Nursing Essay Sample: Magnet Status Drives Health Care Change in Institutions

Published: 2019-05-22
Nursing Essay Sample: Magnet Status Drives Health Care Change in Institutions
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Nursing Healthcare
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1505 words
13 min read

The Magnetic Designation is a recognition program, instituted by American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC). It aims to recognize nursing excellence in an evidence-based manner. Its primary concentration is on quality and levels of nursing practice and best patients outcomes. It studied institutions offering nursing care where 43 out of 163 were found with similar qualities that attract and retain Nurses-Forces of Magnetism- and those institutions are referred to as Magnetic hospitals. It was established in the late 1980s in America but has geographically diversified with time also changing its title to Magnet Hospital Recognition Program for Excellence and later to Magnet Recognition Program. Those who wish to gain Magnetic status have to apply to the ANCC and an evaluation where evidence and patients testimony are considered. The Magnet program is all about doing right things right attaining excellence in patient satisfaction as it lays the groundwork and standards expected to be achieved by interested health organizations (Cowen & Moorhead, 2014). ANCC has for many years supported and recognized the quality of nursing and health care offered by nurses in different institutions. It has stuck to and used the absolute component as the cornerstone of its operation and existence, namely; Transformational Leadership, Structural Empowerment, Exemplary Professional Practice, New Knowledge, Innovation and Improvements and Empirical Quality Results.

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The five components of Magnet Designation are a summarization of the 14 Forces of Magnetism. First, Transformational Leadership entitles the leaders to identify and communicate goals and visions that drive and ensures continuity. It is creating a suitable environment for the nurses to work in, and their safety guaranteed. It takes account of the future as change is integrated into the program given the upgrading clinical knowledge and innovations. Any arising complications are communicated, and necessary solutions provided for better results. Secondly, Structural Empowerment is attained through institutions strategic plan, structure, systems, policies, and programs. There is shared-governance ensuring advanced learning and staff empowerment resulting in community integration hence improved patient outcomes (ANCC, 2014). These policies and standards should be within government regulations and respect rights of those involved. The leadership should enforce the plans through adequate funding and progress follow-up to avoid loopholes in the execution. Thirdly, Magnet applies Exemplary Professional Practice as it strives to attain the best health care quality for the community using new and already known knowledge. The nurses collaborate and develop professionally, producing best and exemplary care to those involved. The professionals quickly learn and offer best services that other programs and hospitals cant at the shortest period making the exceptional. Exemplary servicing attracts customers and nurses to the organization saving them the marketing costs.

Moreover, the Magnetic program takes into account New Knowledge, Innovation and Improvements in its operations. To improve the quality of health care, new and existing professional literature, acquired evidence and models are employed in the process. There is program redesigning to accommodate any improvements for present and future instances. The improvements and inventions should be of the best use and contribute to patients well-being without compromising that of the nurses. Finally, Empirical Quality Results is a component summing up the whole program. The best results are expected where nurse and patients satisfaction is attained, reduced infections and mortality rate, institution saving with nurses retention, improved hospitals image and community outreach (ANCC, 2014). At the end of ACNN assessment, the evidence on the results and patients testimony will be considered while judging the organization. These results only occur when the above components are appropriately and exhaustedly implemented.

Magnet model influences the health care progress in positive and negative manner. For an institution to implement and maintain the commitment to the Magnet program, changes in the organization are inevitable. This has an influence on the day-to-day organization performance. The guideline that ANCC evaluation is judged by medical evidence and close interviewing, is, therefore, demand the total and efficient application of the five components. The anticipated changes in the health-care model need to be carefully evaluated and maintained for present and future medical cases. This is in consideration of the innovations and past acquired knowledge. Involved parties should be willing to accept and deal with the changes professionally for organization recognition.

