Essay Sample on Higher Education in America

Published: 2023-02-23
Essay Sample on Higher Education in America
Type of paper:  Research paper
Categories:  Education Problem solving America Social issue
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1837 words
16 min read

Education has helped human beings acquire knowledge and creates innovations WHICH changed the world in diverse ways. There have been several debates on whether educational training is essential in the world. Through education, people have lived comfortably without having to depend on others. An increase in educational levels attainment results in higher earning within society. Increase in achievement for higher education has resulted in increase in employment to many jobless people. Knowledge has created positive changes in many parts of the world. Such as developing of new ideas that have helped solve many problems that have been a disgrace to people. Education is the best investment any nation can focus as it sustains humans for a long time. Free higher education will help many people to afford, and this will result in growth in the society as well as an increase in employment and, thus, an improvement in the quality of life. In this case, higher education should be free as it has several benefits to the economy, people, and society in general.

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Higher education has been able to improve the lives of American society. Those who have secured jobs have improved their lives. Based on several types of research that have been conducted, people who have acquired higher education have good employment (Berg, 2016). In this case, the government, the higher institutions of higher learning, should be able to provide free education to enable more people to afford it, and this will result in more employments for the American people. Through the researches which have been made in higher education institutions, many of the challenges facing humankind have been solved and thus an improvement in human quality of life.

Importance of Free Higher Education to Americans

There have been several benefits involved in the attainment of higher learning reduction in crime rate. In this case, higher education attainment has several benefits to the economy as well as for societies. It is worth noting that not everybody who joins higher education is prepared for demands which come along. Some of the students who participate in the institutions of higher learning end up dropping or even performing poorly in their studies. This has resulted in time wastage and misuse of the available resources (Boyles, 2018). College entry tests have helped to evaluate the skills of the students and show their level of potential. Free higher education is essential to Americans because it enables children from challenged backgrounds to have access to education and change their lives. Many of the people who have acquired immense knowledge have benefited in the fact that most of them are employed. They have secured employment even outside the United States, and they have been able to improve their lives.

Many benefits have been associated with the acquirement of education, such as individual satisfaction. One feels to have achieved when they are educated, and they are working in jobs that are of high status. The importance in highly trained individuals is the fact that individuals participate in the civic processes and are always informed on issues. This has resulted in educated people participating in the voting processes compared to those who have not achieved the education. The voting in the United States has been on the decline due to less educated individuals, while to the higher educated individuals, it has been on the increase (Bowen, 2018). Attainment in high education standards has resulted in democracy growth, which has enabled citizens to participate in national affairs. They have helped in nation development and growth. In this case, it can be discussed that high education achievement has many benefits as people participate in civic processes. These include other development processes more compared to the less educated. In this regard, education attainment has many benefits to the country in a whole, and it should be free to enable many students to be in a position to have access.

Education History

The US education system is a unique one among many other methods that exist in the world. It has a centralized structure, and it is a private institution that is governed by its board. The government influences education through imposing laws and restrictions to control the institutions. The first institution of higher education was established in the country during the colonial days. In those days, they were termed as the colonial colleges, and the first one to be built was Harvard, which was founded in the years 1636, which was situated in Cambridge. Today it is one of the famous Universities in the world and has produced excellent graduates in the world as a whole, such as the former President of the United States Barrack Obama. There are several other early universities such as Brown University, Columbia University, among many others. The initial intention of the institutions was to provide education to only those who attended the ministry in those days (Reuben, 2018). After the American Revolution, the focus of the institutions broadens and provide more courses. As time went on, the number of different classes offered at the institutions increased and thus attracting more students. The institutions have provided an environment for scientific researches to be done. In this case many solutions have been found.

In the twentieth century, there was mass development in public colleges as well as universities. Today in the United States, we have more than 3000 institutions of higher learning, which have provided many types of research and solved many problems that have existed around the globe. The many institutions have got different departments which are headed by deans, and they have provided various types of knowledge to many people from different walks of life. In this case, the institutions of higher learning have had a long journey from the time they were established today. They have made positive progress despite the few challenges that have been in existence, and they have emerged victorious.

Relation of Free Education of Higher Institutions of Learning and American Politics

There exists a strong relationship between the government and the higher institutions of learning in America. The government plays a role in ensuring that the graduates who are produced by the intuitions are of high quality (Sharp, 2017). The government establishes schools and thus has the responsibility to ensure that they function as expected and produce good results. The government determines the requirements which need to be met for students to enroll in specific courses. The government helps in the creation of a curriculum, which is used in schools and even determines the requirement for graduation. The governments fund the institutions through the payment of tuition fees to the students and thus facilitate a key role in free education. In this case, the government plays a critical role in support of education, and in this case, there exists a healthy relationship. The government has hired graduates from the institutions of higher learning as employees and thus has employed people. In these given examples, it is clear that there exists a strong relationship between the government and the institutions of higher learning.

Current Events

Today many emerging events in higher learning have affected the education system in a significant way. Today we have online learning platforms where the students can learn comfortably at their homes. Universities today have focused in the making of profit at the expense of providing quality education. The government support to the institutions in recent days has reduced, and this has made it hard for students to acquire knowledge. In this case, many of the students have not been able to join the institutions of higher learning. It has realized that most of the graduates have not paid their loan debts, which they took while in college. These have been some of the current events that have been noticed in the schools.


I have chosen higher education as my topic of research because of the strong impact it has and still can create economies, people, and societies. Knowledge has been able to change the life of the people in the United States, hugely. Those people who have been able to have a higher education have been able to get jobs and have helped the growth of the economy desirably. Knowledge has been able to a significant change to the country and thus why I consider it to be an essential aspect which has changed many aspects of life. Education has been able to equalize the lies of the rich and the poor, and thus each of the citizens has got the opportunity. In this case, my case for choosing the higher education was not in vain but after in-depth analysis. The school has been able to create employment because those who have acquired the knowledge have secured jobs and which have helped the growth of the economy. The numbers of crimes committed in the country have reduced as people have been able to meet their basic needs. People are able to developments as a result of the money they have got from higher education.

The Future Status of Education

In the future, the focus shall be to address the debts, which have been a challenge to many people after school. The issue of liability has been a challenge to the students, and this has resulted in many students facing difficulties in paying the debts. In this case, the effect of deaths should be addressed to help people be able to pay debts quickly without strain. The individuals who have completed school and secured jobs should pay the loan debts. This will to help facilitate those in school also and sustain their education. In the future, institutions of higher learning should focus on quality and not how to make money as it has been identified in some of the cases. When these issues are addressed, then education in the higher learning institutions shall help students in the best way. Education institutions should be increased each year to cater for the high number of population increase. Education is a strong pillar that has changed lives in diverse ways and helped make positive improvements. Today through the power of knowledge, many of the challenges which have faced humankind for many decades have been solved and made life much comfortable.


Berg, G. A. (2016). Low-income students and the perpetuation of inequality: Higher education in America. Routledge. Retrieved from

Bowen, H. (2018). Investment in learning: The individual and social value of American higher education. Routledge. Retrieved from

Boyles, D. (2018). American culture and corporations: The free market goes to school. Routledge. Retrieved from

Reuben, J. (2018). For the Common Good: A New History of Higher Education in America. Retrieved from

Sharp, R. (2017). Knowledge, ideology, and the politics of schooling: Towards a Marxist analysis of education. Routledge. Retrieved from

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