Internet of Things - Free Paper Sample

Published: 2023-11-26
Internet of Things - Free Paper Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Education Business Internet Government World
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 997 words
9 min read


In the 21st century, technology development has become a key aspect that has highly changed people’s life. The introduction of technology systems, such as Internet of Things (IoT) has given people an opportunity to collect, preserve, and share data using the system. Additionally, IoT has helps people to use computers and mobile phones to connect and share information across the world (White, 2015). The process has been enhanced by the introduction of cheap computer chips and wireless networks. Moreover, the introduction of the system has been perceived as an approach of replacing human beings as the devices are equipped with artificial intelligence, which has the ability to respond in the same manner as a human being (White, 2015). Therefore, the rise of IoT has impacted human life in numerous approaches. The essay reviews how technology systems have changed businesses, government, and education systems across the world.

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Government Activities

By 2030, IoT is expected to take over most of the government activities (Popomaronis, 2020. Within the government, the rise of these technology systems is expected to change how the departments such as defense operate (Popomaronis, 2020). Normally, the defense is a critical department that will highly benefit from the implementation of 5G communications, artificial intelligence, and other aspects associated with technology (Popomaronis, 2020). For instance, the rise of the technology system will assist the department in countering cybercrimes, which have become a major threat to the country (Popomaronis, 2020). Therefore, IoT will highly improve the security system, thus, giving people an opportunity to explore wide forms of activities (Popomaronis, 2020). The department of Homeland Security will rely on intelligent technology to collect information regarding the safety of people.

The aspect will also assist in the improvement of investigation as it can effectively monitor the movement, hence, facilitating the collection of crucial data (Popomaronis, 2020). In the department of energy, for instance, the federal government will rely on IoT to determine the risk and value associated with a particular investment (Valacich & Schneider, 2009). In this case, the technology will assist the government in conducting the probability and magnitude of the loss, thus, formulating decisions based on risk management (Popomaronis, 2020). Additionally, IoT will assist the federal government in conducting studies, thus boosting innovation, which is a critical aspect in improving the lives of people.

Introduction of Technology

Due to the change in market performance and the introduction of technology, such as online shopping, businesses have diverted their ways of operations. The emergency of the 4 industrial revolutions has impacted businesses to as rely on modern systems such as IoT to preserve essential information for future references (Daly, 2018). As such, businesses are currently sending and saving data in the cloud, which is perceived as the best way of preserving information. Through the application of machine learning, businesses have managed to analyze information effectively, thus developed decisions that best fit customers’ needs. Due to the reliability of machine learning in data analysis, businesses are able to effectively enjoy a particular opportunity (Daly, 2018).

Additionally, machine learning assists businesses in improving time management, thus, deploy resources within the required time, which promotes profit maximization. The introduction of the 5th industrial revolution has triggered to rise of technology systems such as robots that are meant to replace human beings. These systems operate under programmed systems, and hence, they are more effective and efficient as compared to human beings (Daly, 2018). Normally, robots are equipped with artificial intelligence, which assists them to effectively operate in the same manner as a human being (Daly, 2018). Hence, they can provide more output as compared to a human, thus, increasing business productivity (Laudon & Laudon, 2015). As such, regions that have adopted these systems in their businesses have been associated with a massive economic growth rate, thus improving their living standards.

Education Sector

In the education sector, the rise of machine learning has made big and positive changes in education. As such, the technology has impacted students to enjoy the learning process, and this has been associated with a better comprehension of the content (Magana, 2017). Through the integration of artificial intelligence, the education system has effectively managed to expand the access of books and other learning materials to students (Wang, 2018). As such, students have been given a chance to learning even when they are away from school. For instance, the introduction of an online degree system has assisted the working class in enrolling in learning programs, thus, pursuing their numerous courses, which are key aspects in increasing income rate (Magana, 2017). As such, students who cannot effectively attend classes due to diverse reasons can effectively enroll in online learning, hence, improving their skills and knowledge (Magana, 2017). A community with a large number of educated individuals is associated with economic growth rate as people tend to engage in diverse activities such as manufacture, which increases income rate.


In conclusion, the rise in technology and the introduction of systems such as IoT, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and much more has highly changed society's ways of life. Businesses that rely on these technology systems have developed advanced ways of improving their performance, thus increasing their income. Governments use technology systems in combating crimes as the police department can effectively monitory people’s behaviors. In the education sector, the rise of machine learning has made big and positive changes in education.


Daly, C. (2018). Ai the fifth industrial revolution. Ai Business.

Laudon, K. C., & Laudon, J. P. (2015). Management information systems. Upper Saddle River: Pearson.

Magana, S. (2017). Disruptive classroom technologies: A framework for innovation in education. Corwin Press.

Popomaronis, T.(2020). How will technology change the government by 2030? Federal leaders predicts 5 trend an threats. Inc.

Valacich, J., & Schneider, C. (2009). Information systems today: Managing the digital world. Prentice Hall Press.

Wang, B. (2018). Disruptive classroom technologies. EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 14(5), 2039-2041.

White, J. D. (2015). Managing information in the public sector. Routledge.

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