considerably, a large number of patients may not be connected on the internet. Besides, there exists the eventuality of risk and distress of excessive utilization of online medical information.

Lessons from the OBGYN Experience

From this experience, I have learnt that patients no longer make prior consultations with doctors. Moreover, the number of patients seeking medical advice on matters OBGYN has declined. Because of the patient declines, it becomes difficult for gynaecologists to sustain expertise in surgical operations. In terms of resources, I had clinical apparatus such as atlases, imaging, pathology, drug information and the core readings.

Evidence-Based Practice Used

Firstly, I used the banish error to establish prompt surgical and safety checklists. Secondly, I utilized the route of hysterectomy to carry out several vaginal hysterectomies and less open abdominal hysterectomies (Patel, 2018). Thirdly, I employed cystoscopy, which enabled me to conduct numerous diagnostic procedures after particular gynecologic operations (Patel, 2018). I also applied vaginal estrogen as an initial treatment for postmenopausal women with cases of vaginal infuriation, persistent cystitis and dyspareunia.

New Skills

Throughout this experience, I’m learning skills such as leadership ability, capacity to perform efficiently as included in the multidisciplinary group with other practitioners. I equally gain appropriate problem-solving and practical decision-making skills. Importantly, I find it essential to possess good communication abilities to associate appropriately with patients. Moreover, I'm learning significant sensitivity and listening skills accompanied by a sense of humour.

What I Would do Differently

I would educate women on personal breast assessment and inspire them to comprehend their breasts. Furthermore, I would make it a responsibility to elaborate on the potential trauma of breast imaging.

Management of Patient Flow and Volume and Feedback

I work extra hours to accomplish chart substantiation and make follow-through calls to patients. I make it a point to utilize time so that patients get my entire attention effectively. Furthermore, I maintain eye contact with patients and allow them an opportunity to ask any questions. I also work towards achieving my objective of making an impact on patients by offering valuable care. By making follow-up calls with patients, I’m able to get communication and feedback.

I can, therefore improve my skills and knowledge by maintaining surgical procedures and seeking additional skills through online educative platforms. I communicate this to my preceptor through our online interactions and also face-to-face communication where possible. My progress is encouraging. However, I lack the skills to create humour with my patients. In conclusion, I’m receiving positive feedback from my preceptor, thus encouraging me to keep up.


Hammoud, M. M., Foster, L. M., Cuddy, M. M., Swanson, D. B., & Wallach, P. M. (2020). Medical Student Experiences with Accessing and Entering Patient Information in Electronic Health Records During the Ob/Gyn Clerkship. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

Patel, A. (2018). Development of an Evidence-based Robotic Surgery Curriculum in a Community Based OB/GYN Residency Program. Obstetrics & Gynecology, 132, 50S.

Yates, H. S., Goffman, D., & D'Alton, M. E. (2020, July). The Response to a Pandemic at Columbia University Irving Medical Center's Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology. In Seminars in Perinatology (p. 151291). WB Saunders.

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OBGYN Patients Face Challenges: Third-Party Interference Risks Unwarranted Therapy - Essay Sample. (2023, Nov 27). Retrieved from https://speedypaper.com/essays/obgyn-patients-face-challenges-third-party-interference-risks-unwarranted-therapy

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