Covid-19: HR Chiefs Need to Rethink Talent Management Post-Pandemic - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-10-27
Covid-19: HR Chiefs Need to Rethink Talent Management Post-Pandemic - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Employment Covid 19
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 656 words
6 min read

The article is focused with how the current ongoing pandemic (Covid-19) has affected many companies and businesses based on the human resource department of advancing and developing talents (Martin). The article goes ahead to highlight the necessity for human resource chiefs to rethink about managing talents post the pandemic. Covid-19 as a global pandemic has led to the struggles and scramble of many huge organizations in many ways that no one would have imagined despite the preparedness they initially had put in place (Martin). Considering the fact that the pandemic has brought the global supply chains to a stand-still, many companies are now starting to think about diversification as well as adjustments in their supply networks with the aim of reducing risks & also salvaging some continuity. Whether businesses are considering a similar route to the supply of talent, it is a question worth asking (Martin).

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In the article, it is noted that Covid-19 underestimates the necessity for fluidity based on talent as well as seamless innovative ideas & knowledge flows that enable capabilities, agilities, and capacities (Martin). During the return of the companies back to work, the main focus should be on shoring up of the talent supply chain in efforts to mitigate risks that might come with the pandemic (Martin).

Also, in the article, it is stated that by halfway into the month of May, most companies were formulating strategies and discussions on returning to their workplaces (approximated at 75% of the 255 large & global-based businesses-according to the Institute for Corporate Productivity (i4cp), a human capital research institute) (Martin). Moreover, the executives are urged to put into consideration questions of importance as related to talent. The questions should be in line with essential skillsets as well as mindsets that are required towards resumption of the firms’ operations, growth, and evolution in such a disrupted era or period due to Covid-19 (Martin).

Another important consideration is based on the sources of talents and ways in which the organizations can fix themselves on the same to satisfy future demands or rather needs. The next consideration has to do with the areas that need quick response, trust based on capabilities as well as skills, and the unwillingness to return to work or rather resume work at all. All the three considerations are crucial and that the organizations must factor-in them as key questions related to talent management (Martin).

As from the class textbook, Chapter-5 elaborate on Planning for and Recruiting Human Resources; in the case of this article, emphasis is put on discovery of essential talents. Therefore, it is of essence that businesses have a clearer understanding of their talent supplies. The whole process will involve compilation of accurate pictures of skillsets, experiences, and capabilities in the workforce. Also, key influencers can be considered equally. Moreover, the organizations are called-upon to begin with assessing & recruiting full-time workers or rather employees, then followed by hourly, contract & gig employees.

Based on Chapter-8: Developing Employees for Future Success, the article highlights on forecasting of skills which will be relevant for future success, that is after the pandemic. On skills forecasting, the main issues to be considered are the knowledge and capabilities required from employees that can offer a positive response to Covid-19 pandemic. The whole process is vital as strict measures such as working from home has since been put in place to reduce or rather slow-down the spread of Coronavirus. It is upon implementation of such measures that employees are called-upon to be more flexible and innovative for the organization’s future success. On the same note, it is important to consider the roles as well as aspects of work changes due to artificial intelligence as well as the automation of other works that are advanced.

Work Cited

Martin, Kevin. "Why HR Chiefs Must Rethink Talent Management After Covid-19". Ft.Com, 2020,

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Covid-19: HR Chiefs Need to Rethink Talent Management Post-Pandemic - Essay Sample. (2023, Oct 27). Retrieved from

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