Essay Sample on MBA and Its Implications in HRM Job Position

Published: 2019-09-20
Essay Sample on MBA and Its Implications in HRM Job Position
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Management Education Human resources Business
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1825 words
16 min read

Human resource managers are the key drivers of businesses in the competitive and dynamic world of business today. They play a crucial role in the identification and analysis of external and internal opportunities for business. In addition, they also determine the potential threats faced by an organization. Good training for the HR managers is, therefore, essential in the business environment. This is so as to facilitate the development of crucial skills and strategies to steer businesses through the changing trends and practices in todays corporate world (Snell, Morris & Bohlander, 2015). The following is a detailed report of my academic journey in the masters of business administration, an explanation of the skills I gained in the program and the implications they would have in managerial job positions if offered an opportunity to work as human resource manager at Apple corporation.

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Masters of Business Administration Degree Program

The program of business administration with a major in human resource management has a main objective of producing graduates with the potential of becoming highly skilled business specialists. The skills learned in the program range from managerial, marketing, finance economics and information systems management. All these skills are essential for persons taking part in executive job positions in business. My journey to embarking on an MBA program started with a four years bachelor degree program in human resource management. The bachelors level of the program gives the students a solid foundation in the business management. In the fours I was in the university, I harbored the dream of working as a human resource manager at one of the most auspicious companies specially the Apple corporation. I knew that to be in a position to learn MBA at my masters level; I had to study a bachelor degree in human resource management.

In majoring in human resource management program, a person can be in a position to integrate the core skills learned in the degree program with a more focused approach to human resource management foundation (Snell, Morris & Bohlander, 2015). This means that the program shapes the candidates into excellent persons in various human resource management positions. Graduates are conversant with the roles and responsibilities of a human resource manager, in both public and private sectors. As a graduate of the program, a person develops the professional skills in team management, report writing, clear interpersonal communication techniques as well as methodologies in problem-solving (Snell, Morris & Bohlander, 2015). These are foundation skills that I learned in the program, and they will offer me remarkable performance skills in a human resource management job position.

The Structure of the Masters in Human Resource Management Degree Program

The lessons learned in the MBA program are based on the foundation courses learned in the four-year bachelor of the human resource management degree program. This means that most of the course units in the masters program are just but a furtherance of the lessons learned in the bachelor degree program. Nevertheless, some of the units learned in MBA program include economics, financial management, and management theories and strategic management. They also include the theory of practices in human resource management, accounting marketing, research methodology and business communication skills. The students also engage in deep studies of business law and ethics, decision making, entrepreneurship and organizational leadership among others.

All these units have played a big role in preparing me to be an excellent human resource personnel capable of functioning effectively in any managerial position in a corporation. My enrollment in the MBA program also enabled me to delve deeper into the specifics of business administration. The program offered me a broader look into the corporate field management, which was parallel to my career goals. The program aided me in gaining a deeper understanding of managerial decision making and problem solving skills. It also acted as a guideline to the application of human management knowledge in the functional business areas. This way, I gained the knowledge of attaining an integrative approach in searching for solutions to solve various management and organizational challenges.

The MBA program also focused on the development of deeper leadership and management skills. Such skills are mainly applied in planning, organizing, communication, team building and controlling in a business environment. In addition, the MBA program also helped me in analyzing global business environments. This was essential in sharpening my skills in the assessment and evaluation of both the internal and external dynamic elements of the global business environments. Also, through the MBA degree program, I was able to gain a deeper understanding of the corporate social and ethics responsibility. This knowledge enables graduates who take job positions as human resource managers to demonstrate a deeper awareness of the ethical implications of a business to its environment. This way, the program developed my ability to make considerations while conducting business operations, especially when making decisions affecting the global and local business environments.

