Paper Example on European History Image

Published: 2023-07-10
Paper Example on European History Image
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Arts Christopher Columbus American history Intercultural communication
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1027 words
9 min read

From the image, it can be seen that the European arrived at the shores with high confidence and met with the native Americans who were intrigued by their arrival. On arrival, they encountered the native Indians who they describe were as naked as the day they were born. Typically, the native Indians were surprised, and they appeared to be confused when they encountered Columbus at the shores. It can be seen that the Europeans had more advanced technology compared to the native Indians. Ideally, the native Indians seemed to be learning from the European arrival. Nonetheless, the native people had compounded and stratified religious and political systems. The Europeans encounter with the native Indians at the shores provided an opportunity for them to settle in America. The Europeans identified America as the new world. During this first encounter, the Indians were welcoming to the Europeans since they did not understand their motives. Fundamentally, with the Indians being surprised, they welcomed Columbus since they were fascinated by the Europeans who had complete clothes unlike them who barely had any clothes on them. The image portrays how the Indians were shocked by the arrival of a giant ship with strangers inside the ship. Furthermore, the European appearance at the shores indicates that it was their first arrival because they had not been aware of the grounds. The presence of plants suggests that the land could perfectly support arable farming. From the image, it can be interpreted that the Europeans took advantage of the naked and uneducated native Americans. The paper investigates the brave encounter between the European and Native Americans. Moreover, it also analyses the opportunities and religious systems between the native Americans and the Europeans

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Columbus's brave encounter with the Native Americans proved to be full of beneficial opportunities for the Europeans. The image portrays the Native Americans as people with primitive ways of living. The Indians lived in houses that only had roofs but lacked walls. These explain their primitive ability to think because they did not have any education. The strength of the Europeans to make clothes and boats for sailing explains they were learned and had access to technology. The image depicts how the two communities differed in their ways of thinking, with the Europeans having the upper hand. From the picture, the Native Americans walked with sticks that represented their weapons. The Native American's primitive tools and lifestyle could have induced the Europeans to take advantage of the situation and benefit from the position.

Native Americans' religious beliefs were represented by the spiritual practices of the indigenous persons. Typically, the advance lifestyle of Europeans portrayed from the image shows that they had a different cultural and religious practice compared to that of the native Americans. With Columbus's arrival, they discovered both the New World and an extensive religious belief of the native Americans, which was different from theirs. Columbus was set to change the new world and convert the native American's religion. The Native Americans worshiped idols whom they considered a representation of their spiritual beliefs. The Indians worshiped a supreme being whom they were convinced he was the giver of everything they had, including the crops. With Columbus's demand to change the native American's religious beliefs, he awakened conflict because of the different religious beliefs between Columbus and the Indians. Categorically, the Native American's economic life was similar to that of their religious life. Europeans believed that the native Indian's religion was based on satanic beliefs because they could not understand their spiritual growth.

The Europeans displayed great bravery on arrival on the shores of the Native Americans. The Europeans found welcoming but vulnerable Native Americans who lacked clothes to cover themselves. The Europeans contemplated the vulnerability of the Indians as an opportunity to take advantage of the Indians and colonize the land. From the image, one can conclude that the Europeans had a more advanced lifestyle compared to that of the Indians.

The difference in technology prompted the Europeans to conquer the Indians and take control of their lands since they had no efficient weapons that could protect them from the Europeans. The sticks shown in the image were meant for the cultivation of their crops; thus, they had no animal-drawn plow to help in farming. Moreover, the image presents how the Native Americans were unorganized because of their primitive lifestyle; therefore, they had no trained army that could protect them from invaders. These could have provoked the Europeans to snatch lands from the Indians and also to enslave them.

The Native American's primitive lifestyle could have encouraged the Europeans to take over the land from the Indians. Furthermore, the image plainly shows no evidence of the Native American's ability to resist the European rule since they had the upper hand with better technology and education. The neighboring European nations could have looked down on the native Americans because their culture differed from theirs; thus, they could not engage in trade activities with them. Technically, the Indians had no chance with the Europeans since the neighboring nations like Spain could have supported the visitors since they shared the same culture of Christianity. From the image, one can interpret that Columbus's intentions for the Indians were entirely based on his claim for their land. In addition, the Europeans had a vast amount of resources that the Native Americans did not have, and these could have contributed to them enslaving the Indians.


The arrival of the European nation in the Native American residence created a conflict between Europeans and Native Americans. The Europeans who had advanced technology opted to conquer the land from the Indians. Consequently, the Europeans were influenced by power, wealth, and the need to create a new world for themselves. The image shows the difference in resources between these two nations, hence causing the Native Americans to be enslaved by the Europeans. The Native Americans were forced to abandon their cultural beliefs by the Europeans, who were Christians. The Indians had not vast resources like the Europeans; hence they could not match the resources. The Europeans ended up creating a new world for their kind, by enslaving the native Indians.

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Paper Example on European History Image. (2023, Jul 10). Retrieved from

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