Is There One True Religion or Is Religion Man Made? Free Essay

Published: 2019-06-25
Is There One True Religion or Is Religion Man Made? Free Essay
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Religion
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1627 words
14 min read

In a nutshell, religion is a composed gathering of convictions, social frameworks, and world perspectives that relate humankind to a request for presence. Many religions have accounts, images, and hallowed histories that expect to clarify the importance of life, the beginning of life, or the Universe. Subsequently, these religions may have sorted out practices, ministry, a meaning of what constitutes adherence or participation, blessed spots, places of worship and sacred writings. The act of religion may incorporate customs, sermons, celebration or love penances, celebrations, wedding administrations, or different parts of human society. Religions might likewise contain mythology. The existence of these diverse religions thus raises the question as to which of the many religions is true and the truism of religion in general. This paper, therefore, seeks answers to the question; is there one true religion or is religion man made?

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Growing up in a Christian family, I came to comprehend and embrace the origin, doctrines and all aspects of Christianity. I pride myself in being a member of the largest religion in the world. Christian faith is based on a set of morals and beliefs as outlined in religious texts and scriptures such as the Bible. The Bible is a holy book that is believed to have been authored by holy people inspired by God, a supreme being. The origin of Christianity dates back in history, and the religion has been growing progressively from one generation to another. The changes in these generations have not destroyed the religion per say but enhanced continuity and relevance of the religion to the status quo. Preservation of Christianity is based on the core principles such as dogma that is a set of rules that are universally believed to be incontrovertibly true. My Christian background and beliefs, however, have been based on faith rather than rational hypotheses. Is what I believe all a figment of my imagination?

In his article, Matt Slick asserts that Christianity is the one true religion (Slick). That is what Christians believe and uphold to the truth despite the lack of plausible evidence to support the hypothesis. Christianity and two other monotheistic religions, Islam and Judaism all refer to Jerusalem as the Holy City (Fraser) but they dont differ in the ways of worship. Thinking about it, if there is indeed one God, why the difference in religions and ways of worship. Additionally there also inter-religious differences within religions such as Christianity. The debate on the existence or non-existence of a true religion for that matter, in inseparable from the origin of religion.

Religion is intended to center the general population's consideration and vitality on a solitary, perpetual, uncompromising and imperceptible preeminent being. The supreme being professedly made a sub-par human race only for some additional brotherhood and affection for himself and afterward evidently foisted an arrangement of abusive and at times discretionary standards on them, which if broken would be met with unfathomable discipline (Werner). This keeps the adherents in a proceeding with the condition of apprehension and consistency. They are hesitant to scrutinize the expectations of this undetectable being, and they fear notwithstanding communicating their particular singularity much of the time. Christians and others are taught that they have no energy to do anything aside from ask, love and do great deeds.

Catholics argue that of all religions, Catholicism slices nearest to the heart of what it intends to be a person (Bonagura). Its regulation, laws, and guarantees meet the Catholics where they are, keeps them from fuelling their circumstance, and convey them to God, a definitive end of their presence. In the cross, they discover recovery, and with it, the reality of their humanity. Opponents of this school of thought will indicate the wrongdoings of Catholics throughout the hundreds of years as confirmation despite what might be expected. Be that as it may, abuse does not refute the utilization, in reasonableness, we should judge all religions by their cases and by their holy people, and not by the individuals who neglect to experience their calling. In any case, maybe in miscreants we see a definitive truth of Catholicism not, obviously, in the awfulness of their deeds, however in their inward cry of urgency. What's more, there to spare Adam is Christ, "the last Adam, by the disclosure of the secret of the Father and His adoration, completely uncovers man and makes his incomparable calling clear.