The senior management and directors in the hospital being at the top rank are the first to experience the changes. The communication plan needs to be clearly outlined and to be regular as new and realistic goals need to be developed. It has to integrate itself in the new Transformational Leadership minding the institutions future existence and operations. It also has to build relevant policies and robust structures given the stated health care policies and politics and their coverage (Mason, Leavitt & Chaffee, 2012). They also need to overview the whole process of performance requiring them to take lessons on newly invented medical literature and procedures. It has to seek and facilitate funding and their involvement in administration and in the field contrary to other health-care models that ensure quality and efficient results. It becomes the primary facilitator and intermediary between the nurses and Magnet program officials in cases of assessment and accreditation. It is through good leadership, governance and community involvement that any institution provides exemplary and quality services, creating patients confidence and satisfaction, raising its profile.

The strategic and operational procedures are influenced in the adoption of Magnet designation. Magnet principles are integrated into the institution that could cause turbulences in the previous plans. Therefore necessary and timely solutions should be provided. The principles require perfection and proper follow-ups, tracking progress where evidence is the primary determinant. The procedures are redesigned and upgraded to cater for innovations but above all ensuring patients safety. The professional practice involved should be compatible with the systems to ensure quality and safety are reached, without endangering life, and any encountered system complications rectified (Vincent, 2011). The integration of these methods may take the time to take place as the management, and medical staff strives to familiarize themselves and adapt the changes. It also requires funding on the redesigning which could be a problem and also exposure to the operational plans requiring training of personnel. However, once the involved parties get along with the plans, the process become easy to work on, and best outcomes are attained. The redesigning should also cater for any future improvements and inventions. The staff members should be exposed to the changes promoting professionalism and expansion of ideas in their practice. The institution gains and maintains a competitive advantage in the area of operation due to the improved services and up-to-date medical plans allowing it to make more profits global recognition.

Health professional entities are mainly affected in cases of medical program changes. New standards, working framework, professional practices, scientific literature and a new form of leadership are integrated into the health care process requiring the health practitioners to agree to. Communication and education are majored for the nurses to interact with the changes. Clear guidelines and progress in services provision are given and monitored ensuring the nurses are motivated as they explore the new procedures. Support and appreciation are needed for the nurses to ease their working pressure, ensure patients safety and improved quality at all unit levels. When the Magnet principles are well utilized, the nurses gain institution satisfaction attracting other talented nurses and retaining the existing. It saves much on job advertisement, and the nurse retention facilitates patients wellbeing as familiar nurses take care of them. However, when nurses encounter any problems and mistreatment in their practice, they should be allowed to air their grievances and let whistle-blowing in cases where the situations deteriorate and no action has been taken (Huston, 2014). Increased experience for nurses in Magnet program produces the best quality results and them attaining national/global acknowledgment and awards.

Magnetic Designation has been a success in the medical world. Many health organizations have continuously provided the best quality and employed exemplary practices as they strive to attain best outcomes. Nurses shortage has been dealt with as most of the hospitals that have attained Magnet accreditation have attracted more and more personnel in the health sector. Patients have received best medical care from the well experienced health practitioners at reduced costs. ANCC through the Magnet program has ensured quality is evidence-based eliminating fraud and certifying only the deserving institutions in different countries. It has clearly outlined its course and considered the future in its existence as it aims to reach many people. The returns on organization investments are unforgettable as there is reduced vacancy and turnover, increased patient satisfaction, minimal operational costs, reduced mortality rates, nurse work injuries as all quality and safety are achieved.


ANCC, A. N. (2014). Retrieved 06 25, 2015, from AMERICAN NURSES CREDITIALING CENTRE:

Cowen, P. S., & Moorhead, S. (2014). Current Issues In Nursing. St. Louis, Mo: Mosby Elsevier.

Huston, C. J. (2014). Professional issues in nursing: Challenges and opportunities (3rd Ed). New York: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.

Mason, D. J, Leavitt, J. K., & Chaffee, M. W. (2014). Policy and politics in nursing and health care (6th Ed). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Saunders

Vincent, C. (2011). Patient Safety.

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Nursing Essay Sample: Magnet Status Drives Health Care Change in Institutions. (2019, May 22). Retrieved from

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