Military Discipline: A Key to Success in Uniform - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-11-14
Military Discipline: A Key to Success in Uniform - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Government Army
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1328 words
12 min read

Discipline is a form of instruction that results in self-control, good character, and efficiency in a person (Kastenberg, 2017). The word discipline is used in the civilian world as well as in the military. Military discipline thus refers to the mental attitude and training state that make soldier obedience in all time irrespective of the conditions. It is based on being respectful and loyal to the authority. Discipline is developed in a unit by installing a sense of confidence, trust, and responsibility in each member (Seamone, 2019). The military could be demonstrated by the individuals or a unit through neatness in outlook and actions, by dressing neatly and state of the weapons and army camps. Also, respect of authorities and cheery implementation of orders given by the superiors is a sign of military discipline. The essay evaluates military discipline, the value of discipline, and its importance.

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Discipline is learned behaviour which is strengthened by the senior leaders through praising and motivating their subordinates either as a group or individually for the tasks performed (Walas, 2016). Promoting military discipline enables timely completion of tasks, the achievement of goals, and bonds the team together. In real life, everything needs the discipline to accomplish. Whether a person is playing soccer, driving, playing a musical instrument, studying, or brushing their teeth, having discipline is important to have a successful result. A military organization requires discipline in ensuring efficiency and proper operations in the camp. The level of discipline held by soldiers directly affects their conduct, and every aspect of their military life (Kastenberg, 2017).

A disciplined unit is composed of well-trained soldiers who have trust in each other and have the confidence to accomplish any kind of mission given. Military discipline is a positive value that keeps the troops away from danger and destruction. Discipline training of the troop is expected to yield a specific character or behaviour pattern and produce moral and mental improvements. Being disciplined is similar to a soldier being obedient (Kastenberg, 2017). Every combatant is assessed on discipline when considering the ability to endure extensive hours strain in work, and societal discipline of living and behaving in a community with hash values. Everyone has a capacity of thinking and reasoning; however, making a hard decision requires a well-organized mind (Seamone, 2019). Military decisions are hard to make, and they require mature and sound judgments which are facilitated by discipline.

Military discipline involves giving team goals a priority over the individual wishes and the willingness to accept and execute orders from the superiors effectively. One of the duties of a cadet is making sure that the other cadets are aware of the purpose, meaning, and importance of discipline in their entire military life. Historian admires the Roman army discipline that is fascinating to everyone (Walas, 2016). The army discipline was strict to the point of consideration to be against human rights. Everyone has to take guard duty making nights long, and no enemy is beyond the wall. In the Roman Army, if an officer in guard dozed off and discovered, it was assumed to be a disgrace and would be killed (Walas, 2016).

Indiscipline behaviour such as giving untrue evidence, theft, committing a similar mistake three times and homosexual practice in the Roman Army was punishable by beating to death (Walas, 2016). Also, leaving a post due to cowardness and throwing weapons in the battlefield was pushed by death. The tough punishment made the soldiers remain in their posts even if they are devastatingly outnumbered for fear of waiting consequences. Losing a shield, blade or any weapon in the battleground forced the soldier to hurl towards the enemy with hopes to recover the weapon or die in the course rather than facing the inevitable disgrace and humiliation back at home (Walas, 2016). It only severe punishment that makes men brave or produce the right conduct but also encouraging them to act heroically through rewards and incentives.

A soldier who showed extraordinary valour on the battlefield would be praised the commander in front of all the troops and be given gifts (Walas, 2016). In the Roman Army, if a soldier wounded the enemy received spear as a gift for voluntary and being exposed to danger for the sake of the team. Killing and stripping the enemy attracted a reward of a cup in the case of an infantryman. A golden crown was a reward to a soldier who would save a comrade from being killed in the battle, and the comrade had to refer the solder as own father for the rest of military life. All those who received the rewards were honoured in the Army and society (Walas, 2016). Rewards boost military discipline and motivate soldiers to successfully perform the assigned missions.

Discipline is not restricted to the military organizations but also is important in civilian society as a business organization needs the discipline to be profitable. All citizens are subject to discipline by observing police regulations and societal practices. Military discipline signs are manifested by smart salute, proper wearing of uniforms, taking a prompt and correct decision in emergency incidences, and the battle is the efficiency that leads to victory (Seamone, 2019). True discipline requires reasoned obedience to the command acting correctly even without supervision. Discipline is critical in any activity where people are sharing efforts to achieve a common objective. A sign of the opposite of discipline is anarchy among the team, whereby each person's words towards personal gains without concern for others. Both business and military organization depends on team cooperation for success and is unattainable without discipline (Kastenberg, 2017).

Discipline within the troop brings the order that facilitates the cooperation of the team. Discipline is important in ensuring the efficiency of the whole military organization, the same as individual units. It is the efficiency that facilitates the achievement of goals and maintaining the highest professionalism. Discipline and soldier conduct are two concepts that are directly related and equally important. Thus, the discipline of a soldier will dictate their behaviour and conduct.

As discipline is important in life, so as in the Army. Bravery, discipline, esteem, loyalty, selfless commitment and honesty are the core values of the military (Seamone, 2019). The values should be followed individually, but discipline requires the application of all other values. If a solder lacks discipline needed to apply the other core values, is seemed to be letting down the team. Order and control can only be maintained if discipline is present. Military discipline is crucial and necessary for the armed forces because of their extreme duties. It is a special task when the troop goes to fight for the country. It requires an order to get the troops ready, considering the large numbers and need to maintain the same standards. Order and discipline are the secrets that make military organizations be responsive and execute what requested by the nation leaders. If discipline is not kept, troops cannot perform their responsibilities effectively.

A well-disciplined troop can be depended upon to accomplish missions regardless of the possible hardships. Discipline in a military unit increases effectiveness and shapes the structure. It is the military discipline that keeps the troop hanging in a difficult situation with hopes to overcome, something that would overwhelm an ordinary person. Discipline enables the military to operate at all times irrespective of the weather of the conditions (Seamone, 2019). The disciplined troop has to continue performing their roles during bad weather, in natural disasters, during dust storms, and when lacking food and water.


Kastenberg, J. (2017). To Raise and Discipline an Army: Major General Enoch Crowder, the Judge Advocate General’s Office, and the Realignment of Civil and Military Relations in World War I. Cornell University Press.

Seamone, E. R. (2019). Military Discipline and the Incarcerated Veteran. In Intersections between Mental Health and Law among Veterans (pp. 155-194). Springer, Cham.

Walas, A. H. (2016). ‘Spatial culture’ of an institution: Preliminary thoughts on Roman military bases. In Spatial Cultures (pp. 64-74). Routledge.

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