Metamorphosis Through Africa: A Journey of Preconceptions, Tears, and Understanding - Report Sample

Published: 2024-01-05
Metamorphosis Through Africa: A Journey of Preconceptions, Tears, and Understanding - Report Sample
Essay type:  Narrative essays
Categories:  Culture Personal experience
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 707 words
6 min read

We live in a world of great diversity and wonders that are unveiled now and then. Different people are raised in different backgrounds with different views of the world. The great diversity of cultures makes the world beautiful. However, technology has made the world almost accessible to everyone, people have an opportunity to travel the whole world and experience a new place with new people. The internet also has exposed the world we would not have known. As we grow and experience new things, we tend to develop different characteristics and views about the world. Our character might even change in a very short time with what we encounter in life. Everyone has a life-changing story to share. This paper provides my autobiographical memoir that had a profound effect on my life.

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Being raised in a middle-class family, I had the privilege to live a good life during my childhood. We had a mansion home, a car, and some other luxurious property; I was also taken to a private school where I received a good education. We never at one point in our family had a financial straight and there was in did not affect the better part of our life. Since we were living in a middle-class neighborhood, most of my friends and neighbors were living in the standard we were living too.

During holidays we could travel to fancy places to have fun like on the beach. I did not have an idea of how life was in most of the country and the entire world. I could only see it on TV and the internet and I thought maybe they were fantasies. When I was in junior school, I got an opportunity to visit Africa for an educational trip. I was very excited and scared at the same time. The stories I saw about Africa in the news were scary, I realized that there were wild animals all over the place and very hot temperatures.

"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for joining us tonight. Please fasten your seatbelt because we are about to take off "I heard the flight attendant announcing. Within no minutes we were off to Africa. We arrived there and we were set for the business of the day. We were visiting the different historical sites in one of the countries In Africa. Not until we found ourselves in the Slavery castle in Ghana that what I saw completely changed my life. I saw how slaves were taken into captivity and the whole torture that they had to go through (Prayang et al, 2018). The experience was so tough and it left me in tears, there was a place where slaves died and despite being such a long time, a smell was still there, the horror of the place was still fresh in the castle. "Did all of them die here", one of the students asked, "yes they all died "the tour guide replied.

I used to view Africa as a horrific place but that was not the case, although life is a little bit harder there, they are the victims of many crises in the world. Most of the African countries were colonized for a long time and they did not have the chance to exercise their rightful way of life. I had lived to see Africa as a naturally bad place, but I was amazed to see beautiful scenarios, beautiful people, and many other wonderful things that I could not imagine were there. Since we visited various towns and cities, they have also developed to some extent, we were able to live in 5-star hotels and there was no difference from the ones found back at Homesick that day I visited Africa, I had a different view of the world, I learned that until you experience something, you would not know how it feels and how it is. There are very many things that we judge based on what we hear from the media but we do not take the time to find out more and hear the story from the other side.

Work Cited

Prayag, Girish, Wantanee Suntikul, and Elizabeth Agyeiwaah. "Domestic tourists to Elmina Castle, Ghana: Motivation, tourism impacts, place attachment, and satisfaction." Journal of Sustainable Tourism 26.12 (2018): 2053-2070.

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Metamorphosis Through Africa: A Journey of Preconceptions, Tears, and Understanding - Report Sample. (2024, Jan 05). Retrieved from

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