Paper Example. Introduction to the Culture of the Country

Published: 2023-07-13
Paper Example. Introduction to the Culture of the Country
Essay type:  Proposal essays
Categories:  Automotive industry Strategic marketing Business strategy
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1774 words
15 min read

Mobus is a vehicle manufacturing company that will set up a business in Uganda. They aim to use more straightforward architectural principles to manufacture powerful and affordable automobiles that will be able to compete with the second-hand cars dominating the car market in East Africa (Brady &Scharsig, 2014). Jackson saw a need for a rugged, inexpensive vehicle to improve the country's transportation, especially in a rural area. He spent ten months with his team researching and developing to produce the prototype of an off-road vehicle that will be able to tackle the bush terrain. A joint venture between the government of Uganda and Leyland UK will get formed in the automotive industry (Brady &Scharsig, 2014). The facility was initially to produce light and heavy commercial vehicles. In the first year, 857 units get estimated to be created and assembled.

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Geographical setting

In the first three months of business, the organization based in Entebbe road in Uganda aimed to open a Sales office in Mombasa, Nairobi. Poor climate causes Power shortages, and blackouts get experienced due to the disruption of energy supplies. Hydropower provides a significant amount of electricity due to the lack of annual rainfall, reducing the capacity of generating hydroelectric power stations (Brady &Scharsig, 2014). The sector has been one of the biggest losers due to droughts and diminished plastics due to the limited capacity of the hydroelectric dam. The importance of small and medium-sized businesses worldwide get recognized by their ability to generate low-cost jobs, contributing to the National income, reduce poverty, and ensure an equal income share. As they maintain sustainable transport costs, they get still faced with issues like financial access.

Social institution

Here, we find atomic families and relations made up of parents, kids, and grandkids. There is also an extended family structure that forms a significant ancestral African institution. The family can be intergenerational or can get founded on exogamous. Family constraints include incompetency, financial limitations, domestic abuse, and deficiency of support socially, while community problems like joblessness, poor housing conditions, and societal barrier (Mobus&Zomotor, 2015). Marriages and courtship in these parts of the Africa cycle have changed significantly. We find that the chances of becoming married are high because of marriage expectations are high. Besides, men with many sexual partners are getting married faster.


Primary school starts between the ages of 5 and 7 after finishing one year of what is generally known as an elementary school. Standard one begins immediately after elementary. Secondary schools are in three groups: state-funded, Harambee-based, and private. Government subsidies do not fully fund Harambee institutions, and independent schools are privately operated (Mobus&Zomotor, 2015). After completing and graduating from the primary school test, government Institutions pick students by the qualification of their grades. Girls are more likely to understand English and Swahili, whereas young men tend to be more successful in mathematics. In government schools, literacy is lower than that in privately owned schools.

Political structure

Uganda's districts consist of 167 provinces, one metropolitan council, and 23 local councils (Mobus&Zomotor, 2015). The state has a lot of political parties that create good opposition. Uganda has experienced relatively positive political and economic stability under Museveni. It faces several challenges, but that hasn't affected any future security, including massive growth in population, electricity and housing constraints, corruption, underdeveloped democratic institutions, and human rights

Organization of the judiciary system deficits

In Uganda, the structure that deals with law interpretation and application is the Judiciary. Posterior to the annunciation of the Ugandan constitution, its subjects, by parliament's consent, sought to improve the Judiciary (Mobus&Zomotor, 2015). Magistrate swearing-in was the focal point of the Judiciary to eliminate incompatible leaders. Following the amendment of the tribunal act, magistrates' and judges' numbers skyrocketed, making room for more to get commissioned, marking an era for devolution; they incorporated the common law from the British (Mobus&Zomotor, 2015). The quote that captured the government most was the doctrine of precedent, which, when translated, says, stick to the conclusions rather than interfere with questions that got put to rest. In the eighth and ninth centuries, sharia laws got also considered in the conventional systems. The Sharia also created laws to protect the public, who opted to go into business by erecting patenting and trademark services.


People in Africa are not able to control issues that control their behavior when it comes to development. Since social classes don't dictate lousy behavior, they encouraged socializing and pleasure. Africa and her people have not been in control of issues that determine their reaction to development.

Religion and aesthetics; Uganda has a diverse religious nation in which Christians have the most significant percentage of 84 percent while Muslims occupy 14 percent.

