Essay Sample on High-Level Recruiting Strategy

Published: 2023-08-27
Essay Sample on High-Level Recruiting Strategy
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Management Human resources Employment
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1467 words
13 min read

Recruitment processes in a company or organization are among the pillars of success as they contribute towards enhancing the human resources for the organization. With the labor in high demand across different departments and fields, organizations should ensure that they have an enhanced and effective recruitment strategy to attract top talent in their different departments. Specifically, high-level recruiting can be hectic in most organizations, limiting the recruitment of effective officials for the different positions and in various departments. However, with the right and effective recruitment policies, enterprises and organizations can choose the right employees who will not only meet the work-related competencies but also add to the core values of the organization. A university being an educational institution requires professionals in their respective departments for the wellbeing of the students. Useful recommendations, as this essay suggests, should be followed by the organization, towards hiring an articulate project associate.

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Recommendations to the Managers for Recruiting

Effective Recruitment Interviews

Interviews are imminently among the essential aspects of any recruitment process. Therefore, they should be given enough attention to recruiting the best candidates for specific job positions in organizations and corporations. Undoubtedly, a better interview process can improve the recruitment process and guarantee the best employees for the respective positions. The university should, therefore, invest in improving this process, given that this is always the first direct contact that both the candidate and the organization will have with each other, providing the opportunity to gain enough information about each other (Beesley et al., 2010). Moreover, I recommend that the university put much effort into improving the interviews in the recruitment process. According to Nabi et al. (2014), more than 80% of potential and productive candidates change their opinion about working in various organizations as a result of bad interviews, which create wrong first impressions of the company. Therefore, the university should ensure that the interview process is effective towards attaining the best candidates for teaching and the various projects in the institution.

Effective Evaluation of the Candidates

Secondly, I would recommend the university to conduct a practical evaluation of the candidates, as a strategy towards attaining the best talent for the existing positions. Preferably, the management should consider reviewing all the work samples and assignments of the candidates through their portfolios, as part of the hiring procedure. Here, the human resource recruitment team should focus on the specific positions in the teaching and project departments. Doing this will ensure that the university hires candidates competent with the work and, as such, increases efficiency. Additionally, like Bland, Church & Luo (2016) recommend, the management can also try testing the preferred candidates through standardized tests and, as a result, trim and reduce the number of candidates to be interviewed for the positions. And considering that tests may not be perfect, there should also be involvement of other assessment methods and a full analysis conducted to the results before disqualification of the candidates.

Modernization of the Recruitment Process

I would also recommend that the university management considers modernization of the recruitment strategies to attract both the best project and teaching candidates for the available positions in the institution. As among the best strategies to attract the best talent for institutions, recruiting online will enable the management to reach more potential candidates, even those out of the region (Beesley et al., 2010). With the increased level of digitization, there is a considerable possibility of reaching the most qualified candidates online, due to the wide variety of qualities. So, the management should focus on their recruiting efforts online and can also save management time and resources.

Boosting the Candidate Sourcing

Undoubtedly, most qualified individuals employed in various institutions are on alert about new opportunities as they seek to advance their careers or change their environment. The university's management should consider passive sourcing as a recommendation to attract the right candidates for the positions of project and teaching staff. Among them include sourcing candidates through social media, advertising, and following conversations about these specific posts (Nabi et al., 2014). In this process, the management should look for people with interest and relevant experience in project implementation and teaching. The management can also attend events, seminars, and conferences in the industry to meet the right candidates that may attend these events. This can be a perfect ground for sourcing qualified personnel for the institution's positions since various individuals with interest and aggressiveness can be selected for interviews.

Information to Request from the Managers

Planning for the recruitment of teachers among other staff should be a continuous process to ensure the attainment of the best talents to the institutions for better performance. As such, the management is supposed to keep track and if its recruitment process, including the strategies used in the process, to improve the process even further. As a recruitment agency, I would, therefore, be interested to understand the past recruitment process that the institution performed as a way of determining their strengths and weakness in conducting the process. The information I would request from the management, therefore, includes the methods used by the institution to conduct interviews and recruitment processes in the past. This would be a better point of determining if the management's recruitment strategy is up to date with the changes in the market today (Bland, Church & Luo, 2016). I would also request to know the level of response for the previous advertised jobs to the market. This information will help determine candidates have been responding massively to the job advertisements. If not, this would provide an excellent basis to advise the recruitment department on the improvements to be made on job advertisements. I also would request the information about the job positions to be filled by the recruits. Necessarily, this information would help know how to recommend the managers towards the recruitment process effectively.

Strategy to Scout, the Right Candidate for These Positions

To scout the right candidate for the project implementation and teaching positions at the university, I would delve to fully understand what is needed for the vacant roles before beginning the recruitment process. As Nabi et al. (2014) provide, having adequate knowledge about the positions and roles involved during the recruitment process eliminates the potential risks when deciding on the specific candidates to consider for these positions. Additionally, another strategy I would apply to scout for the right candidate would be to use good interviewing skills involving focused thoughts and adept listening to the interviewees. As such, I would consider engaging the candidates fully to understand them thoroughly before considering them for the employment offers. Specifically, I would consider meeting with the candidates more than once to decide whether they are right for the institution's positions.

Moreover, to scout for the best candidates, I would enhance the interview process effectively by encouraging questions from them at first, then questioning them gradually. As such, in questioning them, I would start with the less complicated questions while building to the more difficult ones. Accordingly, this would enable the interviewees to relax, preparing them for more probing questions later with more significance. I would then study their CVs in the interviewing process, to engage with them in a personal way through discussing their hobbies and interests, with regards to the organization's culture and norms. This would, therefore, enable an accurate understanding of the candidates and to determine if they are the right candidates for the vacant positions.


Despite the difficulty in determining the right candidates for particular positions, with the right strategies, it is possible to recruit the best talents to attain success. As presented in the essay, it is recommended that the university considers strategies such as effective recruitment interviews, effective evaluation of the candidates, modernization of the recruitment process as well as boosting the sourcing of the candidates. Considering these strategies will enable the recruitment department to source the right candidates for the existing positions in the institution. As a recruiting agency, to advise the university better, I would request information such as the past interview and recruitment process, the level of response to the past job adverts, and detailed information about the existing positions. Moreover, to scout the best candidate for the position, I would sort to understand the roles before conducting the interviews and enhance the interview questions to understand the candidates adequately.


Beesley, A. D., Atwill, K., Blair, P., & Barley, Z. A. (2010). Strategies for Recruitment and Retention of Secondary Teachers in Central US Rural Schools. Rural Educator, 31(2).

Bland, P., Church, E., & Luo, M. (2016). Strategies for attracting and retaining teachers. Administrative Issues Journal: Connecting Education, Practice, and Research, 4(1), 545.

Nabi, G., Wei, S., Husheng, X., Shabbir, M., Altaf, M., & Zhao, S. (2014). Effective recruitment and selection procedures: An analytical study based on public sector universities of Pakistan. Public Policy and Administration Research, 4(10), 12-20.

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