Memorable Job - Free Paper Example

Published: 2023-11-24
Memorable Job - Free Paper Example
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Management Environment Job Personal experience Organizational culture
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 839 words
7 min read


In the bid to meet my needs while at school, I opted to work part-time in a company that turned out to be a turning point in my career and life. The company was involved in the manufacturing and designation of home appliances, for instance, air purifiers, bladeless fans, vacuum cleaners, hairdryers, among others. Albeit I did quit the job due to time management issues, there was a lot learned from the short stint of work experience that I had gained in terms of personal growth. The growth was emblemed by the culture that was embraced by all the employees in the company. It was a source of inspiration and motivated many workers to perform maximumly. The home appliances manufacturing company called their culture their “DNA,” which meant that the objectives of the company were deep-rooted inside them, and they would go to a greater height to achieve the goals.

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Culture of the Organisation

The culture of the organisation emphasized the need for a person to respect and follow up on their goals, consequently. The organization’s culture was established on sustainability, innovation, and education. All three pillars are directly applicable to anyone’s life, which explains why I hold them, dear.

Firstly, the management of the organisation championed creativity, which made the appliances of the company unique and appealing to its targeted consumer base. Creativity in the organisation was triggered by surrounding employees with functional designs such as solar panels that were used in electricity generation. The latter, therefore, proved that there are more innovative ways that one can approach a problem provided innovativeness is involved. In problem-solving, creativity is critically significant. The organisation instilled the innovative skill in all of its employees, which primarily is vital to ensure harmonious living within the society through effective problem-solving interventions.

Environmental Conservation

Prior employment by the organisation I used to work for, there was little awareness with respect to environmental conservation. The latter is a current phenomenon in quite a large population in the contemporary world. In light of this, the sustainable goal of maintaining a good climate is greatly hindered. Upon joining the organisation, my view on the provision of a sustainable global climate was changed as the company based its operations on the reduction of environmental degradation as one of its’ main agendas.

The ability to use renewable energy and how they disposed of their waste products provided insight into how the environment should be conserved. This affected and continues to affect my view on how the surroundings should be conserved as they contain all the natural resources that human beings and animals require for survival. As such, greater care ought to be given to these surroundings to avoid the depletion of the resources. The knowledge about surroundings imparted in me is useful as I have continued creating environmental awareness to my peers to ensure that the UN goal of sustainable climate is achieved by the year 2030. The company vividly did shed a lot of light in matters I considered not vital, but are rather the ones that maintain the existence of life here on earth.


Thirdly, education was of paramount significance in the organisation. Once the management learned of the thirst of an employee to study, they paid for their education fees. Though the latter was only accessible by the permanent basis employees, I still learned a lot from the culture despite being a seasonal employee. The organisation did this while at the same time they paid the salaries of these employees. However, this turned out to be great for them as the employees would gain professional experiences, which would, in turn, improve the operations of the organisation altogether.

Education is paramount as it enables a person to gain the necessary skills required for survival in the world. As such, I decided to quit my job to provide ample time to my studies as time was a constraint in the bid to work and study. I opted to study to gain a theoretical background to my career so that I would put the knowledge into practice in an industrial setting. The home appliances organisation provided major insight into the importance of good education, as many industries today are heavily reliant on highly educated professionals to provide dynamism and flexibility in the procedures applied by a company.


Through the culture of the organisation studied in this report, it was vivid that I needed to develop a culture around my life that steered me to the accomplishment of my goals. The company instilled in me the culture of innovatively and sustainability, which has shaped me into a better person than I was when joining the company. Even though I might have quit the job for studies, the values taught at the company would always guide me as I also help others through plausible decision making and problem-solving. The latter ensures peaceful cohabiting within societal members, which leads to peace and love spread globally. Unity is crucial as the management and the employees in the organisation are portrayed.

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