MPH in Health Policy and Management - Application Letter Example

Published: 2022-08-05
MPH in Health Policy and Management - Application Letter Example
Type of paper:  Personal statement
Categories:  Application letter
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 598 words
5 min read

I have had an interest in a study career related to healthcare for many years. From the beginning, many people could observe my interest because they could often say that I had the capacity to become a doctor. However, my passion has been entirely different. I have been dreaming of not just becoming a doctor, but an administrator in the healthcare field. I came to realize that I had the capacity and interest in Health Office Administration when I was doing my two years associate degree. In fact, I cannot regret my decision. Over the years, my ambition in the field has been growing, and I can comfortably say that I chose the right path.

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Under my current job, I feel like part of the healthcare industry. I am in the process of achieving my dream in the field of healthcare. I am able to work with different healthcare providers almost every day. I also have an opportunity to share my passion for the administration in the company that immersed me in the administrative business. The section I serve in the healthcare industry is a component of public health. I usually feel content because this is the career I chose from the beginning.

Furthermore, as a current employee in the healthcare field at a chiropractic office, I see myself moving forward to get more responsibilities. Such an opportunity will make me improve my professional skills and knowledge. Therefore, I am applying for my MPH in Health and Policy management at CUNY School of Public Health to gain more insight into the field. It is one of the prospective schools where I hope to develop a new potential concentration in this exciting area. I believe that by doing my MPH in this school, I will become a successful public health professional in the field of healthcare.

Pursuing a master's degree in Health Policy and Management is not an easy step. However, I will dedicate all of my effort to learn as much as I can during this journey of my professional goals. I will dedicate myself in all critical areas by developing my new potentials to emerge a successful health expert in the stated field. I want to pursue a Master's degree in health policy and management because it will prepare me for a future opportunity in this industry of healthcare. For instance, I will have a chance to explore a variety of healthcare delivery models which are important to provide care of individuals. More so, it will acquaint me with different creative approaches of bringing healthcare services in all developing countries. My future aspiration is to look forward to developing a concurrent focus on disaster management and other related crisis. I also aim to maintain lifetime research that is more creative and objective to offer adequate health care services to the public.

By pursuing a master's degree in Health Policy and Management, I will develop better strategies of implementing possible intervention policies that will offer the community unswerving access to better care services. I will also grab a chance to infuse different health ideas in all generation by integrating multiple educational health programs. Master's degree in Health Policy and Management will give me quality skills to avert health problems that can be prevented. The knowledge and skills I will acquire from pursuing a master's degree in Health Policy and Management will enable me to establish and exhaust my capacities to the maximum. As a result, I will become a successful and a well-rounded individual who is capable of participating in active roles within and outside the society.

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MPH in Health Policy and Management - Application Letter Example. (2022, Aug 05). Retrieved from

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