Living conditions

Infants here get breastfed till they are six months old. The adults face the burden of malnutrition. About 28 percent of their women have anemia, and a more significant number of women have diabetes compared to men. They also don't consume a lot of meat; a majority of the population can't afford it. Uganda's housing situation gets characterized by small homes in terms of quality and quantity in both rural and urban areas (Mobus&Zomotor, 2015). Most of the population lives together in owned houses mostly by inheritance. They have a lot of leisure activities but only in urban areas. Their healthcare systems work on a referral basis to more prominent hospitals since most government facilities get not permanently equipped


Uganda is consistent with people who speak different languages (multilingual). Forty-three of Ugandans native tongues belong into four leading categories. The vernacular tongue is very routine in each region consists of the Bantus, which aids in working areas and instills knowledge at learning institutions.

Economic analysis

In 2019 Uganda's economy grew by 6.3%, promoting service expansion (Muhammad &Itaaga, 2015). Their service increased by 7.6% in 2019, and their industries by 6.2% were encouraged by mining and construction. From the 1980" s their GDP grew by67 percent and grew per capita by 3.3 percent around the same time. Their GDP rates of 7.61 billion increased from 1960 up to 2019, and a high of 28.50 dollars (Muhammad &Itaaga, 2015).


Around 2018 their population was estimated to be over forty-two million people compared to five million in the 1950s (Muhammad &Itaaga, 2015). 48.1 percent of children below 15 years and age set between 15 and 65 occupy around 49.4 percent, and 2.5 percent are from 65 years and above (Muhammad &Itaaga, 2015). Uganda has the most significant number of refugees, with over 1.4 million, most of them from the Republic of Congo and southern Sudan.

Minerals and resources

Minerals that get found across the country include cobalt, copper, gold, tin, and many others. All of them combined contribute around 0.6 percent GDP (Muhammad &Itaaga, 2015). Minerals are abundant but developed very poorly with their reserves untapped. The untapped minerals cause a lot of the reserves to be owned. Since this country is landlocked and has no maritime claims; it depends on the Kenyan and dares salaam ports.

Communication systems

Uganda communications commission, who is their current communications regulator monopolized telecommunications. There were a few over three hundred thousand phone lines, which made them a hundred and eight when counted among the countries with digital phone lines. Uganda got ranked fifty-fourth for a state with an approximate 22.838 million having its subjects using telephones in the year 2016 (Muhammad &Itaaga, 2015). Even with its advances in terms of technology, Uganda is still struggling with several shortcomings in establishing attested bandwidth in terms of their internet connections.


The primary industries are of breweries, cotton, sugar, steel, tobacco, and cement, which is small relating to other countries. Agricultural products cater to most of the exports, which bring in about 80 percent of the total exports. Petroleum is one of her top imports, bringing about 934m dollars annually (Muhammad &Itaaga, 2015). Others include cars, broadcasting equipment, and medicaments.


Uganda encourages open business, which is about 48.2 percent of its GDP. Their tariff bands are around seven in total, which range from 10% - 50%. These duties get applied to a variety of imports. About 3% of its exports are mostly to countries outside COMESA and east Africa. Their VAT is 18%, while import and customs duty is 6% (Muhammad &Itaaga, 2015).


Ugandan media includes television, online coverage, print, which the state owns some, and others get privately owned. There also outlets that deal in English and another that deals in the Luganda language.


Business in Uganda seems challenging initially, but it will gain momentum as affordable automobiles get completed in the estimated time. The joint venture between the government of Uganda and Leyland UK will be formed in the automotive industry and will mostly favor the employment sector. The organization will be based in Entebbe Road in Uganda with the aim to open a Sales office in Mombasa. Power shortages and blackouts get experienced due to the disruption of energy supplies, but hydropower provides a significant amount of electricity. Small and medium-sized businesses worldwide get recognized by their capacity to generate low-cost jobs.

Community problems like joblessness, poor housing conditions, and social barriers can be looked upon as the industry grows. Within the limits of the program, this phase already decided. The goal was to protect the program so it can be able to put the children in the community through school via sponsorship. Alphabetization rates in certain areas are low and are slightly smaller in subsequent regions. Girls are more likely to understand English and Swahili, whereas young men tend to be more successful in mathematics. Uganda has experienced relatively positive political and economic stability under Museveni. It faces several challenges, but that hasn't affected any future confidence.

The Body that deals with law interpretations and applications in Uganda are the Judiciary. From when its laws where the legal system descended from the British Common Law system. Sharia, the Islamic code, also co-existed alongside the conventional methods. These laws have created patent and trademark laws that protect the public from damages caused by infringement. Uganda is rich in resources, yet it is one of the least developed countries in the world. Unethical actions aren't as a result of social classes, and still, when cash-rich individuals and poverty-stricken individuals transgress rules and regulations, they act upon varying reasons. Uganda has a diverse religious nation where Christians have the most significant percentage of 84 percent, while the Muslims occupy 14 percent.

Uganda has a distinct holy land where Christians have the most considerable interest. The state also consists of people who converse using different languages of which of the basilect forty-three of them fal...

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