Free Paper Sample on Romanticism in the Birthmark

Published: 2023-11-25
Free Paper Sample on Romanticism in the Birthmark
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Psychology Human American literature
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 613 words
6 min read


Romantic's perception of nature is utterly perfect. However, a closer inspection shows that nothing in the world lacks tiny flaws, which renders the subject no less pretty than without. The romantics accepts such flaws and perceives them perfection. "The Birthmark "is a romantic story by Hawthorne. The book's main character is a scientist named Aylmer, who is lucky enough to marry the prettiest woman in the world. However, the scientist feels that her flaws are rendering her ugly and imperfect rather than more pretty. Besides the removal of birthmark serving as an act of science, it contradicts the perceptions of romantics. However, his motivation for doing that is exclusively romantic.

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Social Norms

The story features two key characters that violate social norms: Georgiana and Aylmer. By marrying Georgiana, Aylmer breaks the typical reactions to "The Birthmark." The specific responses of "masculine observers, if the birthmark did not heighten their admiration, contented themselves with wishing it away." However, Aylmer is not contented with just a wish; he is confident talking to the subject (Hawthorne, 2015, p. 2). Amazingly, this equates a scientist possessing romantic aspects, something so unique for most romantic literature even to consider. Another aspect of romanticism is Georgiana's initial love of the birthmark. She is not concerned and interested in the perception of her new husband and other people who find the birthmark unpleasant. In his story, Hawthorne creates a scientific and romantic character, both aspects of romanticism: aversion for socially instilled views.

Romantic Aspect

The distrust and criticism of Aylmer on his wife is another distinctive romantic aspect. Before Aylmer married his wife Georgina, he was deep in love, and he could not find any fault in her, but things changed after their wedding when Aylmer was no longer having the same feeling of deep love. He started criticizing his wife's appearance based on the microscopic defect, and that obsession grew inside him to the point that he could not gaze at her face. Aylmer distances himself from his wife with skepticism blaming his criticisms on his wife's mortal sins. Aylmer's obsession is a string in the sense that he sees the 'birthmark' as the sign of Georgina's liability to death, sin, and sorrow, and the 'birthmark' is the reason behind every misfortune that occurred around his wife. Aminadab, who is Aylmer's assistant, has a different perspective of the birthmark, which makes him romantically represented (Hawthorne, 2015). Aminadab argues that if Georgina was his wife, he would hinder the birthmark proving his love for natural creation, making him more romantic when compared to Aylmer, who dislikes the birthmark in a romantic way.


Lastly, Aylmer and his wife Georgina are romantically disillusioned by their lover, where they enjoy their honeymoon without blaming each other on any minor flaws. But, "after his marriage, for he thought little or nothing of the matter before, Aylmer discovered that this was the case with himself,” (Hawthorne, 2015, p. 6) where starts getting disgusted by the birthmark on Georgina's cheek. His negative feeling towards the mark makes him obsessed with finding means of removing it using scientific procedures such as elixirs and potions. He determines a method to remove the birthmark even though he had failed in the same studies previously, but due to his obsession, his wife gets on the boat and supports its removal. The obsession with removing the mark leads to Georgina's physical dismay. “Georgiana soon learns to shudder at his gaze” (Hawthorne, 2015, p. 7).


Hawthorne, N. (2015). The Birthmark (Psychological Thriller): A Dark Romantic Story on Obsession with Human Perfection From the Renowned American Author of" The Scarlet Letter," The House with the Seven Gables," &" Twice-Told Tales"(Including Biography). e-art now.

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