Free Essay on the Experience in Appropriate Service Provision

Published: 2019-11-04
Free Essay on the Experience in Appropriate Service Provision
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Health and Social Care
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1573 words
14 min read

Integrate social group work and group facilitation skills across a wide range of environments, supporting growth and development of individuals, families, and communities (v8) Gain competence in the appropriate service delivery mechanisms at Chartwell retirement home by working closer and collaborating with individuals and their families to make life better for all. Communicate more frequently with the staff in an attempt to identify myself with the whole scope of services delivered by Chartwell organization to the old people.

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Guide the elderly through computer lessons and effective use of tech services such as video chats using my strong background in information technology

Applying my ability to socialize well by connecting with senior residents at the facility, including their family members and available volunteers to determine what motivates them

Suggests potential mechanisms to improve service delivery to the elderly by discussing various measures with the management

Assist in special events organized by Chartwell organization including the active participation in committees

Escorting residents on outings and learning out various activities that satisfy them given their age status and how the society views them

Ensuring that the social and emotional needs of the senior citizens are fully met

Collaborating with others in creating a conducive environment that supports the harmonious living of residents at Chartwell facilities

Enhance spiritual nourishment of the senior residents by taking part in spiritual and other religious activities that I am personally comfortable with. Major feedback will be from my supervisors concerning my ability to deliver services as a social worker

I will display good social skills by being able to connect with the residents at Chartwell retirement home and having the trust of the family members.

Feedback from the staff members on my general performance

Managements reaction to my proposal to enhance service delivery to residents within the facility

Personal fulfilment and comfortability levels when interacting with the elderly and helping them out

The transformed lives of the elderly people and a positive reception from their family members September 5th 2017 to November 5th 2017

Understand the efficiency of teamwork in service delivery

Develop and maintain positive working relationships with colleagues, supervisors, and communities (v6) Deepen awareness on the efficiency of teamwork in service delivery by working closer with other social practitioners at Chartwell residency Meet with the staff to point out the appropriate service delivery arrangements that could support effective team play skills

Meet individually with each staff member to identify the diversity and likability of working well with each member given the fact that every professional has different workplace principles

Consult the management on the Chartwell organizational views concerning team effort as an appropriate measure to enhance service delivery

Take part more frequently in activities that require teamwork such as baking and cooking and the active involvement in numerous committees that have been set up by Chartwell

Deduce additional tasks (That are Chartwell appropriate) that require team effort for them to be completed

Organize events outside that Chartwell residence home that would still allow staff and volunteers to meet and build trust of each other both within and outside the job

Consult the management in promoting a culture of group problem solving whereby in any dilemma facing the residence facility; the appropriate mechanism would generate ideas within groups Feedback from the management concerning the team effort changes realized

My personal ability to work close with others during service delivery with the facility and close friendship when outside the facility

Ability to deliver group motivated solutions by the staff

A positive progress in mode and efficiency of service delivery within the facility

Enhanced communication between staff members and the inclusion of the majority in the decision-making process, especially in matters that are directly covering service delivery October 1st, 2017 to 20th December 2017

Gain experience in human rights advocacy

Work in communities to advocate for change strategies that promote social and economic justice and challenge patterns of oppressions and discrimination (v9) Understand the operational principles of Chartwell retirement residency to be able to advocate for an organizational culture that upholds and treats the elderly with respect Meet with the staff to determine measures that have already been put in place to enhance the social well-being of the senior residents

Engage with the residents at Chartwell residential facility to determine their take on how they are being treated and if there are any signs of oppression and discrimination

Meet with family members of the residents within the facility to gain an opinion on how they perceive the entire service delivery package as sponsored by the organization

Postulate measures concerning the equal treatment of the elders like all other members of varying ages and present them to the entire staff for further discussion

Actively engage in direct advocation of the rights that need to be upheld for the senior citizens

Working together with staff members to ensure that each member gains maximum independence at the facility

Organizing with the management at Chartwell to contact respective communities regarding the ability to use communal resources for the better lifestyle nourishment of the senior citizens

Ensure that ethical and legal dimensions of care are put into perspective when dealing with senior residents at Chartwell

Train volunteers at Chartwell Residential home for the seniors to make sure that they deliver appropriate services to those in need

Respect the wish of the senior residents and help them in moving out and back to their homes whenever they feel like and if it is deemed more appropriate by the senior staff members

Feedback from my supervisors regarding the level of personal performance

Response from the senior residents and their families regarding their well-being at the facility

Ability to oversee a successful transition to the mode of service delivery at the facility on upholding the rights of the residents

The independence of the senior residents at the facility as a result of having their wishes being honoured

Compliments from other staff members and the management, in general, will also be useful in gauging the outcome This will begin during the second week of September 2017, and it will end in the last week of December 2017

Understand the cultural aspect of care in retirement homes

Identify strengths, resources, and challenges of individuals, families, groups, and communities to assist them in achieving their goals (v2) Gain knowledge of various defining cultural values practiced by the individuals and families at the residence and understand how the differences dictate appropriate service delivery Chart with each individual resident and point out what is their personal preferred cultural practice in the care provided at Chartwell facility

Interview diverse family members and define various cultural elements that are unique to their perception and treatment of the elderly

Interview the staff and the available nursing practitioners to find out whether traditional treatment mechanisms are allowed within the facility

Interact with the management to find out how cultural diversity is being handled at Chartwell Residential facility

Interact with members of the neighbouring community and identify their perception towards the elderly and their perception of having a senior residential facility in their area

Work closely with the staff to determine which evasive techniques do they take to protect the elderly from age-related stereotypes

Using relevant cultural views on the old age people to boost the self-esteem of the senior residents at Chartwell organization. (a good example is a preference for independence by Japanese and respect for the Indians)

Chart with the senior staff members and volunteers to point out how a cultural aspect is factored in the care of men and women

Develop potential mechanisms based on individual cultural values to enhance the way senior men and women are treated at the facility

Ability to appreciate diverse cultural values in the provision of care

Feedback from the supervisors regarding my proposal to enhance service delivery

Ability to use the available knowledge to boost the self-esteem of the elderly within the residential home

Feedback from the staff regarding their incorporation of diverse cultural views in the delivery of care

The ability of residents making appropriate use of their traditional treatment mechanisms

This will be scheduled from 1st October 2017 to the 2nd week of November 2017

Enhance personal counselling and consultation skills by working closer with the families available at Chartwell Retirement home

Recognize diverse needs and experiences of individuals, groups, families, and communities, to promote accessible and responsive programs and services (v3) Increase the ability to make informed solutions by indulging senior residents at Chartwell including soliciting the opinion of their family members Speak with the staff regarding the best approach to interact with the members at the facility

Create better connection with the senior residents at the center by facilitating one on one chat sessions with the residents

Arrange weekly meetings with a selected number of family members related to the residents and device appropriate treatment preferences to be used

Motivate senior residents by talking about positive factors which can impact their lifestyles constructively

Facilitate family gathering events where members related to three or more residents get to do fun activities together

Help residents to understand the best intention that the management at Chartwell has for them

Encourage senior members that the best choice to make their life matter is by accepting the facility as the home they never had

Educate senior residents on the realities that come with old age and the best way to go about it in the quest to make their lives better

Ability to deduce appropriate measures that can help the senior residents to stay in peace

Close relationship with individual residents at the facility

Trust from the family members of the individuals at the facility

Warm reception from the senior residents at the facility

Ability to convince senior residents into making informed decisions

Starting from the 3rd week of November 2017 to the last week of December 2017

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Field Supervisors Name and SignatureDate

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