Ketogenic Diet: The Best Dietary Practice for Weight Loss and Health - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-10-29
Ketogenic Diet: The Best Dietary Practice for Weight Loss and Health - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Food Healthcare Diet
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 579 words
5 min read

The health implications associated with overweight, as well as other conditions, have made most people resort to the best dietary practices. Carroll and Koenigsberger (2017) argued that apart from physical exercise, adhering to the recommended diet can significantly help in losing weight as well as controlling and managing other conditions; this has, therefore, made most people resort to Ketogenic diet. A ketogenic diet refers to a rich-fat protocol that makes the body use fats at the expense of carbohydrates as the main source of energy (Greene et al., 2018). Proponents of Ketogenic diet claim that it assists in addressing various health issues such as cancer recovery, improving mental focus, reverse insulin resistance, food cravings as well as helping individuals with type 2 diabetes. It is for this reason that Greene et al. (2018) claimed that the Ketogenic diet might perform a lot of wonders for numerous diseases that most people are currently facing in the country.

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Vargas-Molina et al. (2020) argued that Ketogenic diet significantly helps in weight loss and can assist individuals with type 2 diabetes to improve the levels of their blood pressure, which normally reduces when people minimize or reduce the intake of carbohydrate. One of the significant advantages of minimizing the intake of carbohydrates is that it makes the blood sugar level to remain stable after taking meals, leading to a reduced amount of insulin, hormones that are responsible for weight gain.

Furthermore, Carroll and Koenigsberger (2017) claimed that the American Diabetes Association conducted research on 200 individuals with diabetes; this was conducted by measuring their blood sugar levels. The patients were subjected to diets that are rich in unprocessed foods like vegetable and Mediterranean diets. The research indicated that numerous diets that are rich in unprocessed foods such as vegetable and Mediterranean diets could significantly assist people in managing and preventing various diseases (Vargas-Molina et al., 2020). Moreover, the research also indicated that minimizing the overall intake of carbohydrates is very vital in enhancing blood sugar control. Greene et al. (2018) maintained that the main micronutrient that is attributed to blood sugar is the carbohydrate and, therefore, reducing its intake can greatly improve the health of diabetes persons.

The scientific findings by the American Diabetes Association significantly validate the claims concerning health benefits associated with the Ketogenic diet (Carroll & Koenigsberger, 2017). However, owing to the fact that the Ketogenic diet is geared towards eliminating the intake of carbohydrates, it is worth considering the health consequences associated with a lack of carbohydrates.

Conclusively, the Ketogenic diet plays a pivotal role in regulating blood sugar levels in the body and consequently helps in managing type 2 diabetes. Moreover, it helps in improving mental focus, cancer recovery, reverse insulin resistance, and food cravings. It is, therefore, recommended to take the Ketogenic diet as it can help prevent some health issues that are facing people in the country.


Carroll, J., & Koenigsberger, D. (2017). The Ketogenic diet. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 98(3), 316-321.

Greene, D., Varley, B., Hartwig, T., Chapman, P., & Rigney, M. (2018). A Low-carbohydrate Ketogenic diet reduces body mass without compromising performance in powerlifting and Olympic weightlifting athletes. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 32(12), 3373-3382.

Vargas-Molina, S., Petro, J., Romance, R., Kreider, R., Schoenfeld, B., Bonilla, D., & Benítez-Porres, J. (2020). Effects of a Ketogenic diet on body composition and strength in trained women. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 17(1).

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Ketogenic Diet: The Best Dietary Practice for Weight Loss and Health - Essay Sample. (2023, Oct 29). Retrieved from

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