Free Essay. New Generation Case Resolution

Published: 2023-05-09
Free Essay. New Generation Case Resolution
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Human resources Population Organizational behavior
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 957 words
8 min read

Organizational behavior (OB) deals with the relationship between employers and employees in the organization. Studying OB is essential in all managerial functions of an organization because it helps in understanding the different behaviors of workers. In any organization, conflicts are likely to arise. In the New Generation software company, for example, the issue is because of transfers and promotions. When examining OB, it is significant to scrutinize the theories involved. The purpose of this paper is to provide a case resolution for the conflict experienced at New Generation firm. Managers need to understand the effects of employee behavior to maintain lasting relationships.

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Dynamics of the Case and Area of Organization Behavior

The case study is about conflict because of the issue of transfers and promotions within the firm. Abdul, the manager of the engineering department, promoted Lee to be the supervisor for the team due to her excellent customer service skills. After a while, Abdul decided to promote Ms. Lee to be the engineering department's supervisor. Additionally, Mr. Chen, who has been an employee at the company, approached Abdul and asked for a transfer because he did not want to work under Ms. Lee. According to Mr. Chen, Lee does not have the capability of helping him with his projects. More so, Mr. Chen expressed to Abdul that he did not wish to work under Lee.

Abdul planned a meeting and had Lee and Chen meet. During the meeting, Mr. Chen voiced his sentiments by emphasizing that Lee is not a technical expert. Lee left the meeting in tears. In light of that discussion, the area of OB that the case covers is individual behavior. The reason is that of all the other employees who worked under Ms. Lee, Chen was the only one who had a problem.

Theories Covered in the Case

Some of the theories covered in the case include Maslow's theory of need hierarchy and the incentive theory. Sreeramana and Suresh (2016) stated that Maslow's approach focuses on human needs and prioritization in the form of a pyramid. Employees need a sense of job security to make him feel motivated within the workplace. Mr. Chen had a problem with Abdul and Ms. Lee because he felt the organization did not meet his needs. Furthermore, in the incentive theory, action follows reward (Sreeramana & Suresh, 2016). Based on the case study, Abdul and Chen worked together without any problems. However, when Mr. Chen saw that Abdul did not give him an incentive, he decided to approach him for a transfer.

Actions Abdul would have Made

Abdul could have avoided the problem. Devaro (2016) talked about internal hiring, where employers fill a vacancy with their workers instead of external recruitment. Nevertheless, even though internal hires are appropriate, the author added that managers are likely to cause bias and favoritism. More so, the author asserted that internal hires enable employees to get incentives and get specialized knowledge and skills required to have long careers with the firm. Other skillful employees in New Generation company could have benefited from the internal hires.

Abdul could have posted in-house job postings where other employees who feel qualified for the position would apply. In that case, Chen would not have a problem because as it appears, Abdul is practicing favors by transferring and promoting Lee twice. Abdul would have contacted Mr. Montoya, the manager of human resources, to help in the recruitment process and determine the best candidate fit for the engineering department supervisor position. An employee such as Mr. Raphael, a software engineer and programmer, would have qualified for the position because of his skills.


The solution to the problem is to create an internal recruitment plan that the organization would use in the long run. On a broader perspective, an internal recruitment plan would be significant because it would enable the employees to gain new skills and knowledge and also encourage healthy competition of career advancements within the company (Devaro, 2017). Abdul's actions were the cause of the problem. The engineering department has other qualified employees who would have filled the position of the engineering department supervisor. Even though other employees did not raise their concerns regarding the repeated promotions of Ms. Lee, Mr. Chen was right to complain to the manager about his sentiments.

In the future, avoiding the problem ever again would require training employees on skills needed in the software company. Most of the employees outlined in the scenario did not have sufficient customer service skills that could improve the productivity of the firm. More so, improving employee relations would be significant. During the meeting with Abdul and Ms. Lee, Chen could barely maintain eye contact with the latter. Employee relations work on improving the employee's OB skills such as listening and improve on interpersonal relationships (Sequeira & Dhirti, 2015). Abdul would need to perform the mentioned actions to ensure that the right and skilled employees get the job.


Overall, managers need to pay attention to the concept of OB because it will help them in identifying the behavior of employees. Most importantly, managers, in collaboration with human resource professionals need to work together to establish the critical hiring decision that benefits their company to avoid any conflicts. A case such as the one in New Generation company should serve as a reminder for companies to recognize the importance of internal training and recruitment.


Devaro, J. (2016). Internal hiring or external recruitment? IZA World of Labor, 237. doi: 10.15185/izawol.237

Sequeira, A.H., & Dhriti, A. (2015). Employee Relations and its Impact on employee performance: A case study. doi: 10.13140/RG.2.1.3942.5446.

Sreeramana, A., & Suresh, K. (2016). Organizational Behaviour in 21st Century - 'Theory A' for Managing People for Performance. MPRA Paper No. 72393.

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