Free Paper Sample on Communication in Business

Published: 2023-12-25
Free Paper Sample on Communication in Business
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Business communication
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1206 words
11 min read


Communication norms in a business setting vary based on the business culture and models of communication. However, the critical point of consideration is the etiquette employed in the communication process. The rules and norms in businesses regulate communication to provide for better understanding between the parties involved. In a business setting, communication exists in three different verbal, written, and non-verbal communication norms. The written communication norms come from verbal communication, which can be in text messages or even written down on papers. Written communication involves the use of words and can be through magazines, emails, and even websites. On the other hand, verbal communication involves face-to-face communication, presentations and conferences, and also meetings. Generally, the norms govern the communication between the business and its stakeholders.

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Interpersonal Communication

Interpersonal communication is the process by which people exchange information. It involves the use of non-verbal and verbal cues in achieving relational objectives. Interpersonal communication, therefore, helps in improving the relationship between people. Having good interpersonal communication skills is vital for employees and managers in the organization. Interpersonal communication leads to effective leadership and management. The way a manager communicates to their employees and other stakeholders determines their efforts (Singh, 2014). For instance, if a manager maintains etiquette in their communication practices with other managers or stakeholders, then the firm's managerial operations will be successful. Good interpersonal communication improves the employee to manager relationships. Managers can help in solving disputes among employees and also offer advice and counseling on areas of underperformance.

Interpersonal communication creates trust and confidence between managers and other subjects, and as a result, employee motivation is enhanced. As a manager, interpersonal roles are achieved through effective and reliable communication. The leadership role is emphasized with the manager's skill of influencing their subjects into meeting the proposed objectives. The liaison role is stressed through the manager's advice to employees by giving them a listening ear. The manager also monitors employee performance and effectively communicates on areas where employees should improve on. The interpersonal communication also helps managers in external meetings and other executive meetings, whereby they act as spokesmen for their employees of the firm. When orders are given from the directors and other top-level managers, the managers use interpersonal communication skills to disseminate the information to their subjects.

Interpersonal communication plays a significant role in maintaining sustainable relationships among themselves and meeting targets as a team. Interpersonal communication enables employees to share ideas on how to solve emerging issues in the workplace. Likewise, interpersonal communication allows employees to develop a positive attitude among each other. Interpersonal communication creates a trustworthy, honest, and open work culture in firms to communicate conveniently. Interpersonal communication skills also make people relatable and act as role models, which positively affects the workplace. It improves the productivity of employees due to the peaceful environment created by friendly and loving colleagues. It also enhances teams' morale as team members share their ideas in meeting their common goals. Generally, interpersonal communication improves organizational culture and ethical performance. It also promotes synergy and departmental collaboration in meeting overall goals and objectives. Communication enhances the training process as employees can positively ask questions and get feedback.

Specific Techniques

I have come across several barriers to communication, which leads to misinterpretation of information or the communication process's ineffectiveness. I have incurred issues with language barriers in the workplace, and through this, I have embarked on linguistic classes and the use of non-verbal communication to convey messages. To overcome issues related to attitudes, I have ensured that I communicate according to other parties' needs. I have also consulted most of my friends and the end receivers before conveying the message to avoid misinterpretation.

I maintain consistency in the messages and use reliable communication channels like mobile phones and computers, which are accessible virtually. Taking part in the orientation and induction process enabled me to understand the communication culture and norms expected in my workplace (Da HiLLs, 2013). I usually maintain close eye contact when communicating with people I do not trust, or I perceive them to have malicious intentions to know if they are sincere and truthful in their words.

Having good listening skills enables me to get every detail in the message conveyed. When in meetings, I believe in proper turn-taking and healthy debates on raised topics. Therefore, maintaining a high etiquette level and using friendly terms in the discussions improves the communication process. When using technology for communication processes, I always ensure that there are backup sources of energy if there is electricity failure. I maintain flexibility in adjusting to different cultures and scenarios in using suitable and appropriate communication mediums. I ensure that the communicated message is complete and has no signs of inaccuracy or errors that may lead to misinterpretation.

Concise and clear information also helps to improve the effectiveness of the communication process. When communicating with people with emotional challenges, I always get a humorous topic for discussion that will improve the receivers' moods to concentrate on the talks. For persons with disabilities like earing problems or eyesight, then using alternative methods of communication is essential. For instance, for deaf people, the use of sign language is sufficient. Communicating at the right time is vital in solving the barriers related to resistance or mood changes. At the same time, for blind people, using advanced communication or verbal communication is effective. Generally, solving obstacles to effective communication calls for a comprehensive consideration of all the communication process challenges. The solutions will account for the technical, physical, psychological, and emotional barriers to the communication process's success and completeness.

Today's Global Business

International communication helps in the spread of globalization and the improvement of living standards in underdeveloped countries. Global communication has led to an increase in job opportunities in different countries (Casmir, 2013). The job opportunities come from social platforms where adverts are made. International communication has also increased cultural education and propelled business investments in countries due to economic growth. It also promotes international negotiations and treaties in achieving global growth and development. States can also develop a sustainable and positive relationship through global communications.

On the other hand, intercultural interpersonal communication helps create cultural synergy among diverse cultures across the world. It also promotes cultural exchange and adopting a better lifestyle as some of the native cultures are omitted from practice. It also plays a significant role in linguistics as people get to learn new languages. It promotes psychological development across different cultures and the development of global strategies that require cultural diversification. Business-wise, intercultural interpersonal communication enables managers to polish their firms' value and public image by providing products and services that meet cultural needs in different countries.


Preparation for the presentation is the first thing to be considered. Therefore, it is essential first to identify the audience and assess the barriers to effective communication. Afterward, the message is prepared and anticipated from the audiences before developing the presentation (Ziemer & Tranter, 2014). Therefore, capturing the audience's attention involves the use of motivated, loud, and confident tones. Ice breakers and brainstorming are also ways of keeping the audience active. Likewise, I use mild jokes to improve the relationship and comfortability with the audiences to ask questions.

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