Free Paper Sample on Pathway/Career Interest - Management Information Systems

Published: 2023-12-30
Free Paper Sample on Pathway/Career Interest - Management Information Systems
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Management Career Society
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 590 words
5 min read

The research topic I selected focuses on my career of interest, which is Management Information Systems. The guidelines given by the instructor require my capacity to brainstorm on the topic to provide tangible information related to its significance. I considered the merits and demerits of studying the topic, thus influencing my ability to assimilate it into my research process. Besides, I am expected to provide an overview relevant to the issue of discussion. Therefore, I am not likely to write anything outside the discussion topic as such kind of information will be considered unnecessary.

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In coming up with ideas to discuss in my research topic, I considered and rejected the following ideas; the evolution of Management Information systems and the impact of Management Information systems on society. I rejected the ideas because they portrayed minimal inclusion of my views concerning the topic. The information related to the ideas is already documented, and thus its overview is already predefined. Therefore, it will be inappropriate to provide personal opinions concerning the topics. However, I desired the issues in which I was to provide information through brainstorming and thus showing a sense of originality in the content.

In the brainstorming process, I considered ideas that correlate the topic of discussion with my personality. For instance, I thought about the significance of the Management Information System in my life. Besides, in the brainstorming process, I considered more than one idea. The alternative notion I incorporated in the brainstorming process included analyzing the extent of my desire for the topic of Management Information Systems. Consequently, I considered the following brainstorming techniques to draft my ideas on the matter; Rapid ideation, mind mapping, and brain-writing. These brainstorming mechanisms enhanced my capabilities of establishing several ideas related to my topic of discussion. However, the rapid ideation technique worked better because it enhanced my coming-up capacities with a significant number of views.

In evaluating my topic effectively, I narrowed it down to different ideas—the ideas facilitated in providing a complete overview of the issue. For instance, the following are some of the ideas I considered in the narrowing process of the main idea; the significance of management information systems to my life, the extent to which I desire the degree in the management information system, the nature in which management information system degree will enhance my life, and the capacities that I can transform the society by using the degree on management information system.

From the quick library keyword search, I attained the following results; types of information technology jobs, management information system jobs and salary, the worth of the information system degree, the careers available in the management information system, etc. I ensured that the keyword examined the library databases for relevant periodicals, books, and newspapers. Besides, I utilized different synonyms of the search keywords. Similarly, the World Wide Web search portrayed similar results associated with the topic I selected compared to the library search. Moreover, I utilized more than a search engine in the process of keyword searches. The results were the same, but the arrangement of the information differed in different search engines.

Furthermore, the working thesis I developed is as follows: In what ways will my career in management information systems promote my ability to transform lives in society? Besides, I considered the following variation of my working thesis: People in the community live a life of struggle due to minimal intervention from the scholars. In what means will a management information system degree enhance my abilities to change the status quo?

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Free Paper Sample on Pathway/Career Interest - Management Information Systems. (2023, Dec 30). Retrieved from

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