Free Paper Sample with the Investigation of Biblical Text

Published: 2022-09-01
Free Paper Sample with the Investigation of Biblical Text
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Christianity Bible
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 881 words
8 min read

The Bible is one of the most important texts to Christians because it was authored to transmit the ideas of God to human beings. Notably, Christians use the Bible as a guide in their daily lives because they believe it provides them with what they require to live righteous lives according to God's word. As such, their lives depend on the understanding of the Bible. Christians have diverse views of the Bible. While some believe it is God's literal word, others view it is the work that was divinely inspired by God and written by man. However, despite the different beliefs, they all agree that it is a source of knowledge on how God would want them to live. Luke Chapter 15 is one of the scripture passages that require an in-depth understanding due to its impact on the lives of Christians and the church today. The paper seeks to provide an in-depth discussion of the parables deliberated in the passage as well as put them in the context of Christianity.

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Luke 15:1 - 32

The Book of Luke is one of the Synoptic Gospels, the first four books of the New Testament that document life of Jesus Christ. Also known as the Gospel of Luke, the book was authored by Luke the Physician. However, throughout the passage, the author does not directly identify himself, even though it is one of the longest of the Gospels (International Bible Society, 2010). The book of Luke provides systematic documentation of the life and teachings of Jesus, and in the passage that will be discussed in this paper, the author wrote about three significant parables that can be used to depict the life of a Christian (Carroll, 2012). In the Chapter, Jesus teachings are anchored on grace and mercy, where sinners are accepted to dine with the righteous.

The Parable of the Lost Sheep

At the beginning of the chapter, a reader is introduced to accusations from Pharisees and the teachers of law that Jesus accepted sinners and tax collectors, "This man welcomes sinners and eats with them" (Luke 15:2, New International Version). This was after individuals considered to be sinners came to listen to the teachings and Jesus did not send them away. Jesus responded to the accusations by introducing the Parable of the Lost Sheep by telling them that if a man had one hundred sheep and lost one, he would leave ninety-nine behind to go and look for the lost one (International Bible Society, 2010). Similarly, if one sinner repented, there is more joy in Heaven compared to that over the ninety-nine righteous persons. The Pharisees had divided the society into two classes: the righteous and the unclean and did not want to associate with sinners because they were unclean. In the passage, the author shows that the Gospel is for both sinners and righteous and they are all accepted before God (Carroll, 2012).

The Parable of the Lost Coin

The scripture presents the other two parables in subsequent verses to show the Pharisees the importance of accepting sinners when they repent and join them in living righteous lives. In the Parable of the Lost Coin, Jesus taught the crowd gathering before him that if a person had ten coins and lost one, he or she would sweep the floor, and look for it, and once it is found, he or she will rejoice with her friends (Luke 15:9, New International Version). The lost sheep and coin are used symbolically to represent a sinner who is lost, and when he or she repents, the angels in heaven rejoice (International Bible Society, 2010).

The Parable of the Lost Son

The third parable in the passage is similar to the first two because it also describes how a sinner repents and he or she is accepted back. However, it is more comprehensive compared to the two in the sense that it explains significant decisions that Christians make in their lives and their effects. Notably, in Luke 15:11-13 (New International Version), the younger son decided to ask for his inheritance and moved to a distant country (International Bible Society, 2010). In verses 17 to 20, he realized his mistake and decided to go back home. His father accepted him back and decided to forgive him. Although the father was joyful for his son had returned home, his elder brother was bitter because he had never been appreciated for being a good son. His father explained to him that it was important to welcome the lost son because he had realized his mistakes and came back home (International Bible Society, 2010).

In conclusion, when Christian loses their ways and falls into sin, they can be compared to the lost son asking for his inheritance and going to a distant land. When they decide to leave their sinful ways and repent, they are forgiven and accepted back. The author of the scripture used the passage to show that God is merciful and receives both the righteous and sinners graciously (Carroll, 2012). Also, it is unrighteous that are objects of divine compassion, and the Gospel was written to bring salvation to them. Therefore, the righteous are required to accept sinners and help them find their way to righteousness.


Carroll, J. T. (2012). Luke (2012): A Commentary. Westminster John Knox Press.

International Bible Society. (2010). The Holy Bible: New International Version. Colorado Springs: Biblica.

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