Mentorship Programs. Essay Example

Published: 2023-01-03
9 min read

Policy 1: Mentorship Programs

The company aims at developing a culture of leadership development and workplace collaboration. The culture of the organization also aims at employee empowerment to ensure the company performs effectively and efficiently. Therefore, this policy will be used in developing the corporate culture of the company where every single staff at the company will be directly involved and would accountable for all actions stipulated to it. Employee empowerment can only work when they have leaders who guide and direct them as well as leaders who mentor and lead rather than controlling them.

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Policy 2: Training and Staff Development

Employees in the organization need to be trained on how to develop the corporate culture of the organization. The business aims at attaining a culture of collaborative leadership and employee empowerment. These cultures can only be spearheaded if both the management and other staff are adequately trained on how to perform their roles effectively. Also, training should entail general provision of knowledge to all staff on how to manage and operate the business ethically and strategically.

Policy 3: Community Social responsibility

The community is an essential aspect of an organization. It is the source of labor, market and other essential services. The company has to develop strategies to ensure specific issues in the community are addressed such as social and environmental costs. Therefore, by addressing these concerns, the organization will be aligning its corporate policies with the corporate culture to ensure leadership development and collaboration in the firm. Also, this will help facilitate community commitment as well as employee empowerment within the company.

Difference between Ethical and Legal Issues

Legal issues are matters which strictly relate to written laws and regulations which have been established to govern how a business works, for example, the federal tax laws, company law and failure to comply with legal issues will result into litigation (Cooter & Ulen, 2016). Ethical problems are based on rights and wrongs in society; however, companies subscribe to ethics to ensure they operate ethically (Parsons, 2016). Also, ethical issues arise on how the company interacts with the society there the society influences whatever the company does. Therefore, through this company can know if whatever is doing is ethically right or wrong; for example pollution of the environment, corruption.

Ethical Issues in the Scenario

The top executive in the company reward themselves excessive bonuses, yet the other employees are complaining of low pay. Therefore, this is an ethical issue which has to be evaluated to correct the situation in the company.

Also, the city is bankrupt, and Techfite aims at addressing these challenges through community involvement and provision of investment opportunities and jobs for the community.

The company had promised to be committed to the community through the provision of investment and job opportunity programs, but this has not yet happened. There is continuous complains from employees for compensation as well as benefits which the company does not provide.

Purpose of an Ethics Officer

An ethics officer is involved in internal ethics controls in an organization to ensure compliance, to ethics and other laws. Moreover, the ethics officer advice the management on corporate governance issues as well as upholding organizational leadership in the company (Rahim & Lokman, 2017).

Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate social responsibility is a corporate policy through which companies use to ensure social accountability to itself, all stakeholders and members of the public (Grayson & Hodges, 2017). Most companies have adopted corporate social responsibility as a strategy for achieving sustainable development. Therefore, since companies operate as registered persons, this is a way of enhancing their corporate citizenship.

Techfite has been involved in corporate social responsibility at Delburg City. The corporate social responsibility strategies include sponsoring community events, support local youth leadership development and investing in the infrastructure for rebuilding Delburg City to ensure environmental responsibility.

Social Responsibility

Sponsorship of community events shows how the company is socially responsible. These events are likely to be used to ensure collaboration and employee empowerment as the corporate culture of the company. Also, supporting the local youth leadership programs aims at meeting the companies culture of providing leadership development and collaboration.

Environmental Responsibility

The need to improve the company's infrastructure is a way of enhancing environmental responsibility. Infrastructural development is a form of community investment which is the third corporate culture principle of the company. The strategy also aims in leadership development and community collaboration.

Ethical Responsibility

Delburg City is very bankrupt, and Techfite aims at addressing these issues of the employee complaining about wages and benefits. The company also aims to improve the community commitment to facilitate the culture of community involvement of the company.

Course of Action

Sponsoring community events will ensure social responsibility since the company will be involved direct in social issues affecting the community. Also, the support for local youth leadership development programs will aid in developing responsible leaders in the community (Heald, 2018).

Suitable infrastructure for environmental sustainability will aid in environmental protection. Due to the company will have achieved environmental responsibility.

Finally, commitment towards community involvement will aid in the provision of employment as well as reduce corruption. Reduction in corruption leads to ethical responsibility.


Cooter, R., & Ulen, T. (2016). Law and economics. Addison-Wesley.

Grayson, D., & Hodges, A. (2017). Corporate social opportunity: Seven steps to make corporate social responsibility work for your business. Routledge.

Heald, M. (2018). The social responsibilities of business: Company and community, 1900-1960. Routledge.

Parsons, P. J. (2016). Ethics in public relations: A guide to best practice. Kogan Page Publishers.

Rahim, A. S. A. B. A., & Lokman, N. (2017). The Importance of Integrity Systems in Assessing Malaysian Business Ethical Practices. ICOPS2017 eProceedings, 769.

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