Biology Essay Sample: Metamorphosis as a Biological Process

Published: 2017-11-13
Biology Essay Sample: Metamorphosis as a Biological Process
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Biology Animals
Pages: 1
Wordcount: 269 words
3 min read

Metamorphosis is a biological process that involves the development of animals like insects from the time they are hatched to the time they are mature. Metamorphosis involves four major stages known as the life cycle where insect develops from egg, larva pupa into adult. In this case an insect like a grasshopper locates a suitable place to lay its eggs and it ensures the place is safe and has food abundance. After the eggs are hatched into larva, these insects start developing and during this stage they are able to eat soft leave or even the egg shells they were hatched from. During the larva stage, insects develop different organs including the skin where they undergo molting multiple times in order to develop a tough and hard skin for them to adopt to the physicall environmental changes (Miller, 2012).

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The third metamorphosis stage is the pupa stage where insects develop towards adulthood. At this point the insects have fully developed their wings, antennas and sucking mouth pieces. The final stage is the adulthood where the insects are mature enough to fly by themselves. At this stage they are able to consume different kinds of foods and in addition to that, they are able to adapted to any changes. Not only insects undergo metamorphosis but also other animals like fish and frogs. Through metamorphosis we can better understand the evolution of life among these animals.


Etkin, W., & Gilbert, L. I. (1968). Metamorphosis: A problem in developmental biology. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts

Miller, I. (2012). Metamorphosis of a butterfly: Collaborations of my mind. Place of publication not identified: Lulu Com

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Biology Essay Sample: Metamorphosis as a Biological Process. (2017, Nov 13). Retrieved from

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