Museum Industry Essay Sample

Published: 2022-03-09
Museum Industry Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Culture Art
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 688 words
6 min read

The formation of the museum industry composes of organizations that render the main participants in the presentation and the conservation of artifacts that represent significance to the culture. New York is among the cities offering the involvements and availability for the existence of the more intriguing museums. Regardless of the location of an individual, one is almost guaranteed to come across a museum which might be a historical museum or a long queue of people waiting to view a new exhibit in the museum. This paper will discuss the details concerning the Museum Industry, especially in New York and deliver on the analysis.

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Strengths and Threats to the Museum Industry

Correspondingly, different factors are affecting or impacting the museum industry significantly. First, there are internal factors that develop the museum industry. For instance, the location. With the locality of the museum, it helps affect the population of the people visiting and also impact the type of artifacts and history available in the setting. The different kinds of art are also the strength of the museum industry. These types of art may revolve around: drawings, sculptures, costumes, among others that imply on the nature of society. The membership is also a factor that is involved with the functionality of the museum industry. In New York City the access to the museums has been available to anyone for several years; however, changes are affecting the setting and people visiting the museums have to pay for a certain amount of money to access the artifacts in the facility. Thus, function as differing strengths to the museum industry (Martin-Caceres & Cuenca-Lopez, 2016).

Nonetheless, different factors are threatening the existence of the museum industry. For example, there is a significant growth of the digital world. The reality of the museum arts is mostly in the historical form which people are now viewing in the online platforms. As a result, the growth in this digital world is posing challenges and threats to the museum industry. On the other hand, there is the threat concerning the loss of patronage among the young demographics since there is the emergence of new museums that are modern. Thus, posing another threat to the museum industry (Martin-Caceres & Cuenca-Lopez, 2016).

Cost to Attend and Target Groups in the Museum Industry

In the setting of the most museums and formations, the cost to attend the industries varies from one museum to another. For instance, people visiting and attending the New York Metropolitan Museum of Art will face subjection to a certain amount of cost under imposition currently. The fee may range from $25 for the tourist but lower for the local tourist. These museums are targeting a wide range of individual groups. However, the students are among the highest targets together with the international tourist. The students visit the museums for education purposes among other curriculum requirements (Ritchie, 2014).

Growth, Revenue, and Competition in the Museum Industry

Moreover, the museum industry is growing with each passing day; individuals are acquiring the access to these facilities and each day new artifacts are made available. Every museum wants to provide better services primarily in the presentation of the objects and also the preservation. With those offering the best services acquiring more visitors, thus the competition steps up within the industry (Coblence & Sabatier, 2015). On the other hand, the museum in New York provides excellent revenue from tourists among other practices. To sum everything up, the best museums to visit in New York City include; The Guggenheim Museum (which specializes in contemporary art), The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA). Also, The Whitney Museum of American Art, The New Museum, Cooper Hewitt (Smithsonian Design Museum), and lastly The Metropolitan Museum of Art (Santos, 2017).


Coblence, E., & Sabatier, V. (2015). Articulating growth and cultural innovation in Art Museum. Int. Studies of Mgt and Org, 44(4), 9-25.

Martin-Caceres, M. J., & Cuenca-Lopez, J. M. (2016). Communicating heritage in museums: outlook, strategies and challenges through a SWOT analysis. Museum Management and Curatorship, 31(3), 299-316.

Ritchie, W. A. (2014). The archaeology of New York state. Doubleday.

Santos, Christina. (2017). "The Best Museums In New York City." The Odyssey Online.

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