Market vs. Social Norms. Essay Example

Published: 2023-08-14
Market vs. Social Norms. Essay Example
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Marketing Job Career development
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1777 words
15 min read

Marketing career, because it will give an opportunity to be creative and help in boosting innovation skills. It will also help to create new approaches on how to handle different problems that come with it. As a career I am interested in, it will help analyze the market and how it works and make products more known to the consumers and deliver the products successfully. It will also create room for interacting with new people and learning new ideas.

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The level of education influenced in choosing the career because to be a marketer, you must have the skills needed to do so. You need the know-how to handle different types of consumers from different cultures with different beliefs and norms and how to be courageous enough to interact with people with no fear of making a positive sale on the products you present to them.

In choosing a marketing career, you break the norm of personal space because sometimes you find people busy with their work or doing their activities. They need not be bothered, but due to the skills you have learned as a marketer, you approach them, explain your product, and finally, they might like them and positively perceive your work. The employer failed to uphold the prices as demanded as a marketer. I should charge a higher price than the normal one to clear stock quickly and make more profit to avoid huge losses. As an employee, it was not a good idea to take in, but due to the fear of losing the job, I had to comply, and as an employee, you will find it hard to get customers as normal. As an employee, it was stressful and tedious because you will have to work extra hours to achieve your target and meet the employer's demands.

If I get a dream job of being a marketer, I will make sure I balance the market and social norms first by ensuring the prices aren't exploitive and make it possible for the group of consumers is targeting able to afford the products. Secondly, I would check on my language and make sure I use the right words and make communication more understandable by choosing the right words and being polite. Also, I teach my self o how to be patient. Thirdly to keep my dream job and to avoid misunderstanding with my employee. I would make sure to uphold all the job ethics and norms, and report to work on time. Complete work is scheduled to do on time and ensure a healthy interaction with other employees. I will finally ensure I don't engage in corruptive ways like taking bribes or even selling products at a high price to earn extra money for myself.

Procrastination and you.

The goals are saving and exercising

Saving will help me to be financially secure and able to fund my emergency. It will also help to escape financial stress and make large purchases of assets and make an investment in the future, which will generate more money. Saving also will help me escape debts, provide a greater sense of financial freedom, and be aware of my financial awareness.

Exercising will help me in controlling my weight to avoid gaining more and help to maintain the recent. Secondly, exercise will help to combat diseases and maintain a healthy life and avoid diseases like high blood pressure, depression, and anxiety among many others. Thirdly, exercising will help me improve my moods by stimulating brain chemicals that will leave me happier, less anxious, and feel more relaxed. It will also boost energy through muscle strength, which will boost endurance and body system will more efficient. Finally, exercising will help promote better sleep by falling asleep faster .it will also increase your confidence in your physical appearance.

The setbacks behind achieving the goal of saving are not able to track my spending which causes a lot of spending's not paying credit cards on time which causes paying interest that could have been saved and not having a good plan on how to do my savings which creates a problem on which money to spend and save. Exercising is challenging because some workouts are difficult to undertake; postponing has been a major problem and also daily commitments make it hard to schedule working hours.

What to do to break this cycle is having a well-planned schedule of how to make savings and make a budget to help priorities my expenditure and find a balance between spending and saving. With exercising, I have to create time to work out.

Saving the incentive is the high-interest rate; this is by saving using a financial firm that will allow a higher interest rate and talking to the employer for an increase in income. Exercising existing evidence will have a positive impact on the importance of good exercise.

Day -to- day probability.

Acrophobia is the fear of height where I experience the fear of being exposed to heights and the tendency to avoid the possibility of higher altitude. This avoidance can affect the quality of life and even turn down a job opportunity offered as the office is located on the 10th floor of a building. I had the fear since I was a small child up to date when I witnessed a case to a person falling for a 12th floor to the ground, causing death.I am afraid of heights because of the stem of the natural fear of falling and being injured, and if it occurs, it will be difficult to endure the pain caused by falling from the heights and the mental trauma caused by the situation.

The probability of acrophobia to occur:

The likelihood of acrophobia to occur is once (1) in a month.

In a year (12 months)

Mathematically:(1/12) =0.08333

The probability of the acrophobia to occur is very low. However, the fear is still there to fear going up to buildings high heights or even when at the places having the fear that something bad is going bad or even the place has a good view, for example of the ocean being afraid to go and experience the great beauty.

Skyscraping and climbing a ladder is a daily risk people take every day. The probability of it happening is one case daily, which means there is a high risk of injury or a fatal accident.

The difference between the irrational fear and something carried out on daily basis risk. The probability of irrationality is very low, but there is still the fear of heights and people fear it might cause injury and fatal accidents. In contrast, the daily risk its probability is very high but people still do things like skyscraping, and they enjoy the fun of it, and they tend to forget it is very risky. The daily risk is the one I fear most because it bears a high risk of causing fatal deaths and serious injuries, and they tend to occur more regularly.

Your Dr. Jekyll vs. Hyde

I agree with Ariely people tend to underpredict what will happen when in heightened passion. I had a close uncle who was a manager at his place of work, and he started to behave in a manner that predicts he was not himself anymore. He had a heightened passion for being the most productive manager and making the firm's performance good and resulting in more work being done and more work satisfaction. As more as he intended to create more satisfaction, he tended to have lower levels of phycological health, resulting in work stress. This created a difficult situation for him to handle both employees and the firm in the right manner.

He had a lot of problems at the workplace; for example, as a manager, he was unable to recognize the employee's accomplishments. As well as the little success they are bringing into the organization, at least motivates them with some incentives; this demoralized the employees, and the employees started feeling unappreciated with the services they provide.

He would fail to initiate frequent communication with employees; this communication helps keep employees from leaving and keeping them on toes to do the right work efficiently. He thought less communication would save time and the work to finish their work on time and provide a satisfactory job.

He created a lot of fear for the workers because they fear being fired if they don't finish their task on time, and due to this, they could poor work hence not achieving the work satisfaction this situation leads to poor performance.The situation at home was difficult; he could engage in conflicts due to the tension of roles, and he needs to provide high performance, and the family felt that they were not close to him anymore. He would create a little family because he was caught up in his work activities, and he would spend less time on leisure activities with his family.

After a while, he realized he was not acting himself because he started feeling anxious and irritable whenever the employee's performance was in question. Also, he started having a problem with sleeping and taking long before he falls deep asleep or not even peaceful sleep. He also had a problem concentrating and also having headaches, which made him feel sick them; this brought attention that he was not himself anymore. With time his fellow workers and family members noticed his situation, and they had to get help for him so that he can be able to handle the work stress.

He had to explain he was under the pressure of being doing more work and get work satisfaction and keep the company shinning and uphold a good image and also increase the production of the firm and record a good performance. Him looking back, look at the situation made to know on the way to balance work and other personal issues like family matters.

To avoid the situation again, he learned to lean on family and friends to help and be supportive when having had time at work. Secondly, he created a good environment of co-working with other employees to create long time value by ensuring frequent communication, giving employees incentives. Finally, he learned about balancing work and creating time for the family, and he also started experiencing to keep health and drain away stress.

For him to protect himself from another situation like that not to judge himself in case something goes wrong in the firm and to cut off people who make him feel less or he has failed if the firm is not achieved. Also, monitoring his body language with help to know when he isn't acting right.

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Market vs. Social Norms. Essay Example. (2023, Aug 14). Retrieved from

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