Keyword Placement. Essay Example

Published: 2023-09-07
Keyword Placement. Essay Example
Essay type:  Definition essays
Categories:  Marketing United States Students Literature Human
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1169 words
10 min read

Keyword placement is the use of different phrases in search engine optimization to place the site or website in a relevant position for those in need. Through having or employing the use of proper keyword placement, your page can have a lot of searches for people to visit and stay on that page for an extended period. Whenever the keyword placement is done correctly, the page can be ranked the best in the SERPS ("Keyword Placement: Where Should You Put Keywords?” 2020). For instance, those people who know the proper keywords to use and place them in the right place on their page appear at the top in search engine optimization (SEO) because the relevant people can access them when they are in need. Of all the other sites of keyword placements title page is the most critical to apply.

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Tags and Attributes

Tag and attribute play a critical role in information systems since they are the words or components used mostly in the information. For instance, a label is a key phrase or keyword which is often assigned to any piece of information such as a computer file, internet bookmark, database record, or digital image. In computer science or data, attributes are the specifications that are used to define the object or property or even a file (Roberts, 2020). Characteristics are also considered as metadata in that they are the property of a property depending on what type of technology is being used by a person. Therefore tags and attributes are used in the compiler and programming world to reflect on something or the value of the data.

Landing Pages

A landing page is any web page that every individual arrives at immediately after clicking any hyperlink. Any stable URL that is indexed by the search engines is a landing page, and this can consist of various or numerous websites' home pages that are linked from multiple locations. However, a landing page has a different definition in the marketing concept since it is regarded as a standalone page, which is frequently different from the original homepage. Hence the marketing industry defines a landing page as a web page where most individuals or customers arrive and can view different brands that the organization offers in the market. Therefore for most marketers to advocate or increase conversations, they tend to adopt a plethora of various strategies to implement on their landing page so that they stay competitive in the market, and this process is mostly known as landing page optimization.

Behavioral Targeting

Behavioral targeting is one of the marketing techniques that adopt web usage information to improve and strengthen the advertising campaigns of a particular brand. The web user information is mostly used to develop the ads that are close or more relevant to the specific user’s habits where the marketer or the publisher decides to have that information in the visitors’ web page or browser. Through behavioral targeting, the data is mostly data-centered, which makes the benefits of behavioral targeting to be more tangible than the widely known abstract number systems (Wlosik, 2020). Behavioral targeting also comprises online tracking data, which aid in the identification of what are the best brands or products to market to the specific type of consumers in the market. Therefore the use of behavioral targeting places the consumers in particular groups that can easily recognize them when approaching a particular web page.

Placement Targeting

The placement targeting permits Google advertisers to select a particular advert placement where they prefer to have their advertisements appearing. The use of the installation targeting aids in managing and controlling the destination for any advert distribution by making sure it specifies the website, which is targeted for the advertisement distribution. Moreover, through the target placement, a marketer or web creator can target some of the in-app traffic websites to be able to monitor the advert channel or distribution. For instance, the use of the device type targeting the marketer can identify the advertisement basing on the users' device. Therefore, the web creator can target the audiences on mobile, tablet, and desktop devices.

How to Use Keywords with the HTML Alt Attribute and With HTML Tags

The alt attribute is the component of the HTML attribute to identify and specify documents following alternative text. The HTML alt attribute is mostly utilized by the screen reader application so that whoever individual listening to any content of a web page can interact with their element. For instance, every image needs to contain alt attributes to be available or accessible to any viewer (Roberts, 2020). Also, the combination of the alt tag makes sure that the reader can see the content of the image; therefore through the combination of various techniques of HTML alt attributes and the HTML alt tags, the viewers and the developer can grasp the full content of the image and its text.

How to Use Behavioral Targeting and Placement Targeting to Maximize SEO

Through the adoption of behavior targeting and placement targeting, most of firms can maximize search engine optimization (SEO) in a significant perspective. For instance, the Google Analytics behavioral targeting characteristics permit some of the webmasters or users to view data concerning consumer interaction with the sites. Also, through the website, the consumers can identify which pages they arrive at and how long do they spend on the web page before they make a purchase or decide not to purchase ("Keyword Placement: Where Should You Put Keywords?", 2020). Through placement targeting, the marketers can obtain data on how the site can be improved in the future and also which features are working in favor of the company.

Several Strategies for Maximizing Pay-Per-Click

There are various strategies that most companies utilize to improve their pay-per-click (PPC), such as the implementation of the ad extensions. Through ad extensions, the PPC can portray the message or the content of certain advertisements. Making the ads time-sensitive is also another recommended strategy to employ as a marketer is to consider the time at which the users or the online consumers are at a peak ("4 Ways to Improve Your PPC ROI | WebFX", 2020). Then the advert can be seen to produce more positive results than the anticipated adverse effects. Last but not least, always aim for the long-term outcome and make sure that the business maximizes every improvement in the PPC. They tend to attract a lot of long-term partners in the market, which helps the organization to grow and expand in significant ways with little obstacles.


4 Ways to Improve Your PPC ROI | WebFX. (2020). Retrieved 18 June 2020, from

Keyword Placement: Where Should You Put Keywords?. BrightEdge. (2020). Retrieved 18 June 2020, from

Roberts, H. (2020). HTML elements, tags and attributes – CSS Wizardry – Web Performance Optimisation. Retrieved 18 June 2020, from

Wlosik, M. (2020). What is Behavioral Targeting and How Does It Work? - Clearcode Blog. Clearcode | Custom AdTech and MarTech Development. Retrieved 18 June 2020, from

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Keyword Placement. Essay Example. (2023, Sep 07). Retrieved from

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