MPH in Health Policy and Management

Published: 2022-08-05
MPH in Health Policy and Management
Type of paper:  Personal statement
Categories:  Application letter
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 684 words
6 min read

Studying MPH in Health Policies and Management is among the best courses which majority of students should consider in the line of their careers. For instance, it prepares learners on how to manage and organize public health programs in a better way ("MPH in Health Policy & Management - School of Public Health," 2018). It also helps students to gather proper knowledge which can help them to promote the health of both urban and rural population. The paper entails a personal statement that has important explanations about my success in academic and working experiences that makes me qualify to apply Master's on MPH in Health Policy and Management.

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For over ten years, I have been thinking to pursue a master career which is related to healthcare. I find myself having a passion for administration in the field of healthcare. While I was seeking an associate degree, I realized that studying about healthcare office administration was part of my study. Currently, I am working in a healthcare field in the office of chiropractic. I am confident and capable of obtaining more responsibilities which can help me improve my skills. Therefore, my professional skills are driving my desires of applying to pursue MPH in Health Policy and Management at CUNY School.

Since I am currently part of the healthcare industry, I have an opportunity to work with diverse healthcare practitioners. For instance, I am sure I can suitably share my passion for administration in the organization which introduced me to a business whose healthcare has an administrative side.

I am sure of developing a new and modern potential of concentrating in the area which will enable me to emerge as a successful health expert in the stated field. From my research, I believe MPH in Health Policy and Management is not an easy field to handle. However, I will dedicate all my effort to study as much as I can when I am granted the chance. My primary aim of pursuing a master in Mph in Health Policy and Management is to gather enough knowledge which will prepare me for every opportunity in my healthcare industry.

My current degree is within healthcare unit in the entire public domain. I have been studying the degree for the last three years. Therefore, I have a passion and keen curiosity of researching more about MPH in Health Policy and Management. My experience within the faculty extends out being a volunteer worker in a local hospital when I was in my late teens.

Regarding my strengths, I am dedicated and more compassionate to offer services with the aim of helping the needy. I am sure my tasks within the health field exhibit some of my sympathetic characters as at now. However, my weakness parts hold to an extreme that my age is perceived as a demerit to some eyes. For instance, within the course, I appear to be slightly younger than the rest of my course mates. Conversely to peoples' perception on my age, I feel comforted by the skill set I have acquired so far which keeps me in a strong position of pursuing masters in Health Policy and Management.

I look forward towards developing a concurrent focus on disaster management and other related crisis. Also, I aim to maintain lifetime research that is more creative in search of excellent ways that can implement intervention laws to offer adequate health care services to the public. My motives for pursuing masters in Health Policy and Management came into reality after meeting some old experienced doctors who shared with me about the case of rotating physicians with rural areas. I am sure by completing a master in Health Policy and Management will give me a chance to explore a variety of health care delivery models and other creative approaches for bringing healthcare services to rural regions, particularly in all developing countries (Brownson, 2017).


Brownson, R. C. (2017). Dissemination and implementation research in health: translating science into practice. Oxford University Press.

MPH in Health Policy & Management - School of Public Health. (2018). Retrieved from

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MPH in Health Policy and Management. (2022, Aug 05). Retrieved from

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