Lateness Research, Free Essay in Time Management

Published: 2019-09-10
Lateness Research, Free Essay in Time Management
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Time management
Pages: 8
Wordcount: 2040 words
17 min read

Human beings have been found to be the most difficult creatures in managing time. Some students have been found to be reporting to class late on a regular basis, and also, they are portraying some form of defiance. Lateness can be so frequent and thus infecting other students. Some of the students may be late for class, and they may leave earlier than expected or even sleep during class time. The attendance and punctuality policy are very clear, and it claims that regular and also punctual attendance is of paramount importance in the process of ensuring that all students get full access to the curriculum. When students are absent they lose time that is very valuable to them. This paper will elaborate more on reasons for coming to class late and as well as how the school and the community as a whole can help in solving this problem.

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Reasons Associated with Lateness

Poor organization from the students is one of the reasons for lateness .This is a very common reason for students lateness. Students have a tendency of waiting up to the last minute thus not setting aside enough time for traveling. Students always argue there is enough time for making for the one lost. It doesn't really matter if one is left behind the back, but what matters more is the capacity to pull and push everyone by your way to get to the front. This encourages them to be sluggish in their activities (Murkoff and Mazel, 36).

Going to bed late is also another reason. Sleeping late in most cases affects students that are addicted to watching films as well as home videos thus forcing them to be awake until late night (Watenpaugh, 45), this could easily result in them waking up very late as can be deduced from a say which says that the earlier to bed the earlier to rise. The student has to prepare well for the next day before sleeping. Beginning of a great day begins a night before.(Rogers 17). This is important as it helps in reducing the number of activities carried out in the morning while preparing for school.

Background of the family could also be another reason for coming to class late. The habit of lateness could be learned from members of the family. For example, a student that is used to seeing his or her parents always going to work late can easily learn the habit, thus go for lecture late. This is clearly elaborated by the concept of nature-nature and the effect it has on the habits of individuals (Murkoff and Mazel 36). To add on that, this could be due to lack of supervision from parents, violence experienced at homes, issues of poverty, attitudes towards education that are very differing.

The Cultural background could also be another reason. Different cultures have been associated with different standards as lateness is concerned. For some cultures, punctuality is not taken as a serious issue that needs to be given appropriate attention. Punctuality is highly perceived in cultures of the Western and as well as countries that are very developed. The only way to properly face doom is by being on time. Being punctual is very important as it helps the student to create some time for settling before the lecture begins. Being late to class late always is very annoying (Rogers 23)

College factors could also be another reason. These have an inclusion of the climate issues of the college, the size of the classes as well as the attitudes portrayed by the various lecturers; some of the students may also influence others as well as the cultural learning styles of the various students (Murkoff and Mazel 37). This does not portray decency, If you have been told that you are late and unreliable more than once, then not only do you lack punctuality, but you also lack decency and seriousness, which is certainly very annoying. (Hamilton 27). For a student to be organized as it is expected he should always make it to class on time.

Another cause is illness. Illness has an effect on students that are not very keen on issues concerning their health and thus they may be exposed to various sources of mental illness for example depression issues. stressed out at the thought of being late for an appointment (Hamilton 5)

Another reason also is the consequences for being late. Consequences that are associated with a given behavior help by a great deal in determination of whether or not, a given behavior will be repeated or not. If the consequences are found to be negative, the likelihood of the behavior reoccurring is very minimal (Murkoff and Mazel 38). This also applies to coming to class late. If instructors have a tendency of neglecting to take reactions or giving penalties to lateness the behavior is likely to be extended. This is figured as an easy stuff, and if we couldn't show up on time, looking right and acting right, we weren't going to be able to do anything else. The pupils should be determined to do the right thing without necessarily being followed.

Fatigue contributes to student lateness. It is very common for students of the university to have an experience on different kinds of an academic stressor. An increase life pressure and pressure from studies studying may also be having additional programs such as multiple jobs or even working night shifts. Thus, with attendance, there is a potential loss of alertness as well as interpersonal sensitivity.