Human Resource Management Job Position at Apple Corporation

Working at Apple has been my childhood dream. I have always envisioned working at the organization and consequently strived to do my best to have the best skills necessary for a human resource manager position in the corporation. Apple is one of the major employers in the United States. As of 2015, the Corporation had employed more than 76,000 persons in the U.S. alone. The company has also created and supported more 1.9 million jobs worldwide either directly or indirectly (Apple, 2016). These figures show that Apple has a great deal of human resource, which is one of the major drivers of the companys excellence. It is also a great pillar that have greatly supported the reputable name of the corporation. The success of Apple with such a high number of employees shows that the corporation has a highly talented team of skilled human resource managers with competent skills of managing the huge labor force.

By using efficient human resource management skills, the companys management team has ensured that the corporation has maintained a leading position in its operations among its competitors. This is despite the cut-throat competition, which the corporation has faced in the recent years. This is more so in the field of technology and information systems. This success has inspired me to join the companys excellent human resource management team to help me in the delivery of incredible services, which the team has been offering to the public. Apple is also a hub of talented and ingenious persons who have the ability to inspire and model others into delivering excellent human resource management results. By functioning as a human resource manager in the corporation, I will be a role model to junior managers who would like to function as human resource management personnel within the corporation.

Human resource management in an organization, enables a corporation to achieve its goals and objectives. The employees can develop their performance skills, and the young talents are nurtured into professional personnel (Apple, 2016). This is principally achieved under the guidance of good human resource managers. Such professionals are also essential in ensuring a company maintains a good performance in the market. It also ensures that a company can adapt to various trends that could compromise its profitability in the market. By taking an MBA, I believe that I can competently support such functions in business. My managerial skills from the degree program can help me maintain the profitability of the company for its shareholders, create a good working environment among the employees as well as promote good customer relations.

The success of Apple in recent history can be traced back to its excellent management of human resources. For instance, in the past decade, Apple has successfully diversified from computer devices only industry to a music systems industry as well. This can be evidenced by its ingenious technological creations of devices such as iPod, iPads, and iTunes music channel. The corporation also recently conquered the smartphone industry by introducing the iPhones and smartphone features such as the App Store. Throughout this revolution, Apple has maintained its reputation for being a top performing company, when ranked with other top corporations around the world. Its excellent human resource management team has enabled the corporation to break the records of other successful organizations such as Facebook, Procter & Gamble, Google, and Toyota. This remarkable track record has been facilitated by the corporations excellent management of human resource personnels talents in the corporation. In addition, its constant innovative culture has created the need for excellent management of employees, which can only be successfully attained by using human resource managers with MBA degrees, such as myself.

The Applied Job Position at Apple

The description of the job position I have applied with the company is that of a human resource manager with the skills to yield good leadership required for the Apple Maps and iCloud departments. This is in the Apple branches situated at Santa Clara Valley in California. Apple Maps and iCloud are exemplary devices that serve a range of customers, both individuals and corporates. For this reason, a human resource manager with efficient management skills to manage the departments control units will be fit for this position. Personally, as a qualified personnel, I believe that I will be a remarkable asset to the company in offering outstanding leadership skills, which have been greatly enabled by my excellence in the MBA. As a human resource manager, I will be in a position to coordinate various activities for my departments in order to guarantee a smooth flow of operations.

Implication of My MBA Skills to the Human Resource Management Job Position

The extensive MBA skills I have gained in my training will help me make a great operational contribution to the corporation. The management practices and perspectives knowledge I gained from the program will aid me in performing staff leadership and management development. I will also be excellent in the management of financial resources, development of strategies and their implementation as well as in project development. I will have the skills to develop new strategies that are efficient for boosting the productivity of the stated departments. In the MBA program, I also covered the dynamics of strategy module. The skills earned from this program will be essential in giving me the knowledge of strategies implementation, their management and fostering their sustainability. The decision-making techniques with consideration to risks, ethics and barriers are also important skills I covered in this module. These skills will be excellent in establishing new global markets in regions outside the United States.

Corporate finance is also a skill I acquired after studying an MBA. Corporate finance will be an excellent skill in the human resource position at Apple since it will help me in using various finance techniques to support business decisions. The skills will also help me in performing the corporations financial analysis, as well as in developing strategies efficient in the management of capital structure. The understanding of financial strategies and how they affect the productivity of the organization will he...

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