Governance Policy at Walmart vs Amazon - Paper Example

Published: 2023-12-28
Governance Policy at Walmart vs Amazon - Paper Example
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Company Walmart Amazon Corporate governance
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 933 words
8 min read

Walmart and Amazon have come to be well-known brands in the United States of America and for a worthy cause. Both of them have changed how Americans shop. Amazon provides useful experience and a choice of products that are always changing while Walmart offers a broad network of store sites and superbly low prices. Evaluated as investments, these organizations highpoint the dichotomous makeup of the retail sector, which is brick and mortar compared to e-commerce, extraordinary growing compared to stable growth, US compared to international, and real compared to market outlooks. To combine these clear disparities, a comparison of governance policies for the two firms is vital, all of which show Walmart as the most desirable company to work for. In this paper, governance is in consideration of the models of operations selected by the boards of management to guide their operations.

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In 1962, Sam Walton started Walmart. It is considered the globe’s largest organization by revenues. It runs Sam’s Club, Walmart US, and International. Walmart recorded $119 billion in the second quarter of 2015. Out of that revenue, the US segment reported 62 percent. The International and Sam’s Club reported 26 percent and 12 percent respectively (Kearney, 2014). Its sales are received mainly using one of its over 11,526 physical stores all over the globe. The company similarly gains sales using its website. Nonetheless, not more than 3 percent of sales are produced online (Kearney, 2014). Changing to participate in the digital space, Walmart is transforming into an Omnichannel mode away from the old-fashioned brick-and-mortar retail physical outlets that comprise of online sales. On the other hand, Amazon uses the online channel alone.

The chosen policy at Walmart seems to be a good idea. Accordingly, Walmart is placed to be the top Omni-channel retailer in the world. The retailers have recognized that the future in retail is providing goods and services using firmly incorporated digital and physical channels. Studies have shown that many customers prefer to shop online mostly for discovery and delivery, while they use physical stores to test products and for returns (Kearney, 2014). Notably, two-thirds of the clients who buy online utilize a physical outlet either before or after they transact. The nature of tradeoff in consumer preferences regarding the online and physical stores is fueling an added quantity of retailers to embrace an Omni-channel method. Accomplished online business like Microsoft and Athleta are also establishing brick-and-mortar sites as an element of a combined retail strategy (Kearney, 2014). Conversely, conventional brick-and-mortar retailers are investing more to boost their online presence.

To comprehend the accomplishments of the Omni-channel model selected by the management at Walmart, a financial evaluation is indispensable. Walmart’s level of profitability is more than average. Besides, it has a history of growth in its profits (Wall Street Journal, 2015). It is also known for its capacity to produce profits by maximizing on its scale and operational fineness. The chart below validates that Walmart is certainly above average in all the basic gauges of profitability. Of specific concern is Return on Equity.

Walmart runs on less leverage compared to its rivals and as an outcome can produce high returns on equity (Harvard Business Review, 2012). The profitability levels at Walmart are not a late occurrence. The margin of the Gross profit has been accumulating for not less than twenty years, signifying that Walmart can balance each day’s low pricing using its astonishing purchasing might.

The conventional capital structure that Walmart uses simplifies its mode of raising capital and lessens the effect of mounting rates. The company has utilized profits to reduce its debts and attain a conformist capital structure. Around 60 percent of the assets it owns are financed using debt contrasted to 78 percent that Amazon uses and 68 percent for other rivals in brick-and-mortar rivals (Harvard Business Review, 2012). This comparatively low level of debt to equity ratio is a distinctive element of family-owned ventures which look at debt as a limitation. The moderately low ratio of debt combined with high-interest ratio has provided Walmart with a good credit rating and little cost regarding borrowing. Moody’s offers Walmart a high investment-grade rating of Aa2, which is way higher compared to Amazon and other top rivals.

The merit of Walmart’s conventional capital structure is its capability to issue future debts using lesser costs that its competitors in the industry. Besides, it’s comparatively low levels of debt assist to insulate the business from any shocks of mounting interest rates (Wall Street Journal, 2015). Businesses like Amazon that have high leverage as well as small operating margins will be substantially fraught by debt service in an atmosphere of hastily mounting interest rates.

In conclusion, considering that the anticipated trends within the larger retail sector are projected to spur fast growth of the e-commerce channel as well as steady growth within the brick-and-mortar model, Walmart’s Omni-channel method and strategy are estimated to offer the retailer considerable opportunities for growth. In tandem with the drivers discussed, the fundamental value is much more than its present market value. The information above shows that Walmart is the best choice compared to Amazon for any stakeholder. The best choice to work remains to be Walmart over Amazon.


Harvard Business Review. (2012). What you Can Learn From Family Business. Retrieved from

Kearney, A, T. (2014). On Solid Ground: Brick and Mortar Is the Foundation of Omnichannel Retailing. Retrieved from ce-e40c-450d-97bb-884b017f4cd7

Mergent Online. (2015). Wall Street Journal. (2015). Econ Forecast. Retrieved from

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