Nursing Informatics: Improving Care Effectiveness & Outcomes - Paper Example

Published: 2023-11-25
Nursing Informatics: Improving Care Effectiveness & Outcomes - Paper Example
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Education Biology and Genetics Statistics Journalism Food
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1263 words
11 min read


Nursing informatics plays a significant role in efforts to improve patients care effectiveness and outcomes. Specialists in nursing informatics utilize information technology in healthcare to make outstanding achievements in the healthcare setting (Strudwick et al., 2019). Healthcare facilities are expanding, patients' volume is increasing, and different health complications and diseases are emerging each day, making it necessary for cost-effective, reliable, and effective record-keeping methods. Despite many issues emerging in the health care sector, patients are pressuring for quality and timely care. In the present-day world, a health organization that still uses traditional approaches practices in management has a hard time synchronizing functions in various healthcare centers (Behera et al., 2019). Considering the need for effective and quality patient services, I propose implementing cloud computing as the nursing informatics project to my health organization's leadership.

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The world is rapidly changing, and it is the responsibility of each sector to adopt new technologies for better and efficient services. There has been a significant shift in the generation, consumption, storage, and sharing of data in healthcare. Each health organization has to adapt to the trends in the industry to improve patients' experience. Matooke Healthcare Organization is still using conventional data storage methods, which involve paperwork. It has been difficult for organizations to trace patients' records easily, conduct research, and share information with the rest of the world. The project aims at digitization of the digitize the organization to promote the quality of patients' care.

Cloud computing projects will have various benefits to the organization, such as data storage in cloud architecture, help in gaining efficiencies, optimizing workflows, lowering costs associated with service delivery, and offering personalization of care plans to enhance outcomes (Dang et al., 2019). Cloud computing project will have benefits to both Matooke Healthcare Organization and the patients. Cloud computing has proven to cut down healthcare providers' operational expenses and to enable the delivery of high-quality and personalized care (Rajabion et al., 2019). Patients who are growing accustomed to quick service delivery, will be able to receive the same promptness in Matooke Healthcare Organization after implementing the project. Also, cloud computing amps up patients' engagement with their health plans by allowing access to personal healthcare data, which would improve patient outcomes (Strudwick et al., 2019).

The computer computing project is critical and would require involvement in all the relevant stakeholders to be successfully implemented. The projects involve the migration of convectional data storage to electronic health records; almost all the departments will be included. The financial department, medical leaders, end-users (clinicians), patients, and vendors make the project's front participants. The project will have a financial impression on the organization, and thus chief executive officer, the board, and chief financial officer are critical stakeholders for the project. They will communicate to the project team the acceptable level of investment in the project (Strudwick et al., 2019). The project is very technical and will necessary for the finance department to understand its value in improving service delivery effectiveness.

Medical leaders, such as chief medical officers and departmental leaders, will be involved in the project to ensure their needs are well incorporated. Medical stakeholders will raise their concerns and enable the project team to give feedback in time. The project management team that consults and involves medical leadership is likely to gain more credibility and quickly adopt it. End-users of the project always have a positive impact on achieving the project goals and improving hospital efficiency (Dang et al., 2019). Physicians, technicians, and nurses will interact with the technology of daily based hence should be involved.

Computer computing projects will directly impact patients as it involves the management of their data. The project will, therefore consider patients as a stakeholder and understand their perceptions. Patient representatives will help the project team identify technology-related problems that face patients like online appointments and how they can access information online. Cloud computing requires integration with other systems, and thus the system vendors will be included in the planning team. Matooke Healthcare Organization used picture archiving and communicating systems (PACS), which need to be integrated with the cloud project. PACS vendors will be included to ensure effective integration and better patient care.

Cloud computing will offer security to the patient's data in case of fire and floods in the organization. Equipment in the premises is prone to failure and risk losing all records and applications and preventing quality service to patients. Incomplete patient records can lead to the wrong medication and diagnosis. Cloud computing project will enable remote assessment of information by use of backups and disaster recovery options (Behera et al., 2019). The project will also facilitate quick access to patients' records and enable quick service. Besides, the project will help the organization in saving money require for purchasing expensive systems and equipment which are feely provided by cloud providers. Low cost of operation will lower patients' charges while improving the quality of their service.

The project will facilitate value-based care payment methods and improve collaboration between the doctors, departments, and other healthcare organizations. Matooke Healthcare Organization will exchange patient data with other institutions through the cloud computing server and boost cooperation for better treatment and patient handling. Cloud computing is flexible to data decrease and increases depending on patients' flow (Strudwick et al., 2019). Thus, during the peak seasons, Matooke will adapt and facilitate service delivery without patients waiting for long. For instance, during flu season, the volume of patients increases and causes long ques; however, the project will shorten the time taken by giving out timely prescriptions and treatment protocols. Cloud computing democratizes the patient's data and gives them control over their health (Behera et al., 2019). Therefore, the project will boost patient participation in decisions that pertain to their health, leading to informed decision-making as it is a tool for patient engagement and education. Patient-care efficiencies are thus improved.

Virtualization is the central technology required to enable cloud computing. It provides the agility needed in spending up information technology operations and reducing costs by increasing infrastructure utilization (Rajabion et al., 2019). Some types of virtualization are hardware, server, storage, and operating system. Grid computing technology is required to connect multiple servers in achieving the goal of better information management (Behera et al., 2019). Also, service-oriented architecture technology is required in the project to divide the services into individual department functions. It enables the modification of data to meet each department's needs for efficiency.

Nursing informatics relies on access to vast medical data and patient's electronic health records. Cloud computing proves a safe and affordable data storage platform with mobile access to nursing informatics professionals. The computer computing project will enable high volume storage of data at low costs, real-time information sharing for healthcare professionals, fast data sharing for medical researches, and better patient care through remote patient monitoring and doctor-patient interaction (Behera et al., 2019).


Behera, R. K., Bala, P. K., & Dhir, A. (2019). The emerging role of cognitive computing in healthcare: A systematic literature review. International journal of medical informatics, 129, 154-166.

Dang, L. M., Piran, M., Han, D., Min, K., & Moon, H. (2019). A survey on internet of things and cloud computing for healthcare. Electronics, 8(7), 768.

Rajabion, L., Shaltooki, A. A., Taghikhah, M., Ghasemi, A., & Badfar, A. (2019). Healthcare big data processing mechanisms: the role of cloud computing. International Journal of Information Management, 49, 271-289.

Strudwick, G., Nagle, L., Kassam, I., Pahwa, M., & Sequeira, L. (2019). Informatics competencies for nurse leaders: a scoping review. JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration, 49(6), 323-330.

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