There could also be emotional challenges. There is some psychological as well as conditions that are very emotional that could be undermining the students motivation in getting to class on time. Indeed, a hallmark symptom of conditions for example depression may have an inclusion of motivation that is decreased to engaging in motivations, and thus, they may have a disruption of the patterns of sleeping, this may affect the childrens ability of getting to class on time (Hamiliton 5-8)

Some students may come to class late to challenge the authority of the instructors. The students should show some mercy to their time, they don't have to always waste it. It has been found that some of the students report to class late with an aim of challenging the authority of the instructor (Rogers 105). The students may be interested in finding out whether the instructor is timid or even does not seem to be in command of the class. Some of the students may also go an extra mile in challenging the authority bestowed on very particular categories of instructors which may include instructors that are very young, female instructors, the minority or even instructors that are not English speakers.

Maturity of students plays a part students lateness. Most of the students from college level still have a lot to learn about issues concerning taking of responsibility and at the same time having a balance of requirements (Watenpaugh 45). When some of the students are under stress, they may likely revert to ways of coping that are very childish.

Assumptions that the beginning of class is not important is also another factor Students do not realize that the beginning of a class is very important, this is a time when instructors get a chance of sharing information that is very crucial, this is the time when they give a presentation of the agenda f that day, as well as framing of the context of the discussion to be held (Rodgers 45-48)

Logistical reasons could also play a role in getting to class late. Some of the students may find it to be very difficult in making it to class on time due to the physical distance between the classes. This has made the students think that as long as they make a follow up of what was taught, they dont have to make it to class on time Punctuality is not just limited to arriving at a place at right time, it is also about taking actions at the right time(Rogers 45)

Lastly, the students expectations from the instructors is also contributing factor. Some of the instructors are very much bothered if students make it to class a few minutes late while some are not. There is also a wide variation on the cultures of the department; some may tolerate lateness as some may not. Due to the existence of this variable, the expectations of students concerning lateness may be substantially different from those of a particular instructor. To add on that, students may also have expectations that are not right concerning lateness in different courses.

How the School and the Society Can Help in Solving Lateness Issues

Based on the review of the existing lateness behavior in schools, there are some strategies that can be employed by the school and the society at large in improving the students lateness behavior. First, the school can have a provision of full information in the course syllabus as well as policies that are regarding the attendance and tardiness in the classes (Bender 21).

Secondly, if a lecturer could have noted problems with classes he or she has held in the past, more so students that are constantly late for morning classes, he or she should present the issue to the class. They should negotiate on what to expect and come to an agreement on how similar issues will be dealt with in case they will be observed in that class (Bender 22). The lecturer can also ask himself if he has had any contributions regarding lateness of the students for classes. They should hold discussions with their fellow lecturers about the same situation to see how they may have handled it.

The instructors should also make it as their initiative in dealing with the issue of disruption privately. This is important as it helps in avoidance of embarrassment for both the student and the lecturer. They may call the students at their free time and try to advise them on the importance of coming to class earlier (Klein 49). It could also be important for the instructors to try fitting in the shoes of the students and try to find out what could be motivating the students to be coming to class late thus involving themselves in this disruption issue

The instructor could also opt to subject the students to disciplinary proceedings of the university in case they will not be ready to respond and change as expected. This will help in enlisting the assist of other students in ending the behavior. The disruptive behavior could be dealt with immediately and thus the student asked to stop conducting himself in a manner that portrays him to be an irresponsible student (Bentovim, Cox, and Pizzey 145). The student can be asked to see him at the end of the class or even during office hours. He should speak to the late students after the class, share with them as well encourage them to share their perspectives. The disruption should be positively used; it should be validated and used and used for delivering of content.

Discussions can also be held with the students to resolve the situation. He should explain the situation to the students and make them aware of his expectations for behavior in the future as well as subsequent days as well as the consequences that may be incurred such as forwarding the cases to the university conduct officers. The students can also be asked to come up with ways of handling the situation if they were the instructors.

In summary, there are many reasons that may make a student late for class. This may include the background of the family, going to bed late, trying to be defiant, and many others. The society should thus come up with appropriate ways of helping the students to solve their problems. The paper has thus managed to give a focus on issues that may make a student late for class as well as how the society may help in solving this problem

Works Cited

Bender, Tisha. Discussion-based Online Teaching to Enhance Student Learning: Theory, Practice, and Assessment. Sterling: Stylys, 2012. Print.

Bentovim, Arnon, Antony Cox, and Stephen Pizzey. Safeguarding Children Living with Trauma and Family Violence. Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2009. Print.

Daechsel, Markus. "Being Middle Class in Lat...

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