Surprisingly, religion has not been in existence for a long duration, rather there no documentation of its existence from the beginning. The oldest religion that is Judaism is only two thousand years old. Language and agriculture happen to older than religion. Comprehension of religion, its existence and its place, there is a need to explore its origin and evolution. The transformative cause of religions guesses about the rise of religious conduct over the span of human development. Mans nearest living relatives are normal chimpanzees. These primates impart a typical predecessor to people who lived somewhere around four and six million years back. It is therefore that chimpanzees are seen as the best accessible surrogate for this regular progenitor. While non-human primates are not religious, they do show a few qualities that would have been important for the development of religion. These qualities incorporate high knowledge, a limit for typical correspondence, a feeling of social standards, and acknowledgment of "self" and an idea of coherence. There is uncertain proof that Homo neanderthalensis may have covered their dead which is confirmation of the utilization of custom (Bekoff and Pierce). The utilization of entombment ceremonies is confirmation of a religious action, yet there is no other proof that religion existed in human society before people came to behavioral advancement.

General assertion among psychological researchers stipulates that religion is an outgrowth of cerebrum structural engineering that advanced right on time in mankind's history. On the other hand, there is the difference between the definite systems that drove the development of the religious personality. The two principle schools of thought hold that either religion developed because of normal determination and has a particularly favorable position, or that religion is a developmental side effect of other mental adjustments. Such systems may incorporate the capacity to induce the vicinity of life forms that may do hurt, the capacity to concoct causal stories for common occasions, and the capacity to perceive that other individuals have psyches of their own with their particular convictions, longings, and goals. These three adjustments permit individuals to envision deliberate operators behind numerous perceptions that couldn't promptly be clarified, such as thunder, lightning, development of planets, and so on. The development of aggregate religious conviction recognized the operators as divinities that institutionalized the clarification.

A few researchers have proposed that religion is hereditarily "hardwired" into the human condition. Another perspective depends on the idea of the triune cerebrum: the reptilian mind, the limbic framework, and the neocortex, proposed by Paul D. MacLean (Newman and Harris). Aggregate religious conviction draws upon the feelings of adoration, apprehension, and gregariousness and is profoundly implanted in the limbic framework through sociobiological molding and social authorization. Singular religious conviction uses reason situated in the neocortex and frequently differs from aggregate religion. The limbic framework is much more seasoned in developmental terms than the neocortex and is, hence, more grounded than it much similarly as the reptilian is more grounded than both the limbic framework and the neocortex.

The reason is pre-empted by passionate drives. The religious feeling in a gathering is candidly unique about the individual most profound sense of being despite the fact that the assembly is made out of people. Having a place with an aggregate religion is socially more essential than an individual deep sense of being. However, the two regularly go as one. This is a reason civil; religious arguments are liable to be uncertain.

Another perspective is that the conduct of individuals who take an interest in a religion improves them feel, and this enhances their wellness so that there is a hereditary determination for individuals why should willing have faith in religion. In particular, ceremonies, convictions, and the social contact ordinary of religious gatherings may serve to quiet the brain and permit it to capacity better when under anxiety. This would permit religion to be utilized as a capable survival system, especially in encouraging the development of pecking orders of warriors, which if genuine, may be the reason numerous advanced religions have a tendency to advance ripeness and connection.

In conclusion, religious supporters place confidence in religion's teachings and afterward make clusters of wild claims, doing that light of the fact that religion's cases are so hard to refute. It is hard to invalidate because it happened such a long time ago that every one of the witnesses and copyists are dead and because God is essentially a faceless element. Additionally Christ hasn't been around for a long time, so he's not accessible to reprimand any of the cases to set the record straight. It is therefore almost impossible to prove the existence or lack of one true religion. Religions are based on scriptures and writing that are passed on from one generation to the next and translated from one language to the other, making them susceptible to malicious editing, omission or misinterpretations.

Works Cited

Bekoff, Marc and Jessica Pierce. "Wild Justice." American Journal of Play (2010): 378. Print.

Bonagura, David G. Why Catholicism is the True Religion. 21 August 2014. Web. 1 December 2015. <>.

Fraser, Ron. "Is There One True Religion." The Trumpet (2009): 5. Web.

Newman, John D. and James C. Harris. "The Scientific Contributions of Paul D. MacLean." The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 3 (2009): 3. Print.

Slick, Matt. "Is Christianity the One True Religion?" Christian Apologetics & Research Ministry (2015). Web.

Werner, Andrew. "The Horrible Truth About Religion." ReligionExposed (2003): 10. Web.

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