Essay Sample: How Different Are For-Profit and Nonprofit Hospitals?

Published: 2023-03-26
Essay Sample: How Different Are For-Profit and Nonprofit Hospitals?
Type of paper:  Case study
Categories:  Human resources Conflict resolution Conflict management
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 999 words
9 min read

What Do You Think Led To The Conflict And How Should The Organization Resolve This Issue?

The conflict in the case study entails the nonprofit entity emanating from a culture of charitable changing its organizational structure to reflect the culture of revenue earning. Another cause of the conflict concerns the social workers who have undertaken training of giving care to the needy at free costs. Thus, they may end up feeling conflicted by the new changes upon which they have to ask for payment. In solving such conflicting situations that bring a problem, directors must have an intense discussion with staff members, thereby making them comprehend that by earning revenue, better services are given to those in need than before. It's equally imperative to assure that the mission of the agency would adhere to.

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How Can The Agency Pursue The Private-Pay Market Without Interfering With The VNS Business?

The agency can go for the private pay market and not interfere with the operations of VNS by avoiding areas that are served by VNS, for instance, by forgoing Suffolk County. Hence the agency can opt to be dealing with only a specialized niche area.

What is the Value of Being the First Service Provider?

The value of providing the first service from the onset is advantageous since the name of the caregiver stands to be associated with such services, especially if it's sustainable. In this setup, it is worth noting that the caregivers expected to be taking care of the older adults not ready to leave their areas of residence, considering they are taken care of by the building managers. Thus, to attract and retain such a market, building managers can buy the service after being convinced of the hazards of having older adults left alone, including fire, hoarding as a result of dementia, or else being not in a position of paying fees for maintenance.

What Decision-Making Process Does A Building Manager Go Through?

The building manager undergoes various decision-making processes to the point of even being reluctant to accept the services considering that they are only intended to spend on potentials hence not real accidents. According to them, taking care of the elderly is more of a family duty and not necessarily a responsibility of the agency. It's prudent for the manager to take into account the costs involved as per the lawsuit in comparison to the costs involved in the aspect of investing in having the trials avoided.

Who Else Might Be Involved In The Decision?

Other than the building managers, other parties encompassed in the decision-making include the property managers.

Assess The Attractiveness Of Offering Assisted Living In Building F3.

The attractiveness of providing assisted living in building F3 includes the benefits of care to be enjoyed by the elderly. The reality of the matter is that the elderly often may not be in a position of taking care of themselves as required. Hence giving them meals three times a day, managing their medication, and having personal care help along with involving them in social activities go long well in assisting them to stay healthy.

Does The Private-Pay Home-Care Market Appear Lucrative? What Else Do Caregivers Need To Understand Before Pursuing This Market?

Yes, there is no doubt that private-pay home care remains lucrative. The caregivers must comprehend so, thereby taking time as well as patience in recovering the initial business starting costs.

What Systems Need To Be In Place In Order For Caregivers To Offer Private-Pay Home Care On A Wide Scale?

To provide private-pay-home care on a broad scale, a system for caregivers should be in place. The agency requires thorough preparation in taking more clients besides providing high-quality services in case of deciding to promote home care services.

How Can Caregivers Solve The Problem With Morning And Afternoon Aides?

The caregivers need to split the needs of the clients in the morning or afternoon. Thus, in doing so, have the remedy of not consistently giving services in the morning as well as afternoon. Caregivers could as well create a hotline upon which anybody in need of assistance may call.

Which Businesses Have The Most Potential?

From the analysis, it is apparent that the real estate management model has the most potential. When it comes to elderly care services, the opportunity for business growth is enormous, and particularly for building managers having a vast population of elderly residents.

Should Caregivers Continue To Pursue New Business Or Rely More Heavily On Fundraising Efforts?

Yes, the caregivers should strive to proceed to pursue new ways of doing things via a continuous improvement philosophy.


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Essay Sample: How Different Are For-Profit and Nonprofit Hospitals?. (2023, Mar 26). Retrieved from

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