Nutrition Essay Example on Vitamin Consumption

Published: 2022-09-15
Nutrition Essay Example on Vitamin Consumption
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Nutrition
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1005 words
9 min read

My intake of beta-carotene was 647.89 mcg against the recommended 3-6 mg. Beta-carotene occurs naturally in plants and is converted to active vitamin A in the body.2 It helps in maintaining proper eyesight and preventing the body from chronic diseases thus I should increase my intake to the recommended level.

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My intake of vitamin B1 was 3.31 mg, and the recommended daily intake is 1.1-1.2 mg. Thiamine is a vital nutrient that is needed to support energy metabolism and proper nerve functioning. Deficiency of thiamine causes beriberi that affects the nervous and cardiovascular systems.1 There is no recorded toxicity symptom of consuming too much hence I can maintain my level or bring it down.

My intake of vitamin B2 was 4.68 mg against a recommendation of 1.1-1.3 mg. The body needs riboflavin in the process of breaking down carbohydrates, fats, and proteins into energy and it also help in maintaining healthy body cells.1 My consumption was higher than the recommendation, and I should reduce it since the body has a limited capacity to absorb riboflavin.

My intake of vitamin B3 was 73.5 mg against a recommendation of 14-16 mg, showing that it was too high. Niacin is a vital nutrient that enables the body to produce energy from the breakdown of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. It also contributes towards skin health and proper functioning of the digestive system. There is a danger in consuming too much niacin since it may cause flushing of the skin.1 The upper limit is 35 mg, and this puts me at the risk of skin flushing since I was at 73.5 mg.

I consumed 5.57 mg of vitamin B6 against a recommended daily intake of 1.3-1.7 mg. Vitamin B is an active coenzyme that helps in the metabolism of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates.1 It also helps in creating hemoglobin and maintaining a healthy nervous system.1 My consumption is okay since the upper level is set at 100 mg a day, and exceeding that could contribute to nerve damage.

My consumption of vitamin C was 167.14 mg, and the recommended intake is 75-90 mg. It is also called ascorbic acid and helps in the synthesis of amino acids and absorption of iron. It also acts as an antioxidant that aids in preventing chronic diseases like cancer.1 Vitamin C boosts the immune system by enabling the production of white blood cells. Excessive amounts are not toxic but consuming too much from supplement sources can harm the stomach.

My intake of vitamin D was 15.49 mcg against a recommendation of 15 mcg. It is made in the body with the help of UV rays from the sun. It helps in maintaining the health of bones in the body by regulating the absorption of phosphorous and calcium.1 It also helps in regulating the immune system and blood pressure thus preventing the body from autoimmune disorders. The upper consumption level is 50 mcg beyond which one may experience nausea, constipation, and loss of appetite.

My intake of vitamin E (alpha toc) was 23.43 mg against a recommended daily of 15 mg. Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that helps in protecting the cell membrane and preventing the oxidation of LDL, the 'bad' cholesterol carrier.1 It also acts as an anticoagulant that prevents platelets from forming clumping together and sticking on the vessel walls. There is no risk of consuming too much if it comes from natural sources hence my consumption was okay. Its anticoagulant properties can increase the risk of hemorrhages, but only if it exceeds 1000 mg per day.

My intake of vitamin A was 1081.66 mcg against a recommendation of 700 mcg. Majority of the dietary vitamin A consumed comes from beta-carotene, and other carotenoids.1 Vitamin A is essential in ensuring vision and maintaining proper skin and bone health. It also improves immunity by acting as a barrier to infections. The upper level, to avoid toxicity in the liver, is set as 3,000 mcg per day hence I am in a safe range.

My folate intake was 1077.63 mcg, and the recommended is 400 mcg. It is essential for the synthesis of DNA in the body, and the prevention of congenital disabilities. There is no danger in consuming excessive amounts from natural sources. A deficiency of folate can lead to anemia, and too much can mask the lack of vitamin B12. The upper level is set a 1000 mcg if it comes from fortified foods thus I should reduce my consumption of nutrition bars to avoid toxicity.

My intake of vitamin B12 was 14.83 mcg, and the recommended intake is 2.4 mcg. It is an essential nutrient responsible for healthy red blood cells and nerves. There is no toxic limit of consumption, but deficiency can cause macrocytic anemia.

Improving my Vitamin Consumption

Most of my thiamine came from consuming processed cereals. I can improve my intake by introducing pork to my diet since it is the most abundant natural source of thiamine.

I can improve my intake of riboflavin by increasing my consumption of milk and yogurt, which are rich natural sources. My vitamin B2 primarily came from processed cereals and fast foods.

My intake of niacin was high, and I can lower it by reducing my consumption of tuna, salmon, and processed cereals. I should consume pasta and brown rice instead, which have low concentrations of vitamin B3.

I can improve my intake of beta-carotene by sourcing from fruits and vegetables instead of canned spaghetti.

I can improve my intake by ensuring the bioavailability before consumption to find out the most efficient way of extracting these nutrients from various food sources.

My sources of vitamin E were primarily nutrition bars, yogurt, and fast foods. I can improve this by opting for healthy alternatives like seeds, fresh nuts, avocado, and fresh vegetables.

I can also improve my intake by storing fat-soluble vitamins A and E food sources, like fruits and vegetables, in airtight containers to avoid nutrient loss.


Blake JS, Munoz KD, Volpe S. Nutrition: From Science to You. 4th ed. Boston, MA. Pearson; 2019. ISBN: 9780134668260

Ruggeri C. Beta-Carotene: Beneficial or Dangerous for Your Health? Dr. Axe. Published 2017. Accessed October 27, 2018.

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