Paper Example - How Meaning of Risk Intersect With Culture

Published: 2023-10-15
Paper Example - How Meaning of Risk Intersect With Culture
Essay type:  Argumentative essays
Categories:  Culture Risk Human behavior Community health
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1092 words
10 min read

Risk behaviors can be acceptable in society but can be against the culture, and it may lead to undesirable results (Edberg, 2013). Examples of such outcomes include crime, addiction, or diseases. It shows that such risky behaviors have repercussions, and it leads to an individual experiencing low social support and connecting less with other people (Clauss-Ehlers et al., 2019). In a society, risk factors can be in the form of taboos, and they are crucial elements in maintaining an individual’s health (Edberg, 2013). Restrictions are, therefore, vital in how people in a society view an individual’s health, measures to maintain health, and the necessary interventions.

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Internal Cultural Patterns That Cause Vulnerabilities to Disease

Cultural patterns vary in different societies as they all have different ways that they perceive diseases. One factor is how an individual understands illness and health and their experience on the same. Societies define illnesses differently, as they may have unique experiences about them (Edberg, 2013). They vary across the globe, and a person starts learning about them at an early age and carries their knowledge to adulthood. Some may experience the disease, while some may never throughout their lives. Different societies also have different levels to access to healthcare, and this creates unique patterns on their vulnerability to diseases (Clauss-Ehlers et al., 2019). More access means more awareness, and society can protect itself from disease even if not wholly. People from different communities also have unique responses to healing and pain when they have diseases (Edberg, 2013). It creates unique patterns of vulnerability as they protect themselves in different or measured ways.

Aspects of Culture at Work in Behaviors and Attitudes About Violence Among Youth

Youth react to violence differently depending on their cultural aspects. These aspects create tolerance at an early age on violence and their experiences at that time. They can know the different forms of punishment that shape their understanding of violence throughout their lives (Edberg, 2013). It can be either what they watch or hear in the media or what they experience first-hand around the community or in their families. It allows them to develop different forms of acceptance on what violence is, and they can act as triggers to their behaviors when they are in their youthful years (Ibeneme et al., 2017). Understanding how these aspects affect an individual allows intervention efforts to be done effectively, and it is influential in preventing and reducing violent behaviors among youth.

Another aspect is how an individual knows how people around them perceive violence. It affects how they conform to violent behaviors, and it changes their expectations of the outcomes and expectations of violence. It is like a script that is within a society, and most people are most likely to follow the same (Edberg, 2013). Also, there is an aspect of how the community works to eliminate norms of violence. It has a considerable effect on the youth as they hold a significant percentage of the population. Different stakeholders are responsible for these measures, and they must work in legal, policy, human rights, public safety, technology, and public sectors to try and eliminate violence and its perception among the youth (Ibeneme et al., 2017). The power play also has a significant impact on how youths perceive violence in society. It dictates the position of genders in a community, and it creates a perception of how violence is and should be. It shows that violence among youth in society stems from the power roles in the culture of the specific community. It means that the systems around the community, like family and schools, have a huge role to play in dictating how the youth perceive violence (Edberg, 2013). The youth, therefore, are continually harnessing information on violence from an early age, and they carry it on to their adulthood. An example is how society views women’s rights as some put them in less regard than others.

Qualitative research

Qualitative research is appropriate for identifying cultural information because it makes it easier to understand how people make choices and the results of the same. It is because it reveals different patterns in how people express their feelings and thoughts (Edberg, 2013). It explains how societal scripts affect the decisions of an individual, therefore, making it easy to understand the culture and how it passes on to different generations.

Differences Between the Sets of Cultural Competence Guidelines

Cultural competence is how an individual can interact with people of varying cultures. The differences between the cultural competence guidelines lie on the awareness, attitude, knowledge, and cross-cultural skills of an individual (Edberg, 2013). One has to develop the above among all the cultural competence guidelines to have excellent cultural competence. Awareness is the ability of an individual to recognize that people are different. An example is a professional law enforcement officer who has to deal with different kinds of people regardless of their culture and their perception of each one of them. Attitude is developed over time, and one learns how to adapt differently depending on their upbringing (Taverno Ross et al., 2018). People, therefore, understand different cultures differently and how to respond when interacting with different people depending on the values and beliefs that they have developed over time. It shows that people undergo different modes of training, and they follow cultural competence guidelines differently (Edberg, 2013). Knowledge is not the same as an individual’s beliefs and values about different cultures. It shows that one applies their expertise on cultural competence the way that they feel like because they are also aware of their background values and beliefs, and can choose how they perform the application.


Clauss-Ehlers, C. S., Chiriboga, D. A., Hunter, S. J., Roysircar, G., & Tummala-Narra, P. (2019). APA multicultural guidelines executive summary: Ecological approach to context, identity, and intersectionality. American Psychologist, 74(2), 232-244.

Edberg, M. (2013). Essentials of health, culture, and diversity: Understanding people, reducing disparities. Sudbury, Mass: Jones & Bartlett.

Ibeneme, S., Eni, G., Ezuma, A., & Fortwengel, G. (2017). Roads to health in developing countries: Understanding the intersection of culture and healing. Current Therapeutic Research, 86, 13-18.

Taverno Ross, S. E., Macia, L., Documét, P. I., Escribano, C., Kazemi Naderi, T., & Smith-Tapia, I. (2018). Latino parents' perceptions of physical activity and healthy eating: At the intersection of culture, family, and health. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 50(10), 968-976.

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