Paper Example. Networked Learning

Published: 2023-08-23
Paper Example. Networked Learning
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Learning Social networks Internet
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 443 words
4 min read

Networking online and the building of PLNs are technologies incorporated into learning and information sharing among professionals. These tools allow learners to gain a sense of participation and ownership through controlling and managing the learning processes (Sliwka, 2003). In a broader sense, networked learning builds a healthy relationship among individuals and institutions which allows for democracy in information exchange, horizontal partnership, and mutual benefits of parties involved and allows for motivation instead of primarily emphasizing top-down reforms. Networking online and PLNs allow interaction of professionals at local, national, and international levels, therefore, demonstrating the dynamics and effectiveness of these platforms.

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Networked learning is essential, and it comes with a myriad of benefits since it is a practical approach that is used in supporting a series of schools rather than single ones thereby presenting a change in education (Sliwka, 2003). These tools give some of the segregated schools as well as most of the innovative individuals in learning to connect with others who may have similar ideologies and standpoints in education. Lastly, networking online and use of PLNs is allows for increased opportunities due to ease in interactions with like-minded individuals as well as professional development. These tools have also been associated with allowing for policy-making, which aims at improving the future of education.

The challenges associated with networking online and the use of PLNs include inequality and rise of the digital divide where most of people in society are incapable of accessing these tools hence those who can access benefit more based on physical, skill and usage access introducing a degree of the knowledge gap. These tools have also been associated with increased polarization where diverse perceptions and ideologies are collected, thereby resulting in divisions.

As the digital revolution changes how learning is exercised, privacy and security have become a matter of concern. Policymakers generally recognize the need for critical data protection among learners and professionals (Deye, n.d.). The governments have addressed the security and privacy issues through the implementation of policies and governance structures, aiming at ensuring student’s data protection. For instance, in Colorado, the Student Data Privacy Act was implemented by the state education board (Deye, n.d.).

In conclusion, networking online and the building of PLNs have allowed for easy sharing of information between learners and professionals. The benefits associated with these tools include individual and institutional interactions with like-minded individuals, thereby increasing opportunities. The challenges include the rise of inequality and the digital divide leading to a knowledge gap.


Deye, S. Protecting Student Privacy in a Networked World. Retrieved 7 June 2020, from

Sliwka, A. (2003). Chapter 3: Networking for Educational Innovation: A Comparative Analysis. OECD, ISBN 92-64-10034-2 , 49-63

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Paper Example. Networked Learning. (2023, Aug 23). Retrieved